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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Open Educational Resources | OER @ UNESCO - 1 views

    [This Site was originally created by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) as a place where members of the UNESCO OER Community can work together on questions, issues and documents. Over time we can build this site together. Useful pages * About the UNESCO OER Community o List of community members * About community discussions o Access to OER o UNESCO OER Toolkit o OER: Findings from an OECD study o Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) solutions for OER o Exploring the idea of a "DIY" OER development resource o Developing a research agenda for OER * Open Educational Resources useful links * Open Educational Resources glossary * Guide to using and contributing to this wiki * Guide to online translation tools]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Julia Reda - Freedom to link threatened by EU court decision and copyright plans [Date:... - 1 views

    "Today, the European Court of Justice significantly curtailed the freedom to hyperlink - one of the basic building blocks of the web. Together with the new special copyright protection for news articles the European Commission is planning to propose next week, the ability of Europeans to point to things online without having to fear breaking a law is in peril. Could the following message soon be commonplace on the European internet? Read on for details."
    "Today, the European Court of Justice significantly curtailed the freedom to hyperlink - one of the basic building blocks of the web. Together with the new special copyright protection for news articles the European Commission is planning to propose next week, the ability of Europeans to point to things online without having to fear breaking a law is in peril. Could the following message soon be commonplace on the European internet? Read on for details."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

QORA - P2P Digital Currency - 0 views

    "Welcome to the evolution of currency, to a new era of payments. We present you "QORA" a second generation crypto currency, a coin where all come together."
    "Welcome to the evolution of currency, to a new era of payments. We present you "QORA" a second generation crypto currency, a coin where all come together."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Poll: Which field of research would you like to see more collaboration in? | Opensource... - 0 views

    "If scientific research, procedures, and data are all publicly available, researchers can work together to verify findings, test hypotheses, and increase the pace of discovery and innovation. That's the dream of the open science movement."
    "If scientific research, procedures, and data are all publicly available, researchers can work together to verify findings, test hypotheses, and increase the pace of discovery and innovation. That's the dream of the open science movement."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Dark Journalist: Interview with Physicist Dr. Richard Alan Miller - 0 views

    "Description: Join Dark Journalist and his special guest Physicist, Author and Veteran of Special Covert Black Projects, Dr. Richard Alan Miller! Together Dark Journalist and Dr, Miller will discuss upcoming worldwide events such as Earth Changes, Pole Shift, Economic Upheaval, Corporate SuperState, new research in Nanotechnology, Synthetic Telepathy and Monsanto's development of GMO Mind Control! "
    "Description: Join Dark Journalist and his special guest Physicist, Author and Veteran of Special Covert Black Projects, Dr. Richard Alan Miller! Together Dark Journalist and Dr, Miller will discuss upcoming worldwide events such as Earth Changes, Pole Shift, Economic Upheaval, Corporate SuperState, new research in Nanotechnology, Synthetic Telepathy and Monsanto's development of GMO Mind Control! "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

United Nations 2015: Time for Global Action - 0 views

    "2015 is the Time for Global Action 2015 presents a historic and unprecedented opportunity to bring the countries and citizens of the world together to decide and embark on new paths to improve the lives of people everywhere. These decisions will determine the global course of action to end poverty, promote prosperity and well-being for all, protect the environment and address climate change."
    "2015 is the Time for Global Action 2015 presents a historic and unprecedented opportunity to bring the countries and citizens of the world together to decide and embark on new paths to improve the lives of people everywhere. These decisions will determine the global course of action to end poverty, promote prosperity and well-being for all, protect the environment and address climate change."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Be a civic hacker for your community | - 0 views

