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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Beware of Contradictory "Support" - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation - 0 views

    "by Richard Stallman There are organizations that proclaim support for free software or the GNU Project, and teach classes in use of nonfree software. It's possible that they do some other things that really support free software, but those classes certainly don't. On the contrary, they work directly against the free software movement by promoting the use of the nonfree software. That increases the magnitude of the practical problem it is our mission to correct."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Beware: Piracy Defense Lawyers Can Be "Trolls" Too - TorrentFreak [# ! Note] - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! Copyright Enforcement is, sadly, corrupting The Law... ... The Justice... The Coexistence. # ! And, as You may see, it seems that everybody is benefiting from 'Piracy' (beyond the mentioned Defense Attorneys...): From Musicians for the extra promotion; Collecting Societies and Audiovisual Producers getting Grants from Governments and Governments themselves, acquiring 'extra control' over Media... and The Culture itself, promoting Censorship with the excuse of the 'Protection of The Intellectual Property'...
    " Ernesto on February 8, 2016 C: 37 News Every month hundreds of people are sued for sharing copyrighted media through file-sharing networks, mostly BitTorrent. This practice is big business for copyright holders and lawyers alike. Unfortunately, however, not all defense attorneys appear to have the best interests of their clients at heart."
    " Ernesto on February 8, 2016 C: 37 News Every month hundreds of people are sued for sharing copyrighted media through file-sharing networks, mostly BitTorrent. This practice is big business for copyright holders and lawyers alike. Unfortunately, however, not all defense attorneys appear to have the best interests of their clients at heart."
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