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Wired 13.08: We Are the Web - 0 views

  • What happens when the data flow is asymmetrical - but in favor of creators? What happens when everyone is uploading far more than they download? If everyone is busy making, altering, mixing, and mashing, who will have time to sit back and veg out? Who will be a consumer? No one. And that's just fine. A world where production outpaces consumption should not be sustainable; that's a lesson from Economics 101. But online, where many ideas that don't work in theory succeed in practice, the audience increasingly doesn't matter. What matters is the network of social creation, the community of collaborative interaction that futurist Alvin Toffler called prosumption. > As with blogging and BitTorrent, prosumers produce and consume at once. The producers are the audience, the act of making is the act of watching, and every link is both a point of departure and a destination.
  • And who will write the software that makes this contraption useful and productive? We will. In fact, we're already doing it, each of us, every day. When we post and then tag pictures on the community photo album Flickr, we are teaching the Machine to give names to images. The thickening links between caption and picture form a neural net that can learn.
  • The more we teach this megacomputer, the more it will assume responsibility for our knowing. It will become our memory. Then it will become our identity.
  • ...43 more annotations...
  • As with blogging and BitTorrent, prosumers produce and consume at once. The producers are the audience, the act of making is the act of watching, and every link is both a point of departure and a destination.
  • The fear of commercialization was strongest among hardcore programmers: the coders, Unix weenies, TCP/IP fans, and selfless volunteer IT folk who kept the ad hoc network running. The major administrators thought of their work as noble, a gift to humanity. They saw the Internet as an open commons, not to be undone by greed or commercialization. It's hard to believe now, but until 1991, commercial enterprise on the Internet was strictly prohibited. Even then, the rules favored public institutions and forbade "extensive use for private or personal business."
  • Wikipedia encourages its citizen authors to link each fact in an article to a reference citation. Over time, a Wikipedia article becomes totally underlined in blue as ideas are cross-referenced. That massive cross-referencing is how brains think and remember. It is how neural nets answer questions. It is how our global skin of neurons will adapt autonomously and acquire a higher level of knowledge.
  • He was talking about the company's vision of the thin-client desktop, but his phrase neatly sums up the destiny of the Web: As the OS for a megacomputer that encompasses the Internet, all its services, all peripheral chips and affiliated devices from scanners to satellites, and the billions of human minds entangled in this global network. This gargantuan Machine already exists in a primitive form. In the coming decade, it will evolve into an integral extension not only of our senses and bodies but our minds.
  • Not only did we fail to imagine what the Web would become, we still don't see it today! We are blind to the miracle it has blossomed into. And as a result of ignoring what the Web really is, we are likely to miss what it will grow into over the next 10 years. Any hope of discerning the state of the Web in 2015 requires that we own up to how wrong we were 10 years ago.
  • Three months later, Netscape's public offering took off, and in a blink a world of DIY possibilities was born. Suddenly it became clear that ordinary people could create material anyone with a connection could view. The burgeoning online audience no longer needed ABC for content. Netscape's stock peaked at $75 on its first day of trading, and the world gasped in awe. Was this insanity, or the start of something new?
  • > The human brain has no department full of programming cells that configure the mind. Rather, brain cells program themselves simply by being used. Likewise, our questions program the Machine to answer questions. We think we are merely wasting time when we surf mindlessly or blog an item, but each time we click a link we strengthen a node somewhere in the Web OS, thereby programming the Machine by using it. >
  • And the most universal. By 2015, desktop operating systems will be largely irrelevant. The Web will be the only OS worth coding for. It won't matter what device you use, as long as it runs on the Web OS. You will reach the same distributed computer whether you log on via phone, PDA, laptop, or HDTV.
  • After the hysteria has died down, after the millions of dollars have been gained and lost, after the strands of mind, once achingly isolated, have started to come together - the only thing we can say is: Our Machine is born. It's on. >
  • Download rates far exceeded upload rates. The dogma of the age held that ordinary people had no need to upload; they were consumers, not producers. Fast-forward to today, and the poster child of the new Internet regime is BitTorrent. The brilliance of BitTorrent is in its exploitation of near-symmetrical communication rates. Users upload stuff while they are downloading. It assumes participation, not mere consumption. Our communication infrastructure has taken only the first steps in this great shift from audience to participants, but that is where it will go in the next decade.
