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Anita Close

The Best Internet Safety Curriculum Resources for K-12 Teachers - 22 views

  • googletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display('BH_Education_K12Learning_ATF_Top_Leaderboard_728x90')}); 1 Comment Home > Education > K-12 Learning > Technology in the Classroom Internet Safety: Resources for School Curriculums Article by Jonathan Wylie (18,588 pts ) Edited & published by Wendy Finn (25,052 pts ) on Dec 11, 2010 Related Guides: Social MediaCongressInternet Safety // 21st century educators are using more and more technology to enhance the teaching and learning in their classrooms, but the issue of online safety always remains. This article will help teachers find and create an internet safety curriculum to help guard against the pitfalls of online learning. if(typeof google_adnum=="undefined")var google_adnum=0; function google_ad_request_done_internal(){var b=google_adTemplate_head=google_adTemplate_head.replace(/,google_info.feedback_url),a;if(google_ads.length!=0){if(google_ads.length>0)for(a=0;a //Define ad variables below: google_ad_client = "pub-6409535612800042"; // substitute your client_id (pub-#) google_ad_output = "js"; google_max_num_ads = "3"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_image_size = "336x280"; google_ad_channel = "7379313283"; google_feedback = "on"; google_adtest = "off"; google_adTemplate_head = 'Ads by Google'; google_adTemplate = ' google_ads_line1 google_ads_visurlgoogle_ads_line2 google_ads_line3 '; google_adTemplate_footer = '' google_skip = google_adnum; //google_ad_request_done function - this gets called by Google via their external js function google_ad_request_done(){ google_ad_request_done_internal(); //call our internal function to build ad } google_protectAndRun("render_ads.js::google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad); Ads by Google Easiteach Training
  • families up to date with the latest information regarding the use of media and communication in all forms. The CyberSmart curriculum is non-sequential and has standards-based lessons that are designed to meet state and national standards. Free posters,
    21st century educators are using more and more technology to enhance the teaching and learning in their classrooms, but the issue of online safety always remains. This article will help teachers find and create an internet safety curriculum to help guard against the pitfalls of online learning.
Jeff Johnson

Test Bench: Flash-based laptops - Times Online - 0 views

    The Acer owes its speedy start in part to its Linux-based operating system, which is far more nimble than Windows. Of course, you won't have access to Windows-compatible software, but the custom-built Linux interface is friendly and you get a full set of office, media and internet applications on its 8GB solid-state drive.
Cerese Godfrey

Cerese's Conversations - Cerese Godfrey [CereseG] on Plurk - 0 views

shared by Cerese Godfrey on 26 Sep 09 - Cached
  • cfox2saysalong the bottom there is a plurk lottery where
  • g_teachasksGingerTPLC to check her PPsKathsaysgood evening all. Just got home from Baker class. 24 students in class this evening. Lots of questio
  • CereseGhatesto think of going to work the rest of this year. I am so tire of this upheavals!!...111/11StacysaysSo, if you're 15 and you cry, you can get through to the male judges?...51/11Stacysaysshould I shovel now or wait until tomorrow?...12g_teachsaysdownloaded a chess app for my iPod4bknittlewonderswhich of my plurk pals will be heading to EduCon....2McTeach Seriously, I absolutely hate leaving a meeting feeling that angry at how MY time is of no value to administrators!...1elainejsaysday was mtgs from start to now. Yikes! Need to go to the groc then home to take something for my throat....Godtessshareshave you seen My Blackberry is not Working? ...3Amy Cordova I am tired!1/11Stacysayscheck it out: contracts negotiated, proposals written - now wait on 6 boards to approve or deny, 15 others are onboard!...9angiemc99askswhen something has to go in your day...what do you drop? (Due to lack of time)
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