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Obama technology election plank adds national CTO, interoperability - 0 views

    (Use page search) Obama will appoint the nation's first Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to ensure that our government and all its agencies have the right infrastructure, policies and services for the 21st century. The CTO will ensure the safety of our networks and will lead an interagency effort, working with chief technology and chief information officers of each of the federal agencies, to ensure that they use best-in-class technologies and share best practices. ... The CTO will also ensure technological interoperability of key government functions. For example, the Chief Technology Officer will oversee the development of a national, interoperable wireless network for local, state and federal first responders as the 9/11 commission recommended. This will ensure that fire officials, police officers and EMTs from different jurisdictions have the ability to communicate with each other during a crisis and we do not have a repeat of the failure to deliver critical public services that occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. ...

Power to the Patients - 0 views

    It might take Google and Microsoft-technology giants, but health-records neophytes-to give networked and interoperable electronic health records just the kick start they need to escape the siloed and proprietary model now prevalent. The new technologies, Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault, are classified as personal health records (PHRs), which are a subset of industry-recognized electronic health records (EHRs).
    What is the likelihood that the Microsoft and Google solutions will be interoperable? Will either company be able to resist the temptation to introduce incompatibilities? Methinks it far more likely based on the history in the software industry that the interoperability will be intra-company solution rather than between each company's solution. This is a potential issue for the same reason that the solutions are being developed; people in the U.S. have many health care providers. Records can't be consolidated and made portable absent interoperability. I haven't researched the issue, but I note it.

Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda' | Tech News on ZDNet - 0 views

    Companies building websites should beware of proprietary rich-media technologies like Adobe's Flash and Microsoft's Silverlight, the founder of Mozilla Europe has warned. Speaking at the Internet World conference in London on Tuesday, Tristan Nitot claimed such applications threaten the open nature of the internet because the companies behind them could "have an agenda". While he conceded that Flash was currently necessary for consistently displaying content such as video, he suggested that the upcoming revision of the HTML specification would make it unnecessary to use proprietary technology.

Sun and GigaSpaces - System News - 0 views

  • Experience datacenter availability Excel That Scales offers greater resiliency and reliability over desktop-based solutions. GigaSpaces IMDG instances are replicated such that every partition has one or more backups, and these backups do not reside on the same physical server as the primary partition. If a system fails, the processing logic can be transparently routed to an identical instance on the backup partition without experiencing an interruption in service. Furthermore, the GigaSpaces technology provides a self-healing environment. When the primary partition fails, the backup becomes the primary partition, and another identical partition instance is automatically spawned, thus helping to ensure that a backup is always available. Excel That Scales is unique in that it co-locates logic and data in the same process. Excel decouples the computational logic from the presentation layer and GigaSpaces completes the solution by recoupling the logic with the associated data and executing them in the same process.
  • Unlike some architectures that increase in complexity as they scale, GigaSpaces, running on Sun platforms, delivers limitless scalability and low-latency performance for highly demanding applications and environments. Excel That Scales is optimized to run on the Solaris 10 OS and benefits from its innovative virtualization technology. The combination of GigaSpaces and Solaris OS helps financial firms cope with the exponential growth of market data and transaction volumes by providing the ability to run separate Excel-based applications in individual Solaris Containers. This integration of technologies enables IT managers to reap the benefits of virtualization while helping to manage growth and control complexity.

xfy Community - xfy Basic Edition 1.6 Released! Runs on Java SE 6 platform! - 0 views

  • A new version of xfy Basic Edition, containing new generation xfy technology, is out!xfy Basic Edition 1.6 uses the same core technology with the one used with xfy Enterprise Basis 2.1. Along with the supprt of Java SE 6, xfy Basic Edition 1.6 has gained a lot of improved features compared to the previous version. Experience the latest xfy technology!
    New version of the most advanced major W3C Compound Document Formats solution's basic edition. Licensed for non-profit and evaluation purposes only. If you are using the Blog Editor from earlier versions, note the warning.