  • community of collaborative interaction that futurist Alvin Toffler called prosumption.
  • We Are the Web The Netscape IPO wasn't really about dot-commerce. At its heart was a new cultural force based on mass collaboration. Blogs, Wikipedia, open source, peer-to-peer - behold the power of the people.By Kevin Kelly
  • These are safe bets, but they fail to capture the Web's disruptive trajectory. The real transformation under way is more akin to what Sun's John Gage had in mind in 1988 when he famously said, "The network > is > the computer." > He was talking about the company's vision of the thin-client desktop, but his phrase neatly sums up the destiny of the Web: As the OS for a megacomputer that encompasses the Internet, all its services, all peripheral chips and affiliated devices from scanners to satellites, and the billions of human minds entangled in this global network. This gargantuan Machine already exists in a primitive form. In the coming decade, it will evolve into an integral extension not only of our senses and bodies but our minds.
  • When a company opens its databases to users, as Amazon, Google, and eBay have done with their Web services, it is encouraging participation at new levels. The corporation's data becomes part of the commons and an invitation to participate. People who take advantage of these capabilities are no longer customers; they're the company's developers, vendors, skunk works, and fan base.
  • The deep enthusiasm for making things, for interacting more deeply than just choosing options, is the great force not reckoned 10 years ago. This impulse for participation has upended the economy and is steadily turning the sphere of social networking - smart mobs, hive minds, and collaborative action - into the main event.
  • But if we have learned anything in the past decade, it is the plausibility of the impossible >.
  • Today, the Machine acts like a very large computer with top-level functions that operate at approximately the clock speed of an early PC. It processes 1 million emails each second, which essentially means network email runs at 1�megahertz. Same with Web searches. Instant messaging runs at 100�kilohertz, SMS at 1�kilohertz. The Machine's total external RAM is about 200 terabytes. In any one second, 10 terabits can be coursing through its backbone, and each year it generates nearly 20 exabytes of data. Its distributed "chip" spans 1 billion active PCs, which is approximately the number of transistors in one PC.
  • 2005The scope of the Web today is hard to fathom. The total number of Web pages, including those that are dynamically created upon request and document files available through links, exceeds 600 billion. That's 100�pages per person alive. How could we create so much, so fast, so well? In fewer than 4,000 days, we have encoded half a trillion versions of our collective story and put them in front of 1 billion people, or one-sixth of the world's population. That remarkable achievement was not in anyone's 10-year plan.
  • Instead, we have an open global flea market that handles 1.4 billion auctions every year and operates from your bedroom. Users do most of the work; they photograph, catalog, post, and manage their own auctions. And they police themselves; while eBay and other auction sites do call in the authorities to arrest serial abusers, the chief method of ensuring fairness is a system of user-generated ratings. Three billion feedback comments can work wonders.
  • There is only one time in the history of each planet when its inhabitants first wire up its innumerable parts to make one large Machine. Later that Machine may run faster, but there is only one time when it is born. > You and I are alive at this moment. >
  • These user-created channels make no sense economically. Where are the time, energy, and resources coming from? The audience.
  • Danny Hillis, a computer scientist who once claimed he wanted to make an AI "that would be proud of me," has invented massively parallel supercomputers in part to advance us in that direction. He now believes the > first real AI will emerge not in a stand-alone supercomputer like IBM's proposed > 23-teraflop Blue Brain, but in the vast digital tangle of the global Machine. >
  • This planet-sized computer is comparable in complexity to a human brain. Both the brain and the Web have hundreds of billions of neurons (or Web pages). Each biological neuron sprouts synaptic links to thousands of other neurons, while each Web page branches into dozens of hyperlinks. That adds up to a trillion "synapses" between the static pages on the Web. The human brain has about 100 times that number - but brains are not doubling in size every few years. The Machine is.
  • There is only one time in the history of each planet when its inhabitants first wire up its innumerable parts to make one large Machine. Later that Machine may run faster, but there is only one time when it is born. You and I are alive at this moment.
  • Still, the birth of a machine that subsumes all other machines so that in effect there is only one Machine, which penetrates our lives to such a degree that it becomes essential to our identity - this will be full of surprises. Especially since it is only the beginning.