    "There is a civic hacker in you! He or she is in there... I promise! Today, technology has evolved into a perfect storm of open source tools, code, social networks, and lots of data. Civic technologists thrive on all of these getting together with like-minded hackers and turning all these sources into useful applications, websites and visualizations."
    "There is a civic hacker in you! He or she is in there... I promise! Today, technology has evolved into a perfect storm of open source tools, code, social networks, and lots of data. Civic technologists thrive on all of these getting together with like-minded hackers and turning all these sources into useful applications, websites and visualizations."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Humanitarian open source projects for a better world | - 0 views

    "One of the strengths of the open source community has been its ability to bring concentrated effort to bear on big problems. When tragedy strikes, or a pressing need arises, there are groups of people who gather together to attempt to solve the problems as a community." [# ! #Be #Open... # ! ... be #Better... # ! & #Share.]
    "One of the strengths of the open source community has been its ability to bring concentrated effort to bear on big problems. When tragedy strikes, or a pressing need arises, there are groups of people who gather together to attempt to solve the problems as a community."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Guide: Anonymity and Privacy for Advanced Linux Users - Deep Dot Web - 0 views

    "All Credits go to beac0n, thanks for contacting us and contributing the guide you created! As people requested - here is a link to download this guide as a PDF. Intro The goal is to bring together enough information in one document for a beginner to get started. Visiting countless sites, and combing the internet for information can make it obvious your desire to obtain anonymity, and lead to errors, due to conflicting information. Every effort has been made to make this document accurate. This guide is image heavy so it may take some time to load via Tor."
    "All Credits go to beac0n, thanks for contacting us and contributing the guide you created! As people requested - here is a link to download this guide as a PDF. Intro The goal is to bring together enough information in one document for a beginner to get started. Visiting countless sites, and combing the internet for information can make it obvious your desire to obtain anonymity, and lead to errors, due to conflicting information. Every effort has been made to make this document accurate. This guide is image heavy so it may take some time to load via Tor."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

[FSF / UNESCO] Free Software Directory - 0 views

    "avigation, The Free Software Directory is a catalog of useful free software that runs under free operating systems. FSF staff and volunteers work together to collect detailed information about free software programs and organize it in a clear and accessible format. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What makes up the Fedora kernel? - Fedora Magazine - 0 views

    "Every Fedora system runs a kernel. Many pieces of code come together to make this a reality. Each release of the Fedora kernel starts with a baseline release from the upstream community. This is often called a 'vanilla' kernel. The upstream kernel is the standard. The goal is to have as much code upstream as possible. This makes it easier for bug fixes and API updates to happen as well as having more people review the code. In an ideal world, Fedora would be able to to take the kernel straight from and send that out to all users."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Transaction Publishers: Altruism, Narcissism, Comity - 2 views

    [Description How does the sense of basic fairness--or selflessness versus selfishness--arise? How is it exhibited behaviorally? How is it maintained? Few topics hold more contemporary significance or have proved more elusive to specification in precise scientific terms. Current research perspectives on altruism, narcissism, and comity by distinguished behavioral scientists from around the world were brought together in a special issue of Current Psychology (Summer 1998) and are offered here in a useful compendium. ]
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Democracy & Difference- Contesting the boundaries of difference | AAAARG.ORG - 2 views

    "The global trend toward democratization of the last two decades has been accompanied by the resurgence of various politics of "identity/difference." From nationalist and ethnic revivals in the countries of east and central Europe to the former Soviet Union, to the politics of cultural separatism in Canada, and to social movement politics in liberal western-democracies, the negotiation of identity/difference has become a challenge to democracies everywhere. This volume brings together a group of distinguished thinkers who rearticulate and reconsider the foundations of democratic theory and practice in the light of the politics of identity/difference.\nIn Part One Jürgen Habermas, Sheldon S. Wolin, Jane Mansbridge, Seyla Benhabib, Joshua Cohen, and Iris Marion Young write on democratic theory. Part Two--on equality, difference, and public representation--contains essays by Anne Phillips, Will Kymlicka, Carol C. Gould, Jean L. Cohen, and Nancy Fraser; and Part Three--on culture, identity, and democracy--by Chantal Mouffe, Bonnie Honig, Fred Dallmayr, Joan B. Landes, and Carlos A. Forment. In the last section Richard Rorty, Robert A. Dahl, Amy Gutmann, and Benjamin R. Barber write on whether democracy needs philosophical foundations.\nThis is an excellent yext for someone interested in models of the public sphere. While all the authors are proponents of the deliberative model of democracy (as opposed to, for instance, the liberal, interest-based, technocratic, communitarian, or civic-republican) many of them place their arguments in the context of other models. So, the book reads like a symposium of like-minded people, rather than like a rally of true believers.\nAlmost all of the essays are accessible to a generalist, but several really stand out (especially those by Benhabib, Fraser, and Young)."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

