This process is different from a normal data transfer between nodes. Every frame passing through the tunnel will be encrypted with an additional layer of tunneling encryption and encapsulation which is also used for routing the packets to the right direction
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Islam TeCNo
What is Tunneling? - 0 views
This process is different from a normal data transfer between nodes. Every frame passing through the tunnel will be encrypted with an additional layer of tunneling encryption and encapsulation which is also used for routing the packets to the right direction
This process is different from a normal data transfer between nodes. Every frame passing through the tunnel will be encrypted with an additional layer of tunneling encryption and encapsulation which is also used for routing the packets to the right direction
BBCode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views
Bulletin Board Code or BBCode is a lightweight markup language used to format posts in many message boards. The available tags are usually indicated by square brackets surrounding a keyword, and they are parsed by the message board system before being translated into a markup language that web browsers understand—usually HTML or XHTML.
Deep Blue (chess computer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views
The system derived its playing strength mainly out of brute force computing power.
LOL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views
3APL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views
Assembly in .NET - 0 views
XML Syntax - 0 views
Introduction to Network Security - 0 views
Uniform Resource Identifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views
A Uniform Resource Name (URN) functions like a person's name, while a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) resembles that person's street address. The URN defines an item's identity, while the URL provides a method for finding it. The ISBN system for uniquely identifying books provides a typical example of the use of typical URNs. ISBN 0486275574 (urn:isbn:0-486-27557-4) cites unambiguously a specific edition of Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. In order to gain access to this object and read the book, one would need its location: a URL address. A typical URL for this book on a unix-like operating system might look like the file path file:///home/username/RomeoAndJuliet.pdf, identifying the electronic book saved in a local hard disk. So URNs and URLs have complementary purposes.
How to Use the Windiff.exe Utility - 0 views
Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists: Info - 0 views
MathML is an XML standard by W3C and, embedded in XHTML,
The F# Programming Language - 0 views
What's in an HTTP request? - 0 views
These headers tell us which web server you were trying to contact. If that seems odd, bear in mind that many web sites can be "hosted" on a single server, so when the request is received it needs to know which web site you were attempting to access
The request method is usually either "GET" or "POST". Basically if you fill in and submit a form on a web page it might generate a POST request (or it might be "GET"), whereas if you just click on a link, or activate one of your browser's "bookmarks" or "favourites", then the request method will always be "GET". Therefore, if it's "POST", we can tell that a form was definitely submitted. The contents of the form would appear here, and there would also be some "Content-" headers describing the data. Web browsers generate two kinds of "POST" data: either "multipart/form-data", which is used when uploading files to a web server, or the more common "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
The "referer" header tells us which document referred you to us - in essence, if you followed a link to get to this page, it is the URL of the page you came from to get here.
- ...1 more annotation...
specification - JSON-RPC - Trac - 0 views
3. JSON Class hinting ¶ There are only simple data types defined in JSON. To overcome this problem in a JSON compatible way a special property for objects is introduced. {"__jsonclass__":["constructor", [param1,...]], "prop1": ...} The object is then instantiated using the constructor, passing in the parameters. Once constructed the properties (prop1, ...) will be applied.
To give the serverside peer a chance to send messages to the client side peer, the client side peer may reopen communication by sending an empty HTTP POST.
--> {"method": "postMessage", "params": ["Hello all!"], "id": 99} <-- {"result": 1, "error": null, "id": 99} <-- {"method": "handleMessage", "params": ["user1", "we were just talking"], "id": null} <-- {"method": "handleMessage", "params": ["user3", "sorry, gotta go now, ttyl"], "id": null} --> {"method": "postMessage", "params": ["I have a question:"], "id": 101} <-- {"method": "userLeft", "params": ["user3"], "id": null} <-- {"result": 1, "error": null, "id": 101}
XML-RPC Home Page - 0 views
It's a spec and a set of implementations that allow software running on disparate operating systems, running in different environments to make procedure calls over the Internet. It's remote procedure calling using HTTP as the transport and XML as the encoding. XML-RPC is designed to be as simple as possible, while allowing complex data structures to be transmitted, processed and returned.