  • The most obvious development birthed by this platform will be the absorption of routine. The Machine will take on anything we do more than twice. It will be the Anticipation Machine.
  • Since each of its "transistors" is itself a personal computer with a billion transistors running lower functions, the Machine is fractal. In total, it harnesses a quintillion transistors, expanding its complexity beyond that of a biological brain. It has already surpassed the 20-petahertz threshold for potential intelligence as calculated by Ray Kurzweil. For this reason some researchers pursuing artificial intelligence have switched their bets to the Net as the computer most likely to think first.
  • I run a blog about cool tools. I write it for my own delight and for the benefit of friends. The Web extends my passion to a far wider group for no extra cost or effort. In this way, my site is part of a vast and growing gift economy, a visible underground of valuable creations - text, music, film, software, tools, and services - all given away for free. This gift economy fuels an abundance of choices. It spurs the grateful to reciprocate. It permits easy modification and reuse, and thus promotes consumers into producers.
  • Senior maverick Kevin Kelly ( wrote about the universe as a computer in issue 10.12.
  • Think of the 100 billion times per day humans click on a Web page as a way of teaching the Machine what we think is important. Each time we forge a link between words, we teach it an idea.
  • What we all failed to see was how much of this new world would be manufactured by users, not corporate interests. customers rushed with surprising speed and intelligence to write the reviews that made the site's long-tail selection usable. Owners of Adobe, Apple, and most major software products offer help and advice on the developer's forum Web pages, serving as high-quality customer support for new buyers. And in the greatest leverage of the common user, Google turns traffic and link patterns generated by 2�billion searches a month into the organizing intelligence for a new economy. This bottom-up takeover was not in anyone's 10-year vision.
  • And anyone could rustle up a link - which, it turns out, is the most powerful invention of the decade. Linking unleashes involvement and interactivity at levels once thought unfashionable or impossible. It transforms reading into navigating and enlarges small actions into powerful forces. For instance, hyperlinks made it much easier to create a seamless, scrolling street map of every town. They made it easier for people to refer to those maps. And hyperlinks made it possible for almost anyone to annotate, amend, and improve any map embedded in the Web. Cartography has gone from spectator art to participatory democracy.
  • In the years roughly coincidental with the Netscape IPO, humans began animating inert objects with tiny slivers of intelligence, connecting them into a global field, and linking their own minds into a single thing. This will be recognized as the largest, most complex, and most surprising event on the planet. Weaving nerves out of glass and radio waves, our species began wiring up all regions, all processes, all facts and notions into a grand network. From this embryonic neural net was born a collaborative interface for our civilization, a sensing, cognitive device with power that exceeded any previous invention. The Machine provided a new way of thinking (perfect search, total recall) and a new mind for an old species. It was the Beginning.
  • This view is spookily godlike. You can switch your gaze of a spot in the world from map to satellite to 3-D just by clicking. Recall the past? It's there. Or listen to the daily complaints and travails of almost anyone who blogs (and doesn't everyone?). I doubt angels have a better view of humanity.
  • The fetal Machine has been running continuously for at least 10 years (30 if you want to be picky). I am aware of no other machine - of any type - that has run that long with zero downtime. While portions may spin down due to power outages or cascading infections, the entire thing is unlikely to go quiet in the coming decade. It will be the most reliable gadget we have.
  • But if
  • It's on.
  • At its heart was a new kind of participation that has since developed into an emerging culture based on sharing. And the ways of participating unleashed by hyperlinks are creating a new type of thinking - part human and part machine - found nowhere else on the planet or in history.
  • "The network is the computer."
  • supercomputers in part to advance us in that direction. He now believes the first real AI will emerge not in a stand-alone supercomputer like IBM's proposed 23-teraflop Blue Brain, but in the vast digital tangle of the global Machine.
  • Amish Web sites?
  • it is the plausibility of the impossible
  • The human brain has no department full of programming cells that configure the mind. Rather, brain cells program themselves simply by being used. Likewise, our questions program the Machine to answer questions. We think we are merely wasting time when we surf mindlessly or blog an item, but each time we click a link we strengthen a node somewhere in the Web OS, thereby programming the Machine by using it.
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DWTS Finale Winners - 0 views

