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Values, Types, and Operators :: Eloquent JavaScript - 0 views

  • Not all operators are symbols. Some are written as words. One example is the typeof operator, which produces a string value naming the type of the value you give it.
  • Having such numbers is useful for storing strings inside a computer because it makes it possible to represent them as a sequence of numbers. When comparing strings, JavaScript goes over them from left to right, comparing the numeric codes of the characters one by one.
  • There is only one value in JavaScript that is not equal to itself, and that is NaN, which stands for “not a number”.
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  • In practice, you can usually get by with knowing that of the operators we have seen so far, || has the lowest precedence, then comes &&, then the comparison operators (>, ==, and so on), and then the rest. This order has been chosen such that, in typical expressions like the following one, as few parentheses as possible are necessary:
  • The difference in meaning between undefined and null is an accident of JavaScript’s design, and it doesn’t matter most of the time. In the cases where you actually have to concern yourself with these values, I recommend treating them as interchangeable (more on that in a moment).
  • . Yet in the third expression, + tries string concatenation before numeric addition
  • When something that doesn’t map to a number in an obvious way (such as "five" or undefined) is converted to a number, the value NaN is produced.
  • Further arithmetic operations on NaN keep producing NaN, so if you find yourself getting one of those in an unexpected place, look for accidental type conversions.
  • g ==, the outcome is easy to predict: you should get true when both values are the same, except in the case of NaN.
  • But when the types differ, JavaScript uses a complicated and confusing set of rules to determine what to do. In most cases, it just tries to convert one of the values to the other value’s type. However, when null or undefined occurs on either side of the operator, it produces true only if both sides are one of null or undefined.
  • That last piece of behavior is often useful. When you want to test whether a value has a real value instead of null or undefined, you can simply compare it to null with the == (or !=) operator.
  • The rules for converting strings and numbers to Boolean values state that 0, NaN, and the empty string ("") count as false, while all the other values count as true.
  • where you do not want any automatic type conversions to happen, there are two extra operators: === and !==. The first tests whether a value is precisely equal to the other, and the second tests whether it is not precisely equal. So "" === false is false as expected.
  • The logical operators && and || handle values of different types in a peculiar way. They will convert the value on their left side to Boolean type in order to decide what to do, but depending on the operator and the result of that conversion, they return either the original left-hand value or the right-hand value.
  • The || operator, for example, will return the value to its left when that can be converted to true and will return the value on its right otherwise. This conversion works as you’d expect for Boolean values and should do something analogous for values of other types.
  • This functionality allows the || operator to be used as a way to fall back on a default value. If you give it an expression that might produce an empty value on the left, the value on the right will be used as a replacement in that case.
  • The && operator works similarly, but the other way around. When the value to its left is something that converts to false, it returns that value, and otherwise it returns the value on its right.
  • Another important property of these two operators is that the expression to their right is evaluated only when necessary. In the case of true || X, no matter what X is—even if it’s an expression that does something terrible—the result will be true, and X is never evaluated. The same goes for false && X, which is false and will ignore X. This is called short-circuit evaluation.
  • - to negate a number
Matteo Spreafico

Fabulous Adventures In Coding : The Stack Is An Implementation Detail, Part One - 0 views

  • Almost every article I see that describes the difference between value types and reference types explains in (frequently incorrect) detail about what “the stack” is and how the major difference between value types and reference types is that value types go on the stack.
  • I find this characterization of a value type based on its implementation details rather than its observable characteristics to be both confusing and unfortunate. Surely the most relevant fact about value types is not the implementation detail of how they are allocated, but rather the by-design semantic meaning of “value type”, namely that they are always copied “by value”.
  • Of course, the simplistic statement I described is not even true. As the MSDN documentation correctly notes, value types are allocated on the stack sometimes. For example, the memory for an integer field in a class type is part of the class instance’s memory, which is allocated on the heap.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • As long as the implementation maintains the semantics guaranteed by the specification, it can choose any strategy it likes for generating efficient code
  • That Windows typically does so, and that this one-meg array is an efficient place to store small amounts of short-lived data is great, but it’s not a requirement that an operating system provide such a structure, or that the jitter use it. The jitter could choose to put every local “on the heap” and live with the performance cost of doing so, as long as the value type semantics were maintained
  • I would only be making that choice if profiling data showed that there was a large, real-world-customer-impacting performance problem directly mitigated by using value types. Absent such data, I’d always make the choice of value type vs reference type based on whether the type is semantically representing a value or semantically a reference to something.