Microsoft SOA Products & Investments: Oslo - 0 views

  • Microsoft is investing some of the top engineering talent at the company to make two key investments: Deliver a world class SOA platform across client, server, and cloud. Microsoft has been a thought leader in Web services and SOA technologies since the very beginning and has delivered industry leading technologies such as the Windows Communication Foundation and BizTalk Server. Deliver a world class and mainstream modeling platform that helps the roles of IT collaborate and enables better integration between IT and the business. The modeling platform enables higher level descriptions, so called declarative descriptions, of the application.
    SOA platform that extends across client, server and cloud. Scary stuff that preceeded the Live Mesh - Silverlight announcement at Web 2.0 (2008)

SOA ist nicht tot - SOA ist Mainstream || IT-Republik - Business Technology - News - 0 views

  • SOA ist nicht tot – SOA ist Mainstream
    SOA ist nicht tot - SOA ist Mainstream

BOOK Offered Or Kept: Digital reading without Epub? | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home - 0 views

    • Gary Edwards
      .wiki is the native wikiWORD language for MSOffice "editors". It's really AJAX for documents, with HTML+ handlign the "structure", and CSS+ handling the "presentation". We need javascript to perfect the full range of typographical options used by knowledge workers makign their way from MSOffice to the web. BOOK is a good place to start.
  • The structure of a BOOK would look like this: …BOOK/ ……index.html ……images/ ………cover.png ……css/ ………base.css ………skins/ …………modern.css …………classic.css …………nouveau.css ……scripts/ ………prototype.js ………base.js ………extensions.js
  • As for the Javascript, it’s based on the ECMAScript standard, which has evolved into a strongly-typed, object-oriented programming language and is one of the few web “standards” which really is a standard. BOOK authors will welcome the addition of a scripting language, as it is NOT currently supported in the IDPF specifications. In fact, it’s forbidden for .epub reading systems to execute scripts. It’s also forbidden for them to display a file called index.html without first loading and parsing several other files.
  • ...10 more annotations...
    • Gary Edwards
      Good point! The IDPF ePUB format does not support javascript! Which makes "BOOK" a better format to target.
  • EPub is an excellent, high-fidelity format for both direct rendering and for user-side conversion to other formats for particular platforms such as very limited resource handheld devices.
  • Jon Noring Says:
  • For BOOKs, it offers true pagination, typesetting, skinnable and collapsible layouts, footers and headers, footnotes as popups, inline text, true footer notes, or endnotes . . . the list goes on. YUI, JQuery, dojo, MooTools, and Prototype are just a few of the frameworks available, and they’ve been addressing these issues for some time now.
  • Javascript is useful mainly for rendering, not bells and whistles. Without Javascript, the non-normalized implementations of CSS out there become useless–you can’t rely on them to produce a consistent rendering of a document. Unfortunately, with CSS3 the rendering game is only going to get more complicated. I don’t advocate executing scripts from epubs, I advocate executing scripts in epub reading systems. Two very different things, as you’re aware.
  • Scripting is *essential* for many digital publishing projects and not understanding it is a major failure of IDPF. Saying that “we will reconsider scripting when adoption of epub grows” is also inadequate, because nobody will wait patiently, but will choose some another platform for their publishing needs, Adobe AIR for example.
  • My criticism of epub is not about details but about its fundamentals. It seems to me that while preparing the spec the most fundamental question was left out of view: what is the right model for digital publication: is it a physical book? Or is it something else? If something else, then what? From my point of view, not a physical book, but a website should be thought as the right model. Why website? - because of the well supported and ubiquitous mix of technologies (html, css, javascript) and because of the workflow (publishing early versions of the publication on the website for gathering feedback and then publishing as downloadable file). If a model for a digital publication is a website, then any format which does not allow to have everything which we have on websites and does not allow to take all website’s html, css and client-side scripts and publish them as downloadable file without much changing them, is doomed to failure in the long run. It seems that epub is now on this way to failure.
  • What I’d like to see is a sort of epub spinoff, another specification from the IDPF, if you will, with slightly different requirements. Instead of BOOK, we could call it epub-lite. The basis for this simplified, consumer-oriented version of .epub would be the same browser-centric building blocks under the IDPF specs. The difference would be in the file structure and in the way a browser deals with it.
    • Gary Edwards
      What we really need are "webDOCS". Laisvunas is absolutely right. The web is the target, with print and device "flow" an auxillary offshoot. I think we can have it all, and Aaron's "BOOK" is a good place to start. My thinking though is that javascript has to come from standardized libraries such as jQuery or Yahoo's "BrowserPLUS". Yahoo BrowserPLUS does have a security model and off-line capability built in. It's nowhere near as robust and sweepign as the jQuery javascript library, but i don't see why the two can't be combined. Good thinking on the part of Laisvunas!
  • What I wish for is this: a simple ebook format which allows me to use all technologies there are on the web with exactly the same freedom as on web and imposing no additional limitations. Secondly, some browser-based reader (browser add-on or some program based on some quality browser engine). Thirdly, some program (editor/compiler) for producing publications from preexisting web-pages.
    • Gary Edwards
      Once again Laisvunas nails it. I really like his "AIR" suggestion. It's also true that flowing content ready device browsers like the webKit "Safari" and SkyFire will be far more widespread than any ePUB reader!!!!! So why not write for both the web and the device at the same time?
  • The system I’m referring to is alive and well at It features an AJAX reader and Package Creation tool. The package tool is currently part of the upload feature which enables people to convert .doc, .rtf, and html documents to epub packages that can be viewed in the Reader. Once we have more epubs out there, direct epub upload will also be an option. We may also eventually enable epub download. Right now, we’re having some doubts about the value of that.
    • Gary Edwards
      How about "eWEB" as a format name? Is it better than "webBOOK" or webDOC"?
    Aaron Miller writes about the limitations and difficulties with ePUB. He suggests a new format, "BOOK" based on ePUB but web ready. BOOK is an AJAX format in that it includes (X)HTML, CSS and JavaScript! Excellent stuff! The discussion on this page is one of the best on the Web. ePUB gets thrashed, but with arguments very difficult to contest. The web is everything, and Aaron's friends fully understand this. Sadly, the ePUB crowd does not. I found this site looking to solve the problem of numbered lists in ePUB.

