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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

How to Monitor Progress of (Copy/Backup/Compress) Data using 'pv' Command - 0 views

    "When making backups, coping/moving large files on your Linux system, you may want to monitor the progress of an on going operation. Many terminal tools do not have the functionality to allow you to view progress information when a command is running in a pipe. Read Also: Advance Copy Command to Show Progress Bar While Copying Files in Linux"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

18 cardinal rules of systems administration | ITworld - 0 views

    [Rules to live by It's not just knowing how to set up and maintain your servers and understanding how system commands work that makes you a good system administrator -- or even knowing how to fix things when something breaks down, how to monitor performance, how to manage backups, or how to craft superbly clever scripts. It's knowing...]
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