Dedicated servers can be explained as one of the finest web hosting option for the enterprises which experience heavy web traffic and need exclusive and extended web hosting resources in terms of storage, memory, hard disk, even customized security applications and protocols etc.
It is an open-source protocol designed to allow transactions in a fast and cheap manner. Ripple is not just a platform but a currency. This platform has its own currency known as XRP but also allows people to create their own currency via RippleNet.
Do you want to hide your web activity from the snooping eyes? Are you blocked from accessing sites you need by office, government and school? Proxy permits you to avoid every blocks placed in front of the connection mask your Internet Protocol, make your actions more intricate to trace.
There are few similarities between VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) and GRE(Generic Routing Encapsulation) . Learn how VPN , GRE works and Here's what you need to know about the difference between VPN and GRE tunneling protocols.
WebRTC stands for Web Real-Time Communication. It basically the collection of API's to allows direct connection between browsers.
So, its easily transfer any type of data from one browser to another directly.
In WebRTC clients directly communicate with each other completely and also communicate with the server.
Its a technic to directly connecting with clients like peer to peer sharing, browser data, IP address and more files can easily communicate and transfer one to another.