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Daniel Nisttahuz

Github Integration - 0 views

    Much of modern software is built using GitHub. We at LayerVault use GitHub to manage our code, and use our own product to manage our designs. Using GitHub with LayerVault is common but undocumented, so we put together a video tutorial showing it off.
Daniel Nisttahuz

Google I/O 2014 - 0 views

    Google I/O 2014's web experiment explores several breakthroughs in science and technology. We're inspired by the power of science and technology that allows us to unlock discoveries in the universe as well as the everyday. Join us for Google I/O 2014 as we talk about our latest innovations in platforms, apps and APIs for developers.
Daniel Nisttahuz

Designing Logos with a Grid System | Logo Design Tips - 0 views

    Using a grid system seems to be one of the hottest recent 'trends' in designing logos, but in reality, grid systems have been used in print publications for centuries. Newspaper and magazines have utilised various grid systems with great effect in highlighting the most important elements of a page.
Elizabeth Arostegui

What Font is | - 0 views

    What Font is | - Using What Font is you can identify the font you are looking for!
Elizabeth Arostegui

True Random Number Service - 0 views

    RANDOM.ORG offers true random numbers to anyone on the Internet. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs.
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