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Annun Maslahah

Cara Agar Dokumen Word Tidak Bisa di Edit dan di Copy - 0 views

    Setiap orang memiliki hak cipta atas karyanya, begitu juga karya tulis yang biasanya banyak di copy oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Begitu pula pada dokumen MS Word yang banyak dijadikan sebagai media menulis banyak orang. Untuk memberi keamanan pada dokumen tersebut, Anda dapat menggunakan password atau juga cara lain supaya dokumen Anda tidak dapat di edit atau bahkan di copy oleh orang lain, berikut penjelasannya.
tech vedic

Why it's a good idea to own a USB-to-SATA adapter - 0 views

    Why it's a good idea to own a USB-to-SATA adapter The USB-to-IDE/SATA adapter the most indispensable tool in my PC repair kit. Just this weekend, it once again proved itself worthy of that title. In a nutshell, the adapter allows you to connect an internal hard drive to your PC-externally. What would an internal drive be doing outside your desktop or laptop? Funny you should ask. About a week ago, my media-center PC starting displaying this message during boot-up: "Hard drive failure imminent." And you know what? It was. In short order, the machine wouldn't boot at all. Long story short, I had to replace the drive, reinstall Windows, etc. But I wondered if I could salvage any/all of my recorded TV shows. To find out, I connected the old, non-booting drive (now "naked" outside the system) to a USB port via my adapter. Huzzah! The machine was able to read the drive and copy over the recordings. Except for the hassles (and expense) of actually replacing the drive, no harm done. There's another reason to keep one of these adapters on hand, and that's if you're planning to upgrade to a solid-state drive (SSD). Unless you buy a kit that comes with an adapter, you'll need one so you can image (i.e. clone) your existing drive to the new SSD. Then you'll remove the old drive, install the new one, and presto, you're back in business. (Much faster business: SSDs rock.) Unless you have a pretty old desktop or laptop, you can skip buying a USB-to-IDE/SATA adapter and just go for USB-to-SATA. At the same time, I recommend one that supports USB 3.0. You may not need it now, but it's a good bet your next PC will have USB 3.0 ports -- and that'll make for much faster copying between drives. Trust me: When the time comes that you need to upgrade or replace a hard drive, you'll be glad to have a USB-to-SATA adapter on hand. By-The Xpert Crew @

How to Solve "Error copying file or folders. Access is denied" on Windows? - 0 views

    "Error copying file or folder, access is denied" occurs on your Windows computer? If you get the access denied error message while copying files, try the following solutions to fix this problem with ease.
Alexandra IcecreamApps

Free Plagiarism Checker: Online Tools - Icecream Tech Digest - 0 views

    Plagiarism checker tools are services that help you figure out if some text or a document has been copied from elsewhere. These tools are widely used by those who strive for unique content: for example, website owners, bloggers, and teachers. … Continue reading →
    Plagiarism checker tools are services that help you figure out if some text or a document has been copied from elsewhere. These tools are widely used by those who strive for unique content: for example, website owners, bloggers, and teachers. … Continue reading →
tech vedic

How to Clone a Hard Drive? - 0 views

    In case your hard drive is damaged or corrupted then it is better to have functional copy of the drive where you can store your stuff immediately. Cloning a drive is a good option for handling such situations. Have a look on this tutorial.

Tutorials: Free to Copy NTFS Partition in Windows7/8/10 - 0 views

    No matter what is your reason for copying NTFS partition on Windows, you can get the best solution right here. So it's really worthy of taking minutes to look through this page now!
tech vedic

The Brother MFC-9125CN All-In-One LED Printer - 0 views

    "The MFC-9125CN All-In-One LED Printer from Brother combines a fast 19 pages/minute print and copy speed with high-quality color scanning and faxing in a compact unit that fits in any environment. By-The Xpert Crew @

Use of POS Software in Hotel Business - 0 views

    When you are running a hotel there are many things that demand prime consideration. Starting from managing reservations, accepting deposits, check in and checking out of the visitors should all be under a solid control. More than that, you have to run your POS (point of sale) system and incorporate it into your visitor's invoices. Next in the list is to manage your staff from your house attendant to managing inventories, ordering of new stock and much more. So, the one stop solution for all this is to use a good, robust, and the feasible Hotel Management Software, giving you the absolute right to use and all minute details as and when you need it. There are so many robust Hotel POS Software programs available on the market; each one has its own positive and negative effects, so how would you know what to search for? If your hotel is running in loss, and you fail to identify the weakness, it is the right time to take your hotel into serious consideration, what you offer your visitors, what you do to run it smoothly and what you need for reports to orders and more, all you can do with Hotel Software. Keeping this in mind, you are now ready to look around for the programs readily available in the world of online marketing. Hotel reservation - It is the prime factor for choosing the Software for Hotel POS. POS without having the facility to accept reservations will automatically close doors of your hotel, so before purchasing any programs, you must ensure that it incorporates an "easy to handle" reservation system. This gives you or any of your employees having access to the system the freedom of booking the guest entry and thereby operating the management with much ease. Reservation with partial or full payment - some of the hotels prefer spot initial deposit of a minimum amount to ensure the reservation while others believe in full payment system strategies. This serves the hotel from running into any future loss in both ways your software must be able
Latonya Park