Project Hydrazine Puts Sun into Competition with Microsoft's Cloud Entry - System News - 0 views

  • Brewin define the composition of Project Hydrazine as "...a network environment, a data center and other infrastructure components such as Sun's JavaFX rich Internet application technology, Sun's GlassFish application server, the Sun enterprise service bus, the Sun directory server, MySQL, 'cheap storage' and Sun hardware." In addition, two repositories will be part of the package. These will enable the storage of services that run on the cloud and of metadata to be used and reused in creating applications. Furthermore, Sun will include Project Insight, an analytics capability, that will enable developers to monitor the users of their projects and to monetize them, according to Brewin.
  • Taft sees Project Hydrazine as pitting Sun against Microsoft's Live Mesh strategy, another cloud computing and sync mechanism solution, as well as in the areas of developer and design tools space and in the concept of developer-designer workflow. Brewin sees the JavaFX Transformer technology as having a significant role in this area. Java FX Script will do for the Sun solution what XAML does for Microsoft's product.
  • Brewin added that Project Hydrazine would also support such clouds as Google App Engine, Amazon EC2 and services from such vendors as eBay and PayPal. Sun plans to deliver an early access release of its JavaFX SDK (software development kit) in July, Taft concludes.

Microsoft Silverlight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The international, non-profit European Committee for Interoperable Systems ("a coalition of Microsoft's largest competitors"[50]) fears that with Silverlight Microsoft aims to introduce content on the web that can only be accessed from the Windows platform. They argue that use of XAML in Silverlight is positioned to replace the cross-platform HTML standard. Effectively, if Silverlight usage becomes widespread enough, users will risk having to purchase Microsoft products to access web content[51]. California and several other U.S. states also have asked a District Judge to extend most of Microsoft's antitrust case settlement for another five years,[52] citing "a number of concerns, including the fear that Microsoft could use the next version of Windows to 'tilt the playing field' toward Silverlight, its new Adobe Flash competitor," says a Seattle Post-Intelligencer article. Microsoft has also been criticized for not using the Scalable Vector Graphics standard for Silverlight, which, according to Ryan Paul of Ars Technica, is consistent with Microsoft's ignoring of open standards in other products, as well.[53] However, according to David Betz, an independent .NET technologies specialist, Microsoft would have needed to alter the SVG specification to add .NET integration and UI constructs on top of SVG to make it suitable for scenarios Silverlight uses markup for (UI and vector markup, by default). Consequently, the "choice by Microsoft to use XAML over SVG, served to retain the SVG standard by not adding proprietary technology [to extend SVG]".[54]
    Silverlight Wikipedia description

