dbscript php framework - 0 views
dbscript is a web development framework, it helps php programmers take advantage of efficient design patterns and idioms from other dynamic languages and frameworks. for example, the Mapper and Route classes work together to map actions and records to distinct urls. among the many advantages of routes are the automatic named routes: url_for( resource ). restful urls, http-style controllers, atompub/html introspection documents and content-negotiation are among the sophisticated features of this programmer-centric development tool. the framework is a database abstraction layer, with built-in adapters for PostgreSQL and MySQL.
patterns & practices - Unity - Home - 0 views
ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview : The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site - 0 views
ASP.NET MVC provides model-view-controller (MVC) support to the existing ASP.NET 3.5 runtime, which enables developers to more easily take advantage of this design pattern. Benefits include the ability to achieve and maintain a clear separation of concerns, as well as facilitate test driven development (TDD).
PureMVC - 1 views
PureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Model, View and Controller concept. Based upon proven design patterns, this free, open source framework which was originally implemented in the ActionScript 3 language for use with Adobe Flex, Flash and AIR, is now being ported to all major development platforms.
Patterns in Interaction Design (Web) - 0 views
Command pattern (Events) - 0 views
Model-View-Controller Pattern - 0 views
Stop data inserting into a database twice - Stack Overflow - 0 views
* HTTP `Location: ...´ header to redirect ; known as the Post/Redirect/Get design pattern. * Nonces (Number used only once) included in the page as a hidden form field (client-side) ; and server-side: Either stored in the user-session or in the database as the primary key (or at least a unique field) of the table you insert into. * Disable the submit button (drawbacks for the user). * md5 hash on the content of the submitted data.
A Really Gentle Introduction to Data Mining | Regular Geek - 0 views
Excerpt: "Data mining is the process of extracting hidden patterns from data. As more data is gathered data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform this data into information. It is commonly used in a wide range of profiling practices, such as marketing, surveillance, fraud detection and scientific discovery."
Gibraltar monitors errors and usage so you can build rock solid .NET software - 1 views
The bottom line is that with Gibraltar you go from just logging on the user's computer to sending those logs via a web-service (or email), to reporting on errors and usage to graphing usage patterns, performance trends and feature use... Get real insight into what happens when your customers meet your code.
Adequately Good - JavaScript Module Pattern: In-Depth - 2 views
« Big Ball of Mud » (aka. Spaghetti Code) , by Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder (... - 3 views
The class of systems that we can build at all may be larger than the class of systems we can build elegantly, at least at first.
« While much attention has been focused on high-level software architectural patterns, what is, in effect, the de-facto standard software architecture is seldom discussed. This paper examines this most frequently deployed of software architectures: the BIG BALL OF MUD. A BIG BALL OF MUD is a casually, even haphazardly, structured system. Its organization, if one can call it that, is dictated more by expediency than design. Yet, its enduring popularity cannot merely be indicative of a general disregard for architecture. »
Workflow Patterns (.com) - 3 views
For Ladies Beautiful Mehndi Designs - 0 views
Here i want to show you about the most famous Beautiful Mehndi Designs For Ladies.Now days every women and girls uses mehndi Designs 2015 to make their look perfect. mehndi is one of those things to look perfect. Now I will tell you something about these patterns and as we know henna increase the beauty of our hands.
Cornoncob! - Perfect Pixel Patterns! - 0 views
AI and Machine Learning in Fraud Detection - 0 views
The technology analyzes and processes data to find out patterns that can automatically detect if there is some strange behavior or activity. To know more about how ML and AI works, read this complete article. On the contrary, if you want to develop an ML-based app or software that can help you improve your fraud detection system, then hire ML/AI developer or reach out to a reliable ML company.
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