Reset All-In-One Default Settings with Lexmark Printer Support - 1 views

    When you are planning to derive maximum benefits of your printer then it is necessary to work the machine properly. Lexmark is one of the leading choices of users for getting high-quality prints, scan, and copied documents.

Trusted Partner for Outsourcing Kindle Conversion Services - 0 views

    In today's digital era, publishing your book on Kindle opens doors to a vast audience. With Kindle conversion service convert any format document like hard copies, HTML files, PDF files, word documents, InDesign, Quark, etc. to Kindle format. Kindle conversion services involve the correct coding of your existing manuscript by using HTML and CSS languages. At this point, a skilled professional for Kindle conversion services like Alpha eBook (Yes, that's us) plays an important role. Know more in detail about it by contacting us at our website today.
tuxindonesia - 0 views

    Android memang bisa sebagai pengganti hiburan nonton Film favorit tanpa harus repot membawa Laptop atau menonton dirumah misalnya dengan menggunakan android tablet atau android samsung, menggunakan TV dan DVD Player, pada umumnya pengguna android menonton Video Favoritnya lewat Youtube. Pada youtube banyak sekali Video yang di unggah oleh pengguna lain, dan kita yang belum menontonnya ingin mendownload, agar bisa di putar Offline nantinya. Banyak juga Applikasi penyedia layanan Download dari youtube di android atau hp android, sperti Tube Mate atau yang lainnya, kalau menurut pribadi tidak perlu, selain mengurangi kapasitas memory install pada Android, aplikasi yang di gunakan untuk mendownload di youtube jarang di pakai. Maka akan memenuhi tampilan Home Screen saja. Sebenarnya yang kita butuhkan untuk mendownload Film berupa MP4 atau FlV menggunakan Browser saja, seperti Mozilla,Chrome atau Browser Bawaan, pada browser ini kita akan mengnjungi situs mendownload dengan mudah. Penasaran, langsung saja tutorialnya berikut ini
Eric Swanstrom

Check out the latest white Papers on American CIO's Look to the Cloud to Create Value - 0 views

    Using the big data research these white papers presents an overview on the Cloud Competitiveness and productivity that have spiked in interest among America's CIO's. Download your free copy of white paper.
tech vedic

How to export song lists from iTunes? - 0 views

    Sometimes you just want to send a playlist to a friend through mail. But, you don't know how to do it? Then you are at the right place. You can break your library data out of iTunes as a tab-separated list, PDF file, or Web database. With this tutorial, you can find the way of doing this.
tech vedic

How to move an iTunes library to an external drive? - 0 views

    Now, it's time to offload your iTunes library to an external drive or a separate internal drive. This tutorial contains step-by-step instructions to move iTunes library.

Find The Iphone To Be Complicating? Read On - 0 views

Find The Iphone To Be Complicating? Read OnYou may have to own an iPhone to know how much they can do for their owners with very little effort.If you're interested in purchasing an iPhone, the piec...

started by tuxindonesia on 01 Mar 16 no follow-up yet

Best Copy Writer in Katy Texas | Best SEO Consultant in Katy Texas - 0 views

    Freelance Suites is the Best Copywriter in Texas and the Best SEO Consultant in Texas. Freelance Suits being a Top SEO Consultant in Texas provides a top class professional and result oriented guaranteed google page 1 ranking services. Being and the best SEO Consultant in Texas we provide Digital Marketing Services in Texas as SEO strategies like Social Media & Link Building techniques to increase your businesses' visibility online. For Free Consultation Signup at or call: 832-775-6006

How To Remove Brother MFC Printer Head? - 1 views

    Brother Printer multifunction device has eased the burden of carrying multiple devices. Now you don't have to run different machines for faxing, scanning, copying, and printing. With this presentation learn how to maintain and change the print heads of your multifunctional device.

Windows detected a hard disk problem - 1 views

A few days ago I saw that Windows had detected some problems with my hard drive. I do not have an old PC, it is only three years old and I bought all the components myself. The hard drive was new a...

hard disk problem

started by bladerz on 25 Apr 22 no follow-up yet
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