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Luissana Gomez

Online courses must die! - 0 views

    very interesting...
Milton Serrano

Wikis for Everyone - Wikispaces - 1 views

shared by Milton Serrano on 24 Aug 12 - Cached
    The free, easy way to get your classroom online. Class schedules, homework assignments, notices for parents, and showcases of student work can all be online in minutes - in an educational wiki as public or private as you want it to be. Teachers work hard. Give them software that isn't hard work.
Bleixen Sanchez

Naace: A Virtual Learning Environment : Led and Loved by Infants - 1 views

    As a mother of two, my youngest daughter is always online, talking to her friends on facebook, and other pages. I think that the opportunity given for children to learn how to study and learn through VLE could be a great tool for parents, that are not at home because of the work and study.  I would love to give it a try to see how our own children can learn through VLE.
greisly gonzalez

Mind 42 - 15 views

Mind 42 is an excellent tool because it helps teachers and students to gather and share information in a different and fun way.


Elidia Guerra

Collaborize Classroom | Online Education Technology for Teachers and Students - 3 views

    Collaborize Classroom is a free e-learning classroom for teachers and their students. It's a wonderful page easy to use, try it!
Bleixen Sanchez

Online Ed*Spot: ADA Compliance - 0 views

    All the information here is amazing. But I have to admit that the one video about how to NOT  interview for a job, was amazing...I couldnt belive it, it was so have to judge yourselfves....I am sure you gonna like it. is a place to create and invent.....
Milton Serrano


    This is a interesting conference about STUDENT EXPERIENCE OF THE USES OF VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (VLES) FOR MODULE DELIVERY PRESENT BY: MARK WOODS in where is posible to know more about VLES experience in other countries and its a good manner to start involve into VLES if you do not know how to work on it.
Milton Serrano

Edmodo | Secure Social Learning Network for Teachers and Students - 1 views

shared by Milton Serrano on 24 Aug 12 - Cached
    Edmodo provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. Our goal is to help educators harness the power of social media to customize the classroom for each and every learner
Randy Morales open-source community-based tools for learning - 1 views

shared by Randy Morales on 25 Aug 12 - Cached
OMC Lassonde liked it
    Moodle is a free web application used by professors to create online teaching and learning sites.
    Randy. Add a picture.
Sarah Ferguson

Visual Quickstart Guide for Hosts - 0 views

    Get started on adobeconnect
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