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Brian R

Study Examines U.S. Births to Illegal Immigrants, Context for Birthright Citizenship De... - 1 views

  • Eight percent of all babies born in the U.S. in 2008 belonged to illegal immigrant parents, according to a groundbreaking analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Pew Hispanic Center. Under the 14th amendment to the Constitution, each child obtained U.S. citizenship at birth while one or both of the parents remained undocumented.
  • Eight percent of all babies born in the U.S. in 2008 belonged to illegal immigrant parents, according to a groundbreaking analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Pew Hispanic Center. Under the 14th amendment to the Constitution, each child obtained U.S. citizenship at birth while one or both of the parents remained undocumented.
    "Eight percent of all babies born in the U.S. in 2008 belonged to illegal immigrant parents, according to a groundbreaking analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Pew Hispanic Center. Under the 14th amendment to the Constitution, each child obtained U.S. citizenship at birth while one or both of the parents remained undocumented. "
Brian R

White House Cites State Secrets to Fight Lawsuit Over Assassination Program | The Blaze - 1 views

  • The Obama administration on Saturday invoked the state secrets privilege which would kill a lawsuit on behalf of U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, an alleged terrorist said to be targeted for assassination under a U.S. government program.
Brian R

Archived-Articles: Wrecks, Lies and Barney Frank - 0 views

    "was signed marked up with over 66 pages of Liberal wealth redistribution wish-fulfillment under the guise of assuring "affordable housing." While it did establish ( and way too late, Barney ) the Federal Housing Finance Agency, with regulatory authority over Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Federal Home Loan Banks, and the Office of Finance, it's bogged down with tons of pork-fat. This oinker even increased the national debt limit from $9.82 trillion to $10.62 trillion, and commissioned a boatload of programs for low income families to spend it on."
Brian R

Obama wins! And Journolisters rejoice | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Rese... - 0 views

