The full article, "An explosive situation: New explosion venting requirements have a major impact on the paper industry" can be launched here.
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has changed their explosion
protection guideline to NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion Protection by
Deflagration Venting. Companies that handle paper and scrap are heavily
impacted by this development
Focus on safe dust collection of industrial paper scrap applications like shredding, sliting, scoring, corrugated box scraps, etc. Page contains a link to an informative PDF article discussing the NFPA 68 standard, how it applies to the paper industry, and give action items for applicable companies to ensure compliance.
We know that most people faced with buying an industrial dust collection system are probably not familiar with the different components and equipment terms. So we've called them out on this page. Hope it's helpful.
I work at Farr Air Pollution Control (APC). We manufacture industrial dust collectors and fume collection equipment to clean up manufacturing processes.