Make Mobile Apps for Nonprofits Groups, Organization, Mission and Charity - 3 views
Sunil Sharma on 10 Jul 12Educate, engage and solicit donations from your supportive community with a FANtastic4NonProfits mobile app! Your Non-Profit is focused on doing good, whether within your own community or throughout the world at large. Your time and efforts should be spent on continuing that cycle of good, not on keeping in touch with your supporters.
anastacia3344 on 08 Feb 23I need to create a site and an app for a non-profit organization. Any updates?
rachel999 on 08 Feb 23Before you start, I'd like to pay attention to the specific requirements of a nonprofit website such as nonprofit web design (you need to choose a quality nonprofit template), responsive design, About Us and Our Mission sections, a News section, photo and video galleries, a donation option, integration with social networks, and a Contact page. Speaking about the choice of a web builder, you can find a good list here Also, this article includes other useful info on the topic that might help you.