Soungle is a free site, developed by Southern Codes, for finding all kind of sound FX and musical instruments samples on our mega online library. As different from most of similar sites, Soungle is NOT a Web search engine. It only searches in our growing monster database. Our goals are to keep it simple to use (search, preview and download) and to keep it free
Switch is a sound file format converter for Windows or Mac. Convert audio files from many different file formats into mp3, wav or wma. For example convert wav to mp3, mp3 to wav, wma to mp3 or many other formats. Just add the files you want to convert, select the output format, and then click convert.
Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems. Learn more about Audacity... Also check our Wiki and Forum for more information.
Interactive whiteboards (IWB) allow science and math teachers to teach multi-sensory lessons, seamlessly jumping from one type of media to another. Interactive science or math lessons can easily integrate text, sound, video, and graphics based on the tactile nature of the IWB.
The dead-sexiest sunglasses ever with color choices of red, blue,silver,black and gray.These 1GB/2GB MP3 Sunglasses can effortlessly bring sunshine and music together. What more, the ear plugs are super-adjustable and comfortable to fit any people, and the sound quality is excellent...
Formula 1 RC cars, vintage RC cars, concept RC cars, mini/micro RC cars are today s kids playing toys. If your kids don t have them, maybe it t the time you should think of getting one for them. They are toy grade RC cars which are easy to control while cause no danger to the players. If you prefer playing or racing indoors or have limited space to play, there are small but fast car models. Popular models are the 1/18 Mini and the 1/52 micro models with stunning details like running with head light, the rotor sound like a real engine, or the Mini Cooper model with detailed interior, as well as high realistic outlooks.
SightSpeed is the award-winning provider of Internet video chat and voice calling for friends and family, and video conferencing solutions for businesses. We make it easy to install and set up so you can...
Connect with everyone in your network, face to face, anyplace
Save time, hassle, and money spent on travel
Help save our environment by minimizing your carbon footprint!
Our patented video technology ensures you get the best possible video and sound quality every time, unlike other online video services. SightSpeed offers the highest-quality, full-motion 30 frames per second video with clear audio and no annoying delay.
ABCya! is a leader in free & exciting computer activities for elementary students to learn on the web. All educational computer games and activities were created or approved by certified teachers! Activities are modeled from primary grade lessons and enhanced to provide an interactive way to learn. The activities incorporate content areas such as math and reading while introducing basic computer skills. Many of the kindergarten and first grade games are equipped with sound to enhance understanding. You can also find great elementary holiday activities here! Holiday activities available in grade level sections!
ePEARL is a free, bilingual, web-based electronic portfolio software. Based on sound research evidence, coupled with feedback from the field, ePEARL has been designed to encourage self-regulation in learners within student-centred curricula
This handy music player converts between ALL formats of music. I needed to take a song to put into a movie and converted it here. There are some robust tweaks that let you make your music sound better that I haven't even gotten into. (Hint, convert your mp3 to .wav to put in a movie.)
"The program produces professional sounding, individualized report cards in the shortest possible time. It uses a set of statements written by the teacher or downloaded from the net which can then be tailored to suit individual students needs. "
Are your kids inquiring young scientists who are always curious about the world around them? If so, the following websites are just what you need. They contain some of the best science games for kids online. Each of them are fun to explore and play with, but they also have a sound educational base.