  • Nov. 3: DAVID ROBERTS, GRIST: It’s all I can do not to start bawling. LUKE MITCHELL, HARPER’S: I’m picturing something like VJ Day in Times Square. Seriously! JOHN BLEVINS, SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE OF LAW: It’s all I can do to hold it together. Nov. 4: MOIRA WHELAN, NATIONAL SECURITY NETWORK: I’m looking across the street at my polling place, and the line is wrapped around the block. I nearly burst into tears when I saw it. I’m feeling like today is closing the door on a terrible era, and opening another. I’m glad you started this thread because I was feeling kind of like I was the only one who is deeply emotional today. HENRY FARRELL, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY: I had to close my office door yesterday because I was watching YouTube videos of elderly African Americans saying what this meant to them and tearing up. JOSH BEARMAN, LA WEEKLY: 11 months ago I burst into tears by myself on a plane while watching Hardball when my mind wandered to the image of President Obama being sworn in. I’ve been fighting it ever since.
  • Nov. 3: DAVID ROBERTS, GRIST: It’s all I can do not to start bawling. LUKE MITCHELL, HARPER’S: I’m picturing something like VJ Day in Times Square. Seriously! JOHN BLEVINS, SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE OF LAW: It’s all I can do to hold it together. Nov. 4: MOIRA WHELAN, NATIONAL SECURITY NETWORK: I’m looking across the street at my polling place, and the line is wrapped around the block. I nearly burst into tears when I saw it. I’m feeling like today is closing the door on a terrible era, and opening another. I’m glad you started this thread because I was feeling kind of like I was the only one who is deeply emotional today. HENRY FARRELL, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY: I had to close my office door yesterday because I was watching YouTube videos of elderly African Americans saying what this meant to them and tearing up. JOSH BEARMAN, LA WEEKLY: 11 months ago I burst into tears by myself on a plane while watching Hardball when my mind wandered to the image of President Obama being sworn in. I’ve been fighting it ever since.
  • Nov. 3: DAVID ROBERTS, GRIST: It’s all I can do not to start bawling. LUKE MITCHELL, HARPER’S: I’m picturing something like VJ Day in Times Square. Seriously! JOHN BLEVINS, SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE OF LAW: It’s all I can do to hold it together. Nov. 4: MOIRA WHELAN, NATIONAL SECURITY NETWORK: I’m looking across the street at my polling place, and the line is wrapped around the block. I nearly burst into tears when I saw it. I’m feeling like today is closing the door on a terrible era, and opening another. I’m glad you started this thread because I was feeling kind of like I was the only one who is deeply emotional today. HENRY FARRELL, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY: I had to close my office door yesterday because I was watching YouTube videos of elderly African Americans saying what this meant to them and tearing up. JOSH BEARMAN, LA WEEKLY: 11 months ago I burst into tears by myself on a plane while watching Hardball when my mind wandered to the image of President Obama being sworn in. I’ve been fighting it ever since.
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  • July 22, 2010 Obama wins! And Journolisters rejoice By Jonathan Strong - The Daily Caller | Published: 12:56 PM 07/21/2010 | Updated: 7:13 PM 07/21/2010 Nov. 3: DAVID ROBERTS, GRIST: It’s all I can do not to start bawling. LUKE MITCHELL, HARPER’S: I’m picturing something like VJ Day in Times Square. Seriously! JOHN BLEVINS, SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE OF LAW: It’s all I can do to hold it together. Nov. 4: MOIRA WHELAN, NATIONAL SECURITY NETWORK: I’m looking across the street at my polling place, and the line is wrapped around the block. I nearly burst into tears when I saw it. I’m feeling like today is closing the door on a terrible era, and opening another. I’m glad you started this thread because I was feeling kind of like I was the only one who is deeply emotional today. HENRY FARRELL, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY: I had to close my office door yesterday because I was watching YouTube videos of elderly African Americans saying what this meant to them and tearing up. JOSH BEARMAN, LA WEEKLY: 11 months ago I burst into tears by myself on a plane while watching Hardball when my mind wandered to the image of President Obama being sworn in. I’ve been fighting it ever since.
  • July 22, 2010 Obama wins! And Journolisters rejoice By Jonathan Strong - The Daily Caller | Published: 12:56 PM 07/21/2010 | Updated: 7:13 PM 07/21/2010 Nov. 3: DAVID ROBERTS, GRIST: It’s all I can do not to start bawling. LUKE MITCHELL, HARPER’S: I’m picturing something like VJ Day in Times Square. Seriously! JOHN BLEVINS, SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE OF LAW: It’s all I can do to hold it together. Nov. 4: MOIRA WHELAN, NATIONAL SECURITY NETWORK: I’m looking across the street at my polling place, and the line is wrapped around the block. I nearly burst into tears when I saw it. I’m feeling like today is closing the door on a terrible era, and opening another. I’m glad you started this thread because I was feeling kind of like I was the only one who is deeply emotional today. HENRY FARRELL, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY: I had to close my office door yesterday because I was watching YouTube videos of elderly African Americans saying what this meant to them and tearing up. JOSH BEARMAN, LA WEEKLY: 11 months ago I burst into tears by myself on a plane while watching Hardball when my mind wandered to the image of President Obama being sworn in. I’ve been fighting it ever since. EZRA KLEIN, AMERICAN PROSPECT: OHIO!
    "Nov. 3: DAVID ROBERTS, GRIST: It's all I can do not to start bawling. LUKE MITCHELL, HARPER'S: I'm picturing something like VJ Day in Times Square. Seriously! JOHN BLEVINS, SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE OF LAW: It's all I can do to hold it together. Nov. 4: MOIRA WHELAN, NATIONAL SECURITY NETWORK: I'm looking across the street at my polling place, and the line is wrapped around the block. I nearly burst into tears when I saw it. I'm feeling like today is closing the door on a terrible era, and opening another. I'm glad you started this thread because I was feeling kind of like I was the only one who is deeply emotional today. HENRY FARRELL, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY: I had to close my office door yesterday because I was watching YouTube videos of elderly African Americans saying what this meant to them and tearing up. JOSH BEARMAN, LA WEEKLY: 11 months ago I burst into tears by myself on a plane while watching Hardball when my mind wandered to the image of President Obama being sworn in. I've been fighting it ever since."
Brian R

He came, he saw, he spent | | The Michigan View - 0 views

  • But the green economy looks like a lot of green for the well-connected. The president handed $150 million in stimulus money over to Korean CEO Peter Bahnsuk Kim of LG Chem. LG Chem is an $11 billion Korean conglomerate that hardly seems a candidate for the American Recovery Act. No wonder the program is so unpopular. Accompanying Obama was Governor Jennifer Granholm - Obama praised her as “one of the best governors in America” even as she presides over the nation’s second highest unemployment rate – who has been complaining that Washington Republicans are denying her the $500 million in stimulus money she needs to plug Michigan’s Medicaid budget hole. So here she was in West Michigan celebrating $150 million for Corporate Korea. Huh?
    Obama touts spending $150,000,000 to create 300 jobs, Avg $500,000 per job or 27,000,000 million jobs total in the US if that model was applied to the country as a whole
Brian R

