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Vilma Sampson

Image After - 3 views The name of the site is Image*After. This site provides a variety of images that are free to download and use for commercial or personal work. The photos are in high re...

high school college students graphic design internal design

started by Vilma Sampson on 28 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
George Bradford

Royalty Free Stock Video, Music, Photos, Illustrations, Sound Effects, After Effects an... - 1 views

    Originally shared by Julia Hollins on 15 Jul 13. The original post was removed and this one shared instead, due to technical issue with the original post. This site provides free music, photos and videos. The second criterion is it had to be a repository. Repositories are large storage spaces for indexing, retrieving and managing visual information. The user may find a database using any of the text-based meta-search engines. These were extremely helpful in locating the three sources used for evaluation. The third criterion used to evaluate online video and photo repositories was whether or not the content progressed into developing a visual information retrieval system. Some of the methods for retrieving digital images and videos were easier than others. Some queries used features such as colors, textures, shapes, motions and spatiotemporal compositions (Chang, Smith, Beigi, & Benitez, 1997). Lastly, the fourth criterion used to evaluate the online photo repositories was whether it had multimedia features. The repository databases classify information according to the domains that use them. For example, online repositories used by museums, libraries, archives and photo stock differ by the following features: 1) automation, 2) abstraction, 3) content collection, and 4) generability and categorization.
    Users of this site should be advised that resources are royalty free. Please check the legal details on the following page:
Hiroko Turner

Image * After : images : objects signs - 0 views

    This site is more functional than the other two I posted. One of the unique features is its large collection. There are not only objects (photos or illustrations) but also materials/textures available. Another feature is that they have some pull-down menus to narrow down the search. We can select the images by the topic (animal, architectures, etc), dominant colors of the image we want, the number of items we want to see at once, etc. These functions meet the users' needs. The site also asks for donations of the images. The challenge might be the filter set by the districts. Almost all the time this is the case some teachers are discouraged. It is strongly recommended teachers check this site on a school computer before the intended use. If blocked, requesting unblocking may be the next thing to do. Furthermore, as a school or department it may be a good idea to secure several online repositories that are not blocked; therefore, any teachers can use at any time safely for educational purposes. Lesson Example: 3rd grade and above in Visual Arts Direction: In our life there are many signs. Common features of those signs are simplicity (restricted numbers of colors, shapes, lines, etc.) and clearness of a message (directly represented by an object). Suppose you are a professional illustrator and the city has asked you to create a symbol/sign useful to the community. Make sure to provide good reasons to back up your creation. (Ex. how your creation will promote the welfare of the city, reduce the crimes, or promote business, etc.) Search the needs of the city so that your creation is timely and meets the needs of the city. Save the resources. Image citation: Dario sign no baby carriages warning lift. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Anna Queener

Photo Rack - Stock Photos - 0 views

    This site offers thousands of free pictures that are categorized so you can easily find the image you are looking for. Here are some of the examples of categories you will find on this site: home living, nature, cooking, business, animals, backgrounds, and textures. Within each main category group, the site breaks the groups into more specific categories.
    Since the majority of the students I work with as a SLP range in age from 4 to 7 I often find myself needing pictures of common objects to include in my lessons when increasing vocabulary and teaching the concept of categories. This is especially important when working with students who do not only exhibit a language impairment but are also learning English as second language. This site is incredibly useful to me because I have numerous pictures available at my fingertips.

    One possible problem with this site is that the pictures are very basic. While this is best for the students I work with, these pictures may not be useful for all students. Also, there is no way to filter what images may appear in each group. While I presume there are no inappropriate pictures, there is no way to ensure this. I feel comfortable using this site however because my students will not be using the site directly be themselves. Anything I retrieve from the site will be done prior to the lesson to reduce the risk of inappropriate pictures popping up.