    DWTS is finally coming to a halt, but who is going to win? Lance and Lacey are taking the trophy home, for several reasons. Check out the full article for a rundown.
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    Buy Account What is Account? Account is an online mail benefit that permits clients to make and oversee a personalized mail account. Created by the Russian web company Gather, Account offers a assortment of highlights and instruments to offer assistance clients remain associated and organized in their online communications. With a Account, clients can send and get emails, make envelopes to organize their messages, set up channels to oversee approaching emails, and customize their account settings to suit their preferences. In expansion to its mail benefit, Account moreover gives clients with get to to other online instruments and administrations advertised by Gather. This incorporates get to to online capacity, a calendar include to plan occasions and arrangements, and the capacity to make and oversee contacts records. With a Account, clients can appreciate the comfort of having all their online communication needs met in one centralized area, making it simpler to remain associated and beneficial in their computerized lives. Buy Account How do I make a Account? Creating a account is a direct prepare that permits you to get to a assortment of administrations advertised by this prevalent Russian mail supplier. Whether you need to utilize for individual communication or commerce purposes, having an account opens up a world of conceivable outcomes. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to make a account, so you can begin sending emails, getting to cloud capacity, and taking advantage of other highlights accessible to users. To start the handle of making a account, you will require to visit the site and find the alternative to sign up for a modern account. You will require to give a few essential data, such as your title, date of birth, and wanted mail address. You will moreover require to make a secure secret word to ensure yo
    Buy Account What is Account? Account is an online mail benefit that permits clients to make and oversee a personalized mail account. Created by the Russian web company Gather, Account offers a assortment of highlights and instruments to offer assistance clients remain associated and organized in their online communications. With a Account, clients can send and get emails, make envelopes to organize their messages, set up channels to oversee approaching emails, and customize their account settings to suit their preferences. In expansion to its mail benefit, Account moreover gives clients with get to to other online instruments and administrations advertised by Gather. This incorporates get to to online capacity, a calendar include to plan occasions and arrangements, and the capacity to make and oversee contacts records. With a Account, clients can appreciate the comfort of having all their online communication needs met in one centralized area, making it simpler to remain associated and beneficial in their computerized lives. Buy Account How do I make a Account? Creating a account is a direct prepare that permits you to get to a assortment of administrations advertised by this prevalent Russian mail supplier. Whether you need to utilize for individual communication or commerce purposes, having an account opens up a world of conceivable outcomes. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to make a account, so you can begin sending emails, getting to cloud capacity, and taking advantage of other highlights accessible to users. To start the handle of making a account, you will require to visit the site and find the alternative to sign up for a modern account. You will require to give a few essential data, such as your title, date of birth, and wanted mail address. You will moreover require to make a secure secret word to ensure yo