Who Would Benefit from the Government Regulating Google Search Results? | WebProNews - 0 views

  • There's a very interesting discussion going on about whether or not the government should regulate search results. This begun earlier this week, when the New York Times ran an editorial titled, "The Google Algorithm", which suggests one way "to ensure the editorial policy guiding Google's tweaks is solely intended to improve the quality of the results and not to help Google's other businesses," is to "give some government commission the power to look at those tweaks." Should the government regulate search results? Share your thoughts.
    NY Times suggests that Gov regulate google's search methodologies.
Brian R - Fox News Poll: Obama Job Approval Down, Few Think Stimulus Helped - 0 views

  • A Fox News poll released Thursday finds that 43 percent of voters approve of the job Obama's doing, matching a previous low in early April. Two weeks ago 47 percent approved, and a year ago 54 percent of voters approved. His highest approval thus far was 65 percent in January 2009.
  • Among independents, 40 percent approve today, down from a high of 66 percent in June 2009.
  • By 64-27 percent, voters think the Bush tax cuts should be extended rather than allowed to expire, as they are set to do this year.
Brian R

Karl Rove: My Biggest Mistake in the White House - - 0 views

  • Senate Intelligence Chairman Bob Graham organized a bipartisan letter in December 2001 warning Mr. Bush that Saddam's "biological, chemical and nuclear weapons programs . . . may be back to pre-Gulf War status," and enhanced by "longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies." Yet two years later, he called for Mr. Bush's impeachment for having said Saddam had WMD.
  • But in his remarks on Oct. 10, 2002, supporting the war resolution, he said that "Saddam's existing biological and chemical weapons capabilities pose real threats to America."
  • Even Kennedy, who opposed the war resolution, nonetheless said the month before the vote that Saddam's "pursuit of lethal weapons of mass destruction cannot be tolerated." But he warned if force were employed, the Iraqi dictator "may decide he has nothing to lose by using weapons of mass destruction himself or by sharing them with terrorists."
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  • Then there was Al Gore, who charged on June 24, 2004, that Mr. Bush spent "prodigious amounts of energy convincing people of lies" and accused him of treason, bellowing that Mr. Bush "betrayed his country." Yet just a month before the war resolution debate, the former vice president said, "We know that [Saddam] has stored away secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
Brian R Rage Company: A Marine's Baptism By Fire (9780470444306): Thomas P. Daly: B... - 0 views

    maintain delicate balances between kinetic engagement and sidewalk diplomacy. This must happen while keeping subordinates informed and measuring the risk you place them in, carrying out the objectives of superiors and staying out the headlines and casualty reports. Part diplomat, part weapons expert, part city planner, part motivational speaker, part carpet merchant...these are the moving parts that company grade officers must grapple. Daly addresses these complexities in vivid detail.
Brian R

Michelle Malkin » Bomb Injures Wife of Oil Exec; Obviously the Work of Those ... - 0 views

  • From KTRK: HOUSTON (KTRK) — Local and federal investigators were at a northwest Houston home Friday night where an explosion sent a woman to the hospital. The woman was opening a package left at her doorstep in the 2100 block of Seamist Court Friday evening. She had found the shoe-sized box in front of her home about a day ago but didn’t decide to open it until around 6:30pm Friday. The woman, who officials said is in her 60s, took the box to the backyard and opened it on the patio. That’s when it exploded. “Don’t know where it came from — postal service or whether it was dropped off. I don’t have that information yet,” said HPD Lt. Colin Weatherly. “The person went outside, basically opened the packaged; it detonated.” [...] It wasn’t immediately clear whether the house was targeted, however, Eyewitness News found out the home is owned by an oil company executive.
Brian R

L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S. - 0 views

    Youtube censors video of extremist Mexican school teacher in LA that is calling for a Mexican Revolt and revolution and claims he is standing in stolen occupied Mexico.
Brian R

Gay marriage: Why Judge Walker got Proposition 8 ruling wrong - - 0 views

  • Marriage is about defending womenAmong the many different versions of marriage in human history, very few of them have supplied the high-minded qualities that the plaintiffs feel is their right. The vast majority of marriages in the past, perhaps a majority even now, were dictated by families, clans, holy men or magicians, and enforced on the bride and groom by social pressure, enforced if necessary with brutality and violence. True, many marriages promote loving intimacy and enduring fidelity, but that’s an outcome of the relationship itself – not the raison d’etre for the institution. In primordial terms, marriage only exists at all – in all of its permutations, pleasant or barbaric – because of the nature of human heterosexuality. As a species, we need to protect female sexuality in order to assure ourselves of a future.
    Article explaining marriages design for protecting women in society
Brian R

