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Brian G. Dowling

Accreditation Scheme - PEP - Promoting Economic Pluralism - 0 views

    We established an international online dialogue on the requirements for pluralist economics teaching Phase I developed the broad approach on criteria, evidence and governance. Phase II to develop a detailed approach to accreditation of programmes.
Brian G. Dowling

The Permaculture Student - 0 views

    Matt Powers is an author, educator, seed saver, gardener, and entrepreneur focused on radically transforming the entire K-12 education system through the collegiate system as well as the economy such that it aligns with regenerative science, natural principles, and permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, & Future Care. Matt, a former public high school teacher with a Masters degree in Education, is the author of the first government accredited permaculture curriculum in North America (fully cited, peer-reviewed, & aligned to national standards), and his work continues to spread in schools, colleges, and universities globally with over a dozen books in 6 languages and 9 online courses.
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