How To Use Windows 10 Multiple Desktops - 0 views
Cara Root Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 GT-N8000 / GT-N8010 - 0 views
Samsung mengeluarkan Tablet dengan ukuran yang sangat besar yakni 10", tablet ini sangat asik jika di gunakan untuk bermain game atau kebutuhan Multimedia karena pengguna akan merasa puas dengan tampilan yang sangat besar tersebut. Bagi pengguna Android yang suka Oprek pastinya ada yang kurang dalam Tablet ini dalam hal menginstal Game Hack, CusRom agar tampilan lebih menarik dan melakukan Tweak agar kinerja lebih responsif karena kesemua tersebut membutuhkan syarat harus di Root. Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa setiap merk atau Type Androdin memiliki cara yang berbeda-beda dan file Root yang mendukungnya juga. Seperti halnya bagi anda pengguna Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 yang ingin melakukan Root di perlukan cara yang khusus serat File Root yang memang di khususkan untuk Type tersebut. Nah untuk anda yang ingin melakukan Rooting pada Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 GT-N8000 / GT-N8010, Silahkan ikuti Tutorial di bawah ini :
How to prevent ads on window 10 lock screen - TechsWill - 0 views
"Window 10 is the last version of windows operating system. It was developed and released by Microsoft. It has some special features such as Cortana, The edge browser, Virtual desktop/Task View, Revamped core apps, Action center, the Xbox app, Continuum, Unified settings, Windows store apps, the start menu and some more. So 'Windows lock screen ads' is also the cool feature of windows 10. As you lock window 10, then ads will be shown in your lock screen. But sometimes, you don't want to see these lock screen ads. Then the question is how to disable or prevent it?"
Vibox Centre Package 10 Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle, 21.5' HD Monitor, Keyb... - 0 views
VIBOX centre package 10 Desktop Computer
Vibox Centre Package 10 Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle, 21.5' HD Monitor, Keyboard & Mouse Set (3.7GHz AMD A4 Dual Core Processor, Radeon HD Graphics Chip, 1TB Hard Drive, 8GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case, No Operating System)
Vibox Centre Package 10w Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle, Windows 10, 21.5' HD Monitor, Gamer Headset, Keyboard & Mouse Set (3.7GHz AMD A4 Dual Core Processor, Radeon HD Graphics Chip, 1TB Hard Drive, 8GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case)
Vibox Ultra 11A Desktop Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle (3.1GHz AMD A8 Quad Cor... - 0 views
Vibox Ultra 11A Gaming PC Desktop Computer - with Warthunder Game Bundle (3.1GHz AMD A8 Quad Core Processor, Radeon R7 Graphics Chip, 1TB Hard Drive, 8GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case, No Operating System)
Vibox Ultra 11 Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle, Windows 10 (3.1GHz AMD A8 Quad Core Processor, Radeon R7 Graphics Chip, 1TB Hard Drive, 8GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case)
Vibox Ultra 11X Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle (3.1GHz AMD A8 Quad Core Processor, Radeon R7 Graphics Chip, 2TB Hard Drive, 8GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case, No Operating System)
Vibox Ultra Package 11XW Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle, Windows 10, 21.5' HD Monitor, Gamer Headset, Keyboard & Mouse Set (3.1GHz AMD A8 Quad Core Processor, Radeon R7 Graphics Chip, 2TB Hard Drive, 8GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case)
Vibox Ultra 11S Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle (3.1GHz AMD A8 Quad Core Processor, Radeon R7 Graphics Chip, 1TB Hard Drive, 16GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case, No Operating System)
Vibox Ultra Package 11SW Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle, Windows 10, 21.5' HD Monitor, Gamer Headset, Keyboard & Mouse Set (3.1GHz AMD A8 Quad Core Processor, Radeon R7 Graphics Chip, 1TB Hard Drive, 16GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case)
Vibox Ultra 11XS Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle (3.1GHz AMD A8 Quad Core Processor, Radeon R7 Graphics Chip, 2TB Hard Drive, 16GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case, No Operating System)
Vibox Ultra 11XL Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle (3.1GHz AMD A8 Quad Core Processor, Radeon R7 Graphics Chip, 2TB Hard Drive, 32GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case, No Operating System)
Vibox Ultra 11XLW Gaming PC - with Warthunder Game Bundle, Windows 10 (3.1GHz AMD A8 Quad Core Processor, Radeon R7 Graphics Chip, 2TB Hard Drive, 32GB RAM, AvP Mamba Blue LED Case)
Windows 10 Cortana Tutorial Explained - 0 views
Windows unveiled its new OS Windows 10 S - 0 views
Windows 10 Product key With Crack [ Activator+ License Key] - 0 views
After multiple experience and suggestion to provide more services and user friendly environments. Microsoft launched Windows 10 product key, which is most best in dealing with high performance tasks and work with more HD graphics. Windows 10 crack now stand top on its Microsoft platform with best functions .
