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Eric Swanstrom

Reservationless Audio Conferencing Connects your each Participant Quickly - 0 views

    Reservationless audio conferencing is a conference call without any operator assistance. Participants have the flexibility to access a high-quality audio conferencing with hundreds of people at any given time, from any location. It makes business collaborations and meetings possible around the world using a global platform with conference rooms available 24/7. There will be no cancellation charges for withdrawn conferences or minimum charges - pay only for what was used during the call.
Eric Swanstrom

Join Conference Calls with One Click App on iPhone, Android & Tablet Devices - 0 views

    Today users are beginning to access more meetings on the go. Almost 30% of all conference calls are now being conducted on a mobile device. Find out how can users are able to video conference, share files, invite guests, and collaborate with others with a single click on iPhone, android and tablet devices just as they can on a desktop version.
    Today users are beginning to access more meetings on the go. Almost 30% of all conference calls are now being conducted on a mobile device. Find out how can users are able to video conference, share files, invite guests, and collaborate with others with a single click on iPhone, android and tablet devices just as they can on a desktop version.
Casey Wedge

Set up Ready Conference Plus for Effective Business Meetings - 0 views

    New technology is being developed every day to support and enhance businesses communications. Ready conference plus is one of them. This conferencing service enables users to work in conjunction with computer to allow for on screen call management and presentation sharing. Participants can easily be invited to the call via email. Additionally, this conferencing tool has recording, note taking options and 24/7' live customer support. Save your thousands of dollars now by setting up this revolutionary business communication tool.
Casey Wedge

Implement PGi Audio Conferencing for Secure and Reliable Business Meetings - 0 views

    PGi audio conferencing is a great conferencing service that allows you to host business meetings with your clients from the convenience of your own office. It takes special care to address all of the possible issues that could arise and negatively affect your conference. The PGi network is optimized for best sound quality and built specifically to implement multiple levels of security protection for all of your conference calls.
Erin Bothamley

Operator Assisted conferencing Service with scalable and customized conferencing solution - 0 views

    Operator assisted conferencing includes an experienced conferencing expert to help you plan & conduct successful conference. Operator Assisted audio conference calling is a scalable, customized conferencing solution that lets you streamline and manage your most demanding conferences. With this service reservations are made over the phone or online, and you can add extra features, like Q&A, recording or transcription, to ensure you get everything you need from your call.

Here's What Matters in Facebook Messenger Room & How To Use It - 0 views

    Social media giant Facebook has started up a new 50 person message room for Video conference calls. It is available on a global level. One can use this by Desktop or Mobile.
Erin Bothamley

Fastblue Audio Conferencing Services Ensure Effective Business Meetings - 0 views

    FastBlue Audio Conferencing services allow you to meet with your partners, shareholders, and employees in real time for a fraction of the price of traditional business travel. It can bring together even your most remote team members anywhere, anytime. It is easy, convenient, and hassle free calling with no time limits, operators or reservations requirements.
Erin Bothamley

Get Connected Easily to your Remote Teams with Fastblue Audio Conferencing - 0 views

    Many of today's businessmen and women, traveling across town or across the globe for business meetings. Why not spare yourself from the hassle and give audio conferencing a try? Fastblue Audio Conferencing allows you to meet with your partners, shareholders, and employees in real time for a fraction of the price of traditional business travel. It brings together even your most remote team members anywhere, anytime.
Alex Parker

Huawei at MWC: 7 rumours and revelations - 1 views

    Conference starts next week in Barcelona. CBR rounds up some of the products Huawei has confirmed for MWC, as well as the rumours and cryptic hints. 4.5G is what Huawei calls an evolution of existing 4G, rather than a new generation of connectivity in itself.
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