Write to Excel in Java Using JExcel API - QuicklyJava - 0 views

  •   //Create <span id="IL_AD12" class="IL_AD">Cells</span> with contents of different data types.             //Also specify the <span id="IL_AD11" class="IL_AD">Cell</span> coordinates in the constructor            Label label = new Label(0, 0, "Label (String)");            DateTime date = new DateTime(1, 0, new Date());            Boolean <span id="IL_AD8" class="IL_AD">bool</span> = new Boolean(2, 0, true);            Number num = new Number(3, 0, 9.99); 
    Praktisches Beispiel, verschiedene Datentypen in Excel zu schreiben.
Joel Bennett

The Performance of Arrays - Chris Burrows - 2 views

  • arrays of reference types are covariant in their element type, but not safely
  • where did that exception come from? It came from the runtime, which was in a unique position to know what the real type of the array object was, and the real type of the element. It needed to determine if the assignment was allowable and throw if not. Now if you think about this for a minute, you can see that it’s going to have to perform that check for every assignment to an array element
  • arrays are covariant only for reference types?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • So if I want to have an array of reference types, but get the runtime to treat it like an array of value types, what have I got to do? Just wrap the reference type in a value type
  • So I got rid of that check, right? But I added the initialization of a value type. Did I win or lose? Let’s do some timing to figure it out.
  • when I build Debug binaries, the Reference<T> trick makes my example about three times SLOWER.
    Arrays are covariant only for reference types. If you use a struct wrapper to turn a reference type into a value type, the initialization of the value type takes less time than array assignment.

natural ingredients - 0 views

shared by spicesboard on 10 Aug 15 - No Cached
    Spices are special kind of natural products that offer not only great food/ culinary value in terms of aroma, taste, colour and so on, but also tremendous nutritive and therapeutic value because of their chemical composition.

benefits of spices - 0 views

shared by spicesboard on 21 Jul 15 - No Cached
    Spices are special kind of natural products that offer not only great food/ culinary value in terms of aroma, taste, colour and so on, but also tremendous nutritive and therapeutic value because of their chemical composition. For more details..

international market & spices - 0 views

shared by spicesboard on 29 Jul 15 - No Cached
    Spices are special kind of natural products that offer not only great food/ culinary value in terms of aroma, taste, colour and so on, but also tremendous nutritive and therapeutic value because of their chemical composition.

International Spice Conference 2016 - ISC - 0 views

    Spices are special kind of natural products that offer not only great food/ culinary value in terms of aroma, taste, color and so on, but also tremendous nutritive and therapeutic value because of their chemical composition. International Spice Conference.

HTML Attributes - 1 views

  • All HTML elements can have attributes
  • always specified in the start tag
  • provide additional information
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • about an element
  • usually come
  • name/value pairs
  • name="value
  • links are defined
  • with
  • <a> tag
  • link address is specified
  • href attribute:
  • mages are defined with
  • <img> tag.
  • The alt attribute
  • specifies an alternative text to be used
  • when an image cannot be displayed.
  • style attribute
  • specify the styling of an element
  • color, font, size etc
  • tyling later in this tutorial, and in our CSS Tutorial.
  • a title attribute is added to the <p> elemen
  • value of the title attribute
  • isplayed as a tooltip
  • Use Lowercase Attributes
  • Quote Attribute Values
  • HOW TO Tabs Dropdowns Accordions Convert Weights Animated Buttons Side Navigation Top Navigation Modal Boxes Progress Bars Parallax Login Form HTML Includes Google Maps Range Sliders Tooltips Slideshow Filter List Sort List

Database administrator-CRM Professional Services-Sharepoint Administrator - 0 views

    Consult Geek's Various Consulting Services In the present business environment, it is essential to understand consumer behavior as it gives shape to the market trends. Customer care has always been given importance in commercial activity, and the new models of Customer relationship management also known as CRM are needed for the organization for adopting a customer-focused structure, that can maximize the potential value of customer's expectations of that particular company and obtain the opportunity of making a business strategy. The basic steps in the marketing process is to understand the marketplace, designing marketing strategy and marketing program, which leads to building a profitable customer relationship. There are also SharePoint solutions and consultants who establish a relationship by using the concept of modern marketing reforms and building and maintaining profitable customer relationship by offering superior customer value and satisfaction and growing customer needs.
    Hire the best CRM Management, Database Administrator, and ERP Consultant The way the business world is growing there is number of reasons to opt for various management systems likes CRM Professional Services. Issues such as high customer churn, unreliable reporting, and inefficient processes are few examples. CRM Management which is professionally implemented dispatch multiple benefits for business strategies like sales, services, marketing and other functions.