Free Stock Photos at - Totally Free Stock Photography and Textures! - 0 views

    This website is amazing. Once you sign up for a free account, you are able to download and use thousands of high quality images. Teachers can incorporate these pictures into their personal PowerPoints, Prezis, etc. or they can have their students use the pictures in projects. There are many beautiful landscape photos. This would be a great opportunity for 5th graders to gather pictures of different landforms and make a presentation using them.
Camille P Sanders

Pixel Perfect Digital - Free Stock Photos - 1 views

    This repository offers free images in the forms of: photos, backgrounds, and textures. The only request is that users give credit for the image used. The images are organized in galleries by topics such as, food or technology. This website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. There is sign up request to download images. This repository would be best used by middle and high school students for any content area. The only issue I encountered with this site is the advanced search option. I tried using specific key words (i.e sports) and only one image was found. I found that it was easier to browse through the galleries for more results. I could see this being a problem for those students who do not like taking the time to browse through the galleries.
Adrienne DuBose - 0 views

This is a website that has photos and 3-D drawings. These photos are free stock photos, backgrounds, and textures. On the website it does state that, "All our images are provided under a creative c...

copyright-free high school middle school elementary school photos

started by Adrienne DuBose on 30 Nov 13 no follow-up yet
Dekeitha Eubanks | Stock Photos / Blog - 1 views

    This website is of the form of a blog. The material itself is a collection of royalty-free photos. Mostly, I could see these photos reaching a mature level of students in grades 9-12. I also think that these students would have a less difficult time finding resources that they would actually be able to incorporate it into an educational setting. The photos on are priced at $5 each. The quality of the work that can be found through categories and sub-categories are well worth the price.
Tiffany Davis

PicDrome - Public Domain Pictures - 0 views

    This online database contains very high-quality "Public Domain," "Copyright-Free" photographs that are easily accessible from 10 different category divisions on the "Gallery Index" page; Abstract, Architecture & Cityscapes, Food & Drinks, Industrial & Machinery, Miscellaneous, Nature, Sports & Recreation, Technology, Textures & Backgrounds, and Travel. In the "Terms of Use" statements, the creators state that " is a growing Public Domain digital photography collection, free of copyright and licensed under Creative Commons…all images are free to download for personal, educational and commercial use, without restriction." They also advise users to check the "Disclaimer" statement link regarding any additional licenses; however, in the disclaimer statement there didn't appear to be any other restrictions listed. Students in upper Elementary school through High school would be able to easily navigate and download these photographs that were relevant to project work they were completing. For example, my Middle School students would greatly benefit from the close-up photos of food from all of the food groups in this repository, when they complete "Family & Consumer Science" class projects that present visual examples of nutritionally balanced menus. The only problematic portion of the website is the banner advertisement located directly below the title/search box and right above the category links…it often advertises products and sites that require purchasing but, the banner looks so much like the website heading that it is easily clicked on by "mistake." Educators would need to forewarn students of this obstacle before giving them free reign of the site's valuable images.
Tiffany Davis

Bells 'n Whistles - Everything you need to build your website, for free! - 1 views

    This online repository includes hundreds of copyright-free graphics that would be worthwhile for middle-high school students & educators to use to add a multitude of interesting "bells & whistles" to their word documents, multimedia presentations, or websites. In my 5th-8th grade Library Media Center, social studies students are currently completing PowerPoints presenting their research about assigned Middle Eastern countries. I can foresee allowing students who have finished adding all assigned subject content to their slides, use this site to add "spinning globe" bullets, horizontal rule section dividers in the shape of "International Flags" or "Palm Trees," and "Textured Sand" backgrounds. All of the graphics were easy to navigate to from a large table on the index page and everything I experimented with downloaded and inserted easily, the quality of the images was excellent, and many of the animations would be relevant for school assignments. In the "Terms of Use" section, the creators advertise that, " graphics are free for your use and if you use them we ask that you PLEASE DOWNLOAD what you need…Do Not link to our graphics." I did not encounter anything on the site that required royalty fees or additional software to load before gaining access. The only problem educators might want to mention to students before using is to make sure they insert only school-appropriate graphics…while nothing on the site was unsuitable for student-viewing, there was a "Foaming Beer Mug" divider and "Dripping Blood" Halloween images that students would need to avoid downloading into projects.
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