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Dwayne Abrahams

Ramven Mobile Web Apps - 4 views

    Ramven has released Mobile Web Apps for informative and productivity. Our Mobile Web Apps include financial calculators, unit converters and many more categories. These Mobile Web Apps are light weight and support all major mobile, tablet, smart phone and desktop web browsers.
Fred Delventhal

DROPitTOme - Securely receive files from anyone to your Dropbox - 25 views

    "Securely receive files from anyone to your Dropbox. Ever wish you could easily receive big files from anyone? Now you can! Together with Dropbox you can setup an unique upload address with password protection. DROPitTOme is your one stop solution when an email is just not enough."
Linda Nitsche

Team WhiteBoarding with Twiddla - Painless Team Collaboration for the Web - 0 views

    Mark up websites, graphics, and photos, or start brainstorming on a blank canvas. Browse the web with your friends or make that conference call more productive than ever. No plug-ins, downloads,
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