Patternicity: Finding Meaningful Patterns in Meaningless Noise: Scientific American - 7 views
Quang Chu on 26 Oct 12I think this is a very interesting article. This article reminds me of the story about a biologist and a businessman. They are walking together. Suddenly, the biologist hears the sound of an extremely rare insect that he hes been looking for a long time. The businessman does not hear anything. Later, the businessman hears a sound of a quarter just hits the ground. And of course, the biologist does not hear it. So i think it is very similar to this article because people can find things that they are interested in easier than things that they never want. By getting interested in something, the brain or our mind will create like a pattern inside, and it keeps telling and seeking from everything around us that might be related of what we are looking for or what we are interested in.