Reasons why React Native Is the Future of Hybrid App Development - TI Technologies - 0 views

    As the world of mobile apps is expanding beyond comprehension, demand for better and faster apps shoot up. We need applications that perform easily, have a magnificent look, simple to create, and can be implemented rapidly. All these necessities are difficult to satisfy as high performance, related to native apps, set aside enough time for the advancement. Then again, faster deployment, related with cross-platform applications, trade-off, no less than a bit, on performance. Therefore, aching for better languages, tools that help top-notch hybrid apps development, and frameworks keep developers on their toes. One such resolution, which quickly changing the universe of versatile applications is Facebook's React Native. It is a JavaScript library to assemble a UI that enables you to make versatile mobile applications and work easily as native apps. It even gives you a chance to reuse the code over the web and mobile platforms. You don't have to develop for Android and iOS, independently, as one code is sufficient for both the platforms, saving money and time. Let's look at some reasons that point towards React Native taking the center stage in the future. Supports Both iOS & Android - 'Supportive' Because of the two different operating systems which are majorly being used by the customers across the world, the primary challenge for the mobile app development companies is to choose one ahead of the other. But Facebook made it easy by introducing React Native. It supports both iOS and Android making it convenient for the app developers to use the same code for both the platforms without writing it from the scratch. Reusability for better development What makes us to state that REACTS is the eventual fate of application development? It is the reusability of the components. You don't have the Web view components anymore for hybrid apps with React native. The essential code for this framework will easily be reused within the native apps, and you'll easily compile it

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    Increasing customers' demands and tough marketing competition have compelled retailers to automate their online service. Implementing best live chat software online customer service has seen a tremendous progress. Using this web-based chat application, the retailers can give their websites a real feel of the typical brick and mortar stores.

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Live Meeting 2007 - Web Access Problems | WebProNews - 0 views

  • Results of Day One: Zero success in performing the most basic function of presenting a PowerPoint slideshow via the web access console.
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Live Meeting Home Page - Microsoft Office Online - 0 views

    In November 2007 I hosted my first Office Live meeting but it was a dismal failure. 1) No audio. Are they kidding? 2) Application sharing fails. In simple terms: no sharing of PowerPoint or whatever is on screen. 3) Regarding the latter, I was referred to a web page for more information. The web page is non-existent. Considering these deficiencies, I had to say that Office Live Meeting Web Access was a non-starter. I'm all for this type of technology when it works - reliably - but Microsoft's offering is certainly not reliable enough. I'm not alone…
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7 FREE SERVICES TO ENJOY LIVE BROADCASTING ~ Teachers Tech Workshop - 0 views

    Have you ever thought of becoming a broadcaster just from your home? the answer is yes.Making your voice heard in a blink of an eye worldwide is a core aspect of 21st century society.In this information age,Internet broadcasting is increasingly becoming a popular service to broadcast live your content.Thanks to this service,broadcasters are now able to connect with their viewership,broaden their listeners,and create a live interactive community.

Chalk. Web 2.0 Collaboration - 0 views

shared by offerl on 16 Feb 07 - Cached
  • For many of us, a piece of chalk represents a time in our lives when anything was possible. A time when we were learning, building, communicating and most importantly - having fun. So when we decided to create a great collaborative web application, it seemed like the perfect name. However, like back in school, our imaginations started to run rampant with ideas. It didn't take long for us to realize what we really wanted. Something that takes us back - not to the classroom or playground, but to a world where we can create and collaborate freely, with friends, colleagues or even strangers. Designers, programmers, writers, family, friends - anyone. We all want tools that make us more productive, especially when we're working in groups. Chalk gives any team an immediate, real time collaborative environment thats accessible from any computer in the world. Do you want to share your ideas, code or graphics instantaneously with others? Chalk is already changing the way we work, and we're sure it will for you. Oh, and did we mention Web 2.0 yet? Chalk communication is in real time, powered by the excellent Ruby on Rails and AJAX, and it's fully compatible with Internet Explorer 5+, Firefox, OmniWeb and Safari. Not to mention the excellent social features we're still adding such as buddy lists, instant messaging and even entire community hub - all without a single page refresh and just a mouse click away. The end product is almost ready. We've come a long way in a short time, but we're about to graduate (hopefully with honors!). We hope you'll be there at the ceremony so you can take Chalk for a test drive. Until then, sit tight and tell your friends - after all, thats what Chalk is all about, sharing.
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1More is for you2: Einmal kurz hoch schauen, bitte. - 0 views