How to Use Windows 10 Virtual Desktop / TaskView Tutorials - 0 views
Hai friends, This is step by step tutorial about one of the new features of windows 10 operating system : "Virtual desktop or Taskview". This tutorial introduces the taskview of windows 10 and effective usage in your computer. Feel free to share your honest opinions about this tutorial and thank you friends.
Automatically Delete Files From Downloads Folder In Windows 10 - 0 views
Many users are like to surf the Internet and download video pictures and software. All these files are stored by default in the Windows Downloads folder, which you can change it (How to Change the Chrome Download Folder Location). we use once or twice and never delete these files use a lot of valuable space on the hard drive. We should clean it from time to time but who does it? Since the Creators Update, Windows 10 includes Storage sense, in this feature windows will delete temporary file from recycle bin from over 30 days. And now with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, windows now includes an option to delete files in the Downloads folders that haven't change in the last month
Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite Zoom Full Specifications, Price, Helpful Review - 0 views
The Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite Zoom is the latest addition to the Mi 10 family of Android-powered smartphones. It is a mid-range smartphone, and has some great features. It features a large 6.57-inch AMOLED...
VIBOX Sniper Package 10S - 4.0GHz Intel i7 Haswell 4790 Quad Core, Extreme, Water Cooled, High Spec, Desktop Gaming PC, Computer with WarThunder Game Bundle, 22' Monitor, Headset, Gamer's Keyboard & Mouse Set, AND Neon Red Internal Lighting Kit PLUS a Lifetime Warranty Included* (Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 Maxwell 4GB Graphics Card, 120GB Solid State Drive SSD, 1TB Hard Drive, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, High Grade 550W PSU, AIO CPU Water Cooler, No Operating System)
VIBOX Sniper Package 10SW - 4.0GHz Intel i7 Haswell 4790 Quad Core, Extreme, Performance, Water Cooled, High Spec, Desktop Gaming PC, Computer with WarThunder Game Bundle, 22' Monitor, Headset, Gamer's Keyboard & Mouse Set, Windows 10 OS AND Neon Red Internal Lighting Kit PLUS a Lifetime Warranty Included* (Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 Maxwell 4GB Graphics Card, 120GB Solid State Drive SSD, 1TB Hard Drive, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, High Grade 550W PSU, AIO CPU Water Cooler )
by Vibox
VIBOX Sniper Package 10XS - 4.0GHz Intel i7 Haswell 4790 Quad Core, Extreme, Water Cooled, High Spec, Desktop Gaming PC, Computer with WarThunder Game Bundle, 22' Monitor, Headset, Gamer's Keyboard & Mouse Set, AND Neon Red Internal Lighting Kit PLUS a Lifetime Warranty Included* (Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 Maxwell 4GB Graphics Card, 120GB Solid State Drive SSD, 2TB Hard Drive, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, High Grade 550W PSU, AIO CPU Water Cooler, No Operating System)
VIBOX Sniper Package 10XSW - 4.0GHz Intel i7 Haswell 4790 Quad Core, Extreme, Performance, Water Cooled, High Spec, Desktop Gaming PC, Computer with WarThunder Game Bundle, 22' Monitor, Headset, Gamer's Keyboard & Mouse Set, Windows 10 OS AND Neon Red Internal Lighting Kit PLUS a Lifetime Warranty Included* (Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 Maxwell 4GB Graphics Card, 120GB Solid State Drive SSD, 2TB Hard Drive, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, High Grade 550W PSU, AIO CPU Water Cooler )
VIBOX Sniper Package 10 - 4.0GHz Intel i7 Haswell 4790 Quad Core, Extreme, Water Cooled, High