LibrePlanet 2016 [March 19-20 MIT Cambridge, Massachusetts] - 0 views

    "LibrePlanet is an annual conference hosted by the Free Software Foundation for people who care about their digital freedoms, bringing together software developers, policy experts, activists, and computer users to learn skills, share accomplishments, and address challenges facing the free software movement"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Open source programs to write screenplays | - 0 views

    "While I was putting together slides for my lightning talk at Great Wide Open (happening March 16-17), Not that Weird: Open Source Tools for Creatives, I remembered that in the last half of 2015 we had a bit of a loss from our open source creative toolbox. I think I was little"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Software Should Be Free: The FSF's first Annual Report - Free Software Foundation - wor... - 0 views

    "by Georgia Young - Published on Aug 11, 2016 03:58 PM The Free Software Foundation has been fighting for user freedom for more than thirty years with your support. FY2015 Annual Report cover - Software should be free as in freedom Now we are publishing our first Annual Report, which covers the 2015 fiscal year of October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. The report offers a look at the Foundation's activities, accomplishments, and financial picture. You will also read about the impact of our programs and FY2015's major events, including LibrePlanet and our thirtieth anniversary. A high resolution version is also available."
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Findings - Jaron Lanier Is Rethinking the Open Nature of the Internet - - 11 views

    "When does the wisdom of crowds give way to the meanness of mobs? In the 1990s, Jaron Lanier was one of the digital pioneers hailing the wonderful possibilities that would be realized once the Internet allowed musicians, artists, scientists and engineers around the world to instantly share their work. Now, like a lot of us, he is having second thoughts. Mr. Lanier, a musician and avant-garde computer scientist - he popularized the term "virtual reality" - wonders if the Web's structure and ideology are fostering nasty group dynamics and mediocre collaborations. His new book, "You Are Not a Gadget," is a manifesto against "hive thinking" and "digital Maoism," by which he means the glorification of open-source software, free information and collective work at the expense of individual creativity."
  • ...4 more comments...
    This paragraph - "To save those endangered species, Mr. Lanier proposes rethinking the Web's ideology, revising its software structure and introducing innovations like a universal system of micropayments. (To debate reforms, go to Tierney Lab at" from this article is exactly how I imagine moving our project forward. But, who knows how to do it?
    I have some ideas Jack, but it's not finished, let's finish it together
    Sounds good ...
    We can flesh it out when I visit :-) over some wine, I think I have to do that soon.
    Still 30-below! lol
    it's a balmy -11 now, breaking out the beach shorts tomorrow
Wildcat2030 wildcat

In Search of the People Formerly Known as The Audience | Blog | design mind - 1 views

  • Our friends from the Norman Lear Center in L.A. have put together a comprehensive primer on the "Business and Culture of Social Media." If you're intrigued by social media as entertainment and want to learn more about the notion of "mass self-communication," take a look at the presentation that Lear Center deputy director Johanna Blakley and director Marty Kaplan gave at the Barcelona Media Center. As brands are in hot pursuit of the ever more fragmented group of content generators formerly known as "the audience," the authors pinpoint an interplay of business economy, gift economy, and attention economy. Download the pdf
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