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This is a group for Conservation International staff to share articles relevant to our work protecting natural resources. Articles may be used as background for speeches, ideas for social media posts or just keeping current with environmental news.
deforestation climate change water electricity hydroelectric hydropower Amazon Brazil Chile trees forests
species biodiversity extinction threatened fishing overfishing grouper
science journalism communication
biodiversity development
cattle colombia deforestation agriculture livestock ranching carbon FAO
adaptation gender women agriculture climate change
gender dryland conservation Africa Mozambique women livestock agriculture policy
climate change adaptation women gender Africa education
Africa sustainable intensification agriculture farmers food security
Arab Jordan climate change policy
Africa crafts Tanzania sustainability forests markets business economies
business agriculture TEEB externalities economies report
climate change golf eco-tourism
business funding development climate change carbon financing carbon water carbon emissions
climate change Saudi Arabia agriculture food security desert
Pacific pearls economy
Asia agrochemicals chemicals pesticides disease Sri Lanka agriculture food security
Mekong Thailand climate change temperatures
food security fertilizer Nepal Asia
famine forecasting climate change drought agriculture food security