    Es gibt ein junges, frisches Projekt namens ununi.TV - "was mit Medien und Bildung" - sag' ich jetzt mal lapidar, denn ich habe keine Zeit für lange Erklärungen. (Die gibt's ausserdem an anderer Stelle). Gründe gegen Neues finden sich immer in unseren Landen. Auch Desinteresse und Resignation zum Thema Bildung ist weit verbreitet. Das alles ist nicht konstruktiv, daher bitte ich Euch: einmal kurz hoch schauen. Alles beiseite legen. Ein paar Zeilen lesen, ein paar Mal klicken, ein bis zwei Gedanken hoch kommen lassen. ununi.TV ist eine Bildungsplattform von allen für alle. Der Kern sind Video-Sessions im Netz. Erst live und dann im Archiv. Und die kann jeder leicht selbst durchführen. Web-Videos zur Kommunikation anstatt komsumierbare TV-Formate. Wie wäre es, via ununi.TV das Internet mal zu nutzen, um Menschen zusammenzubringen anstatt es als Marketingkanal zu sehen? Dialog statt Monolog. Sie - ja, SIE - können Ihre Erfahrungen austauschen. Weil andere genau Ihr Knowhow benötigen. Und Ihnen selbst was zu erzählen haben. Von allen für alle, die etwas brauchen: Knowhow, Training oder Feedback von Gleichgesinnten. Zu allen möglichen Themen von Social Media über Workflow zum Kreativen Schreiben und und und… ununi.TV kann ein Kanal sein. Für Kreative, Selbständige, ProjektarbeiterInnen. Berufswelt neu gestalten?

The Eight Must-Have Skills for Information Workers :: Infogineering - Master Your Infor... - 0 views

    These days, a high proportion of the population of developed countries are employed as information workers. That is, they don't produce physical goods, but instead spend their time creating, developing, sharing and consuming information. As a general rule, if you have a computer on your desk at work, you are an information worker. The chances are, you'll also use e-mail a lot of the time, and have access to the Web. Because desktop computers crept into our work-lives slowly, there was never a point where the corporate World stood up and said "right, everyone to the training room!" Instead, people often have had to learn the generic skills necessary to be an information worker themselves through trial and error.

IBM Press room - 2008-11-25 IBM Reveals Five Innovations That Will Change Our Lives in ... - 0 views

    Watch the video: first, from the one minute mark. Then: review the whole thing, from the beginning. Consider the five innovations in order 3-4-5-1-2. Some of these innovations may find great applications and bring _real_ benefits to society, but aspects of IBM's vision (or at least, this video production) are alarmingly reminiscent of John Carpenter's 'They Live'…
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Technorati Weblog: The State of the Live Web, April 2007 - 0 views

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SNFPA - Admission Open for Acting, Singing, Film Making, Spoken English, Share Trading ... - 0 views

    Let's dream together, Let's fly high. Join SN Films Performing Arts to live your dreams. Check out our Bengali and Hindi music videos, movies, short films and web series. Contact us at 9051355050 for acting classes, singing classes, film making, spoken English classes and share trading training courses at Chandannagar (Hooghly).

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2More - Live presentations on the web! - 0 views

  • What is it? With, you can make presentations - like slideshows, or outlines - right in your web browser. When you're done, you can share your presentations with anyone, anywhere, just by sending them a link. Want to see an example? Here's a presentation about us.
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