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Babbling News: Update news - It is estimated that more than 1000 people died in the tsu... - 0 views

    Tokyo - The death toll from a magnitude 8.9 quake was followed by the great tsunami in Japan continues to grow. It is estimated, more than 1,000 people died in this natural disaster.

Travel App Development - Features, Benefits & Cost Estimates - 0 views

    The travel industry is also experiencing a shift similar to other sectors due to advancements in technology. In addition, the world is becoming smaller and more accessible with the internet. As a result, international and national traveling management has become easy to handle. Current time has become crucial for considering travel application development due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The global tourism industry is estimated to reach greater heights, and hence the market for traveling might soon recover and come back on track.
Fabien Cadet

You can always do less [2010-01-14] - (37signals) - 3 views

  • The hardest part about making good software that ships on time is knowing what and when to sacrifice.
  • We mistake what we said we’ll do with what must be done.
  • you can always do less.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • What stops most people from doing less is the fear of failure. The misconception that if you don’t get it all done, the rest is worth nothing at all.
  • For every 1 day estimates of a task, there’s a simpler version of that you can do in 3 hours, and an even simpler still you can do in 30 minutes.
    « We mistake what we said we'll do with what must be done. » « For every 1 day estimates of a task, there's a simpler version of that you can do in 3 hours, and an even simpler still you can do in 30 minutes. »

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Mais ce sera la septième visite de Dragon à l'ISS qui avait été, lors de son vol de démonstration en 2012, le premier vaisseau spatial privé à s'y amarrer. PARIS (Reuters) - Les producteurs de colz...

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started by longchamppas on 19 Apr 15 no follow-up yet

Top 10 Most Popular Best JFreeChart Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 25 JFreeChart tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 7 Most Popular Best Java.math Package Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 7 Java.math package tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 5 Most Popular Best jMeter Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 5 jMeter tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 10 Most Popular Best Apache Tika Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 10 Apache Tika tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 10 Most Popular Best JSON Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 10 JSON tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 10 Most Popular Best Apache Xerces Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 10 Apache Xerces tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 15 Most Popular Best Java Examples Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 15 Java Examples tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 13 Most Popular Best Java.lang Package Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 13 Java.lang package tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 12 Most Popular Best JOGL Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 12 JOGL tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 15 Most Popular Best Lucene Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 15 Lucene tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 15 Most Popular Best JSP Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 15 JSP tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 15 Most Popular Best Maven Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 15 Maven tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 12 Most Popular Best Struts 2.x Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 12 Struts 2.x tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.

Top 25 Most Popular Best JDBC Tutorial Websites - 0 views

    Here is Top 25 JDBC tutorial websites ranked by estimated traffic statistics, global rank and country rank.
Joel Bennett

Kanban Isn't the Answer to Bad Product Ownership - LeadingAgile - 6 views

    When teams can't get well groomed product backlog, it is almost impossible to do Scrum. Teams spend too much time figuring out what to build during sprint planning and not enough time figuring out how to build it. They never really consider if the stories were estimable, nor discuss how they could swarm to get the stories done earlier in the sprint. Teams don't work as teams, daily standup meetings suck, and teams miss commitment after commitment.
escaping1 escaping1

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Solidaires des femmes espagnoles, nous, femmes politiques fran?aises, appelons le gouvernement espagnol à retirer son projet de loi sur l'avortement", écrivent les signataires de ce texte, initié p...

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started by escaping1 escaping1 on 20 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
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