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Home/ Conestoga Web Design/ Tools for 8 Bit Music
Matthew Campbell

Tools for 8 Bit Music - 2 views

event music gaming

started by Matthew Campbell on 02 Dec 11
  • Matthew Campbell
    December 11th, 1pm to 3:30pm at The Museum (
    Come learn how to make video game music with four 8 bit music tool demonstrations on four platforms - Gameboy trackers, Vic20 MIDI, Petsynth, MSSIAH for Commodore 64. The world of 8 bit music is growing internationally, spawned by the love for old video game consoles and home computers of the 80's and 90's. What is supporting this movement is a growing number of music tools for the popular platforms. These demonstrations will cover some of the tools available and in development.

    Jake Moolenbeek (DEADBEATBLAST)
    Leif Bloomquist
    Rob Adlers
    Chiron Bramberger

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