Buy Verified Cash App Accounts - 100% BTC Withdrawal Enabled - 1 views

    Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Introduction Creating a Cash App account is one of the easiest ways to get started with cryptocurrency. With a verified Cash App account, you can send and receive Bitcoin right away without having to complete any verification steps. This means that when you open an account for someone else (or yourself), it's as easy as logging in with your email address or phone number. Once logged into your Cash App account, you can buy Bitcoin from other users by sending them money through the app. Verified Cash App Accounts If you're looking to sell your Cash App account, we can help. We have verified buyers who are ready and willing to pay for your account on the Cash App. This means that not only will they get access to your money but also any extra features such as access to their own cash balance or ability to send and receive money with other users. The reason why people buy verified accounts is because it gives them an opportunity to grow their business in a safe way while still having control over how much money they make from this activity. What is a Cash App? You may have heard of Cash App, a peer-to-peer money transfer service that allows users to send and receive money. It's available on Android, iOS, and web. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Cash App is a mobile app that allows you to send and receive money from your friends with just one tap. It's like Venmo but better because it doesn't require any personal info or photos! Can you sell your account on the Cash App? Yes, you can sell your Cash App account. You'll need to give the buyer a copy of your ID and some proof that you're the owner of the account. If they're willing to pay more than what's listed on their website as "market value," then they'll get it at whatever price they deem appropriate-and if not, then no deal! The only other thing left is finding someone who wants one of those things (a premium) and making sure they don't mind paying more than
    Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Introduction Creating a Cash App account is one of the easiest ways to get started with cryptocurrency. With a verified Cash App account, you can send and receive Bitcoin right away without having to complete any verification steps. This means that when you open an account for someone else (or yourself), it's as easy as logging in with your email address or phone number. Once logged into your Cash App account, you can buy Bitcoin from other users by sending them money through the app. Verified Cash App Accounts If you're looking to sell your Cash App account, we can help. We have verified buyers who are ready and willing to pay for your account on the Cash App. This means that not only will they get access to your money but also any extra features such as access to their own cash balance or ability to send and receive money with other users. The reason why people buy verified accounts is because it gives them an opportunity to grow their business in a safe way while still having control over how much money they make from this activity. What is a Cash App? You may have heard of Cash App, a peer-to-peer money transfer service that allows users to send and receive money. It's available on Android, iOS, and web. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Cash App is a mobile app that allows you to send and receive money from your friends with just one tap. It's like Venmo but better because it doesn't require any personal info or photos! Can you sell your account on the Cash App? Yes, you can sell your Cash App account. You'll need to give the buyer a copy of your ID and some proof that you're the owner of the account. If they're willing to pay more than what's listed on their website as "market value," then they'll get it at whatever price they deem appropriate-and if not, then no deal! The only other thing left is finding someone who wants one of those things (a premium) and making sure they don't mind paying more than
Joel Bennett

AutoMapper - CodePlex - 0 views

    AutoMapper uses a fluent configuration API to define an object-object mapping strategy. AutoMapper uses a convention-based matching algorithm to match up source to destination values.
    AutoMapper uses a fluent configuration API to define an object-object mapping strategy. AutoMapper uses a convention-based matching algorithm to match up source to destination values.
Brad alamder

Payday Loans Bad Credit - Apply Now - Instant Payday Loans Bad Credit - 0 views

    Instant payday loans bad credit, a suitable money value for those who still facing unexpected monetary issues. These loans source readily meet borrowers requirement without much application procedure or any delay. Read more -
Fabien Cadet

2013-11 : Why You Should Never Use MongoDB | Sarah Mei, blog post - 10 views

  • I’ve heard many people talk about dropping MongoDB in to their web application as a replacement for MySQL or PostgreSQL. There are no circumstances under which that is a good idea.
  • Schema flexibility sounds like a great idea, but the only time it’s actually useful is when the structure of your data has no value.
  • When you’re picking a data store, the most important thing to understand is where in your data — and where in its connections — the business value lies.
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Pinhopes Job Site

Climb up the career ladder faster | Few useful tips for Interview | Pinhopes - 0 views

    Reaching your work goals may look like a daunting task at first. With careful planning and implementation of right strategies, you can step up the career ladder quicker than you thought of. Here are few tips on how to get promoted at work quickly:

    Continue learning

    Learning is a lifelong process. To grow in your career, it is imperative that you keep accumulating knowledge across industries' trends, challenges and insights. Staying updated about your domain knowledge enables you to tackle challenges at work more efficiently and higher your chances of getting noticed by employers.

    Lead when required

    To take charge in a work environment doesn't always require you to be in a top position. You can assume a leadership role when circumstances demands at workplace. Exhibit your leadership skills while solving a critical problem at work by effectively communicating, motivating and working in coordination with other team members. Also start taking responsibilities a level in advance to show that you are ready for the next role.

    Give your best

    When you give your best in your work, you stay visible for your passion and performance. If you want to add more value to your work, then go t
Pooja Runija

How Google Tracks Your Every Movement? | Blog - 0 views

    Google is perhaps more than any other company that truly valued your information and known for its privacy inclination. But now with moving towards online world, Google is also interested in following you offline, because they understand the information is power and its proper usage can give them some more information also.
Rajesh sharma

Kids Car Racing mania - 0 views

    The quicker the answers, ★★★★★ the faster the car runs. ★★★★★ Hey Children! Learn multiplication with this car racing game designed specially for kids. Racing excites and thrills. With your customized car you can race with the machine and can check how fast you are with multiplication concept. Playing the game will add value to your learning. Cheers! Treat yourself with thrilling car racing and have fun with multiplication tables. This is an extremely engaging application for kids to practice multiplication while having fun.
David Rietz

Beyond SoundEx - Functions for Fuzzy Searching in MS SQL Server - 0 views

    Quite often we come across a requirement where we may need to perform some sort of fuzzy string grouping or data correlation. For example, we may want to correlate the customer records of a database by identifying records that are similar but not necessarily exactly the same (due to spelling mistakes for example). Obviously a simple group by, will not successfully group such data. We will need to employ what is commonly referred to as a distance algorithm or a string metric in order to determine how close 2 string values are.
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