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Joel Bennett

F# PowerPack - 3 views

    The F# PowerPack is a collection of libraries and tools for F#, provided by the F# team at Microsoft, but which is not part of the core F# release. The PowerPack include features such as a basic Matrix library and supporting math types, FsLex and FsYacc tools for lexing and parsing, support for using F# with LINQ-based libraries, and a tool for generating HTML documentation from F# libraries.
Joel Bennett

Code Outlining for Visual F# - Visual F# Tools Team Blog - 2 views

    Add standard code outlining and collapsing capabilities for F# in Visual Studio
Joel Bennett

Microsoft F# Developer Center - 0 views

    F# is a functional programming language for the .NET Framework. It combines the succinct, expressive, and compositional style of functional programming with the runtime, libraries, interoperability, and object model of .NET. -- and it had a new CTP in September 2008
Joel Bennett

The Weekly Source Code 34 - The Rise of F# - Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - 0 views

    Everyone is agog over F# and getting all functional. Again...
Joel Bennett

VS 2010 Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheets - Lisa Feigenbaum - MSDN Blogs - 1 views

    Sheets for C#, VB, C++, and F# are now available in Letter (8.5x11in) and A4 (210×297mm) Print-Ready Sizes
Joel Bennett

VSLab - CodePlex - 0 views

    Visual Studio Lab (VSLab) exploits the power of F# to provide an interactive environment similar to MatLab and Mathematica ... and allowing you to easily create additional Add-ins and interact dynamically with them ...
Joel Bennett

F# (FSharp) - Microsoft Research - 0 views

  • F# is a programming language that provides the much sought-after combination of type safety, performance and scripting,
    • Joel Bennett
      In .Net ...
subsequent1 subsequent1

billiga ralph lauren skjortor Han - 0 views

Den nya översättningen har gjorts av Ingemar Lagerström. Han är en av Sveriges främsta kännare och översättare av antikens litteratur och har tidigare översatt andra nyutgåvor av klassiska verk frå...

billiga polo ralph lauren skjorta skjortor

started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 27 Jul 16 no follow-up yet
subsequent1 subsequent1

noir . Casquette Ferrari - 0 views

Votre maître "Il étendit sa main droite en face de lui - la main avec le doigt manquant . Il saisit le poignard très serré dans sa main gauche et a balancé vers le haut.Harry réalisa que Queudver é...

Casquette Ferrari

started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 10 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
medium1 medium1

jours. Sac à Dos Longchamp pas cher - 0 views

On n'y doit point donner le suffrage par sort; on n'en aurait que les inconvénients. longchamp pliage voyageEn effet, dans un gouvernement qui a déjà établi les distinctions les plus affligeantes, ...

Sac à Dos Longchamp pas cher

started by medium1 medium1 on 09 Dec 13 no follow-up yet
Biztech Consultancy

Advantage of Fcommerce - 0 views

    Fcommerce is evolving as online channel to buy & sell products taking benefit of social site, Facebook & helps to drive traffic from F-store to E-store.
Joel Bennett

ExtensionMethod.Net - 3 views

    ExtensionMethod.NET is a database of C# 3.0, F# and Visual Basic 2008 extension methods. It contains many user-rated extension methods that will expand your code library immediately.
Jose Luis Collado

Raspberry Pi * View topic - Pairing my Bluetooth Keyboard/touchpad - 0 views

    • Jose Luis Collado
      Not working for me.
subsequent1 subsequent1

Sac Longchamp Le Pliage L Oui - 0 views

longchamp sacocheleras sans pitié les bivouacs, les équipages, les caissons, les voitures, tout Chasse ce mondelà sur le pont Contrains tout ce qui a deux jambes à se réfugier sur l'autre rive. L'i...

Sac Longchamp Planètes Pas Cher Le Pliage L

started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 28 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
subsequent1 subsequent1

Sac Longchamp Planètes Pas Cher longchamps - 0 views

sac pliable longchampLe vieux cheval était là, tremblant, l'oeil dilaté et fixe sur cette eau qui montait toujours.Rapidement, la salle de l'accrochage s'emplissait, on voyait grandir la crue verda...

Sac à épaule Longchamp Plaige Pas Cher Planètes Trousse Cosmétiques

started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 11 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
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