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Admission Times

SNAP 2013 Result Announced on 9th January - 0 views

    The cut-off marks for SNAP 2013 will be declared during the result of the exam. Each participating institute will declare their individual SNAP 2013 cut-offs. Since this year the SNAP 2013 Cut-off marks have not been declared yet, we will give you the last year's SNAP cut-offs so that you can get an idea about the SNAP 2013 Cut-off and what to expect this year.  
Teach Hub

Top 12 Ways to Snap Out of a Teaching Slump - 0 views

    It's that time of year again. The months between winter break and spring break can feel like the longest days of a teacher's life. But don't despair! Here are some ways to snap yourself - or your students - out of that slump.
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