Prop. 8 trial: Did animosity drive California's gay marriage ban? - - 0 views

  • The animus, or animosity, argument is a key part of the federal lawsuit against Prop. 8, because the Supreme Court has ruled that animus against any group is not a constitutional basis for forming laws. That argument was the primary issue on Day 3 of the trial.
    • Brian R
      Where does the Federal Gov get authority to decide whether a law is valid based of of the reasoning behind creating such a law that was passed in one of the states?
  • Mr. Tam wrote a letter to Asian-Americans encouraging them to vote in favor of Prop. 8. It said voting for gay marriage was akin to legalizing prostitution and could eventually lead to legalizing underage sex.
    • Brian R
      This letter suggests that liberalizing the definition of marriage would or could eventually lead to further liberalizing of the definition of marriage and in no way does it demonstrate an animosity towards gay people as a group. I would have been more likely to suggest that it would lead to the state being required to recognize marriage between 2 or even more people after all, if the argument is that marriage is about love and intimacy who is to say that a marriage between 3 people should be denied that right?
    Article describing arguments to over turn Prop 8
Brian R

Mark Levin - 0 views

    12/16/2011 links
Brian R Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America (9781439173244): Mark R. Levin: Books - 0 views

    Marke Levin's new book
Brian R Throw Them All Out (9780547573144): Peter Schweizer: Books - 0 views

    great book on congressional insider trading and corruption
Brian R

Smoking-Gun Document Ties Policy To Housing Crisis - Latest Headlines - - 0 views

    President Obama says the Occupy Wall Street protests show a "broad-based frustration" among Americans with the financial sector, which continues to kick against regulatory reforms three years after the financial crisis.
Brian R

Pajamas Media » American Hero: Coates Negates a Year of Justice Department Sp... - 0 views

  • [There is a] deep-seated opposition to the race-neutral enforcement of the Voting Rights Act against racial minorities and for the protection of whites who have been discriminated against.
  • The Deputy Chief who was leading that election coverage asked me: “can you believe that we are going to Mississippi to protect white voters?”
  • The opposition within the Voting Section to taking actions on behalf of white voters in Noxubee County, Mississippi, … was widespread.
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  • King took offense that I was asking such a question of job applicants and directed me not to ask it again because she does not support equal enforcement of the provisions of the Voting Rights Act.
  • [An attorney told Coates in] no uncertain terms that he had not come to the Voting Section to sue African American defendants. … One of the social scientists who worked in the Voting Section and whose responsibility it was to do past and present research into a local jurisdiction’s history flatly refused to participate in the investigation. On another occasion, a Voting Section career attorney informed me that he was opposed to bringing voting rights cases against African American defendants … until we reached the day when the socio-economic status of blacks in Mississippi was the same as the socio-economic status of whites living there. All of the employees Coates discusses here are still employed by the Civil Rights Division.
    DOJ intentionally drops case against voter intimidation by the black panthers on basis of race
Brian R

N.Y. Times: Obama's Mosque Tolerance Upsets Those Who Want a 'White and Largely Christi... - 0 views

  • As President Obama struggled to step back from what the New York Times called a “strong defense” of the Ground Zero Mosque proposal, Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg felt the president’s pain in a Sunday "Political Memo" article, arguing that his shifting stands on the issue betray that this debate “is riskier for him than for his predecessors.” Stolberg wrote this is because his enemies want to live in a white, Christian-dominated country: From the moment he took the oath of office, using his entire name, Barack Hussein Obama, as he swore to protect and defend the Constitution, Mr. Obama has personified the hopes of many Americans about tolerance and inclusion. He has devoted himself to reaching out to the Muslim world, vowing, as he did in Cairo last year, "a new beginning." But his "new beginning" has aroused nervousness in some, especially those who disagree with his counterterrorism policies, or those more comfortable with a vision of America as a white and largely Christian nation, and not the pluralistic melting pot Mr. Obama represents.
Brian R

Walesa's Warning - IBD - - 0 views

  • Leaders: The champion of Polish freedom tells America it's no longer that shining city on a hill. As it slouches toward socialism, he warns, those yearning to breathe free in the world can no longer look to the U.S. for help.
  • They were the giants of their age. Together, President Ronald Reagan, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul II and a little known shipyard worker named Lech Walesa stood up to Soviet communism and brought freedom to the captive nations of Europe.
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