Live Mesh: Windows Becomes the Web | Microsoft Watch - Web Services & Browser - - 0 views

  • simply: Microsoft is launching a synchronization platform that the company claims is technology-agnostic. That absolutely is not true. Live Mesh is Microsoft's attempt to turn operating system and proprietary services platforms into hubs that replace the Web. It's the most anti-Web 2.0 technology yet released by any company. Microsoft is building a services-based operating system that transcends and extends Windows and also the function of Web browsers. It's bold, brilliant and downright scary. Microsoft has identified the right problem, synchronization, but applied a self-serving solution.
  • The services platform doesn't seek to keep the Web as the hub, but replace it with something else. The white paper is wonderfully misleading, by implying that Microsoft supports the Web as the hub. Live Mesh is the hub.
  • Live Mesh is competitively important to Microsoft because of companies like Google, whose services shift computational and informational relevancy from desktop software to the Web. But there is something missing as data spreads out across the Web platform to millions of devices: simple synchronization.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • This mesh of services compromises the overlaying platform, which is supported by proprietary Microsoft APIs.
  • APIs, desktop software and Mesh run-time take on real importance. Users must install Live Mesh software on their PC, which includes the synchronization run-time and makes extension changes to Windows Explorer.
  • Microsoft's broader Mesh vision extends the operating system to cloud services. Microsoft's PR information refers to the "Mesh Operating Environment," which would presumably grant end users access to applications anytime, anywhere and on anything. Access includes the Web browser, provided it's from Live Desktop. End users would designate devices in their Mesh that would be permitted to run applications. And, yes, it does foreshadow hosted applications as well as those accessed from a Mesh-designated PC.
    Joe Wilcox takes on MS "Live Mesh" in a series of articles. Clearly he gets it but one has to wonder about the rest of the techno crowd.

SEC Proposes standardizing financial reporting on XBRL --- Farewell Edgar - 0 views

    "Washington, D.C., May 14, 2008 - The Securities and Exchange Commission today voted unanimously to formally propose using new technology to get important information to investors faster, more reliably, and at a lower cost. At the center of the SEC proposal is "interactive data" - computer "tags" similar in function to bar codes used to identify groceries and shipped packages. The interactive data tags uniquely identify individual items in a company's financial statement so they can be easily searched on the Internet, downloaded into spreadsheets, reorganized in databases, and put to any number of other comparative and analytical uses by investors, analysts, and journalists. The proposed rule would require all U.S. companies to provide financial information using interactive data beginning next year for the largest companies, and within three years for all public companies." Note that reports must currently be submitted in the Edgar format, with WordPerfect the only major word processor writing directly to Edgar. See also (.) The proposal is potentially susceptible to legal challenge at the WTO per terms of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade and the Agrement on Government Procurement. If approved, XBRL would constitute a "technical regulation" within the meaning of the ATBT and a "technical specification" within the meaning of the AGP. That raises the issue of whether XBRL constitutes an unnecessary obstacle to international trade within the meaning of those treaties. This is the kind of stuff that is supposed to get sorted out by joint creation of an international standard by ATBT member nations. But both treaties are very poorly implemented in the U.S.

Defining cloud computing | Outside the Lines - CNET - 0 views

    Ask a dozen people what "cloud computing" means and you'll get a dozen different answers, all pointing to the network. Rob Boothby of Joyent interviewed more than a dozen technology wonks, including Steve Gillmor, Matt Mullenweg, Tim O'Reilly, Kevin Marks, Rafe Needleman, Stowe Boyd, Brian Solis and myself, at the Web 2.0 Expo, to answer the question, "What is Cloud Computing ?" Check out the responses in this video:

IBM Press room - 2008-04-30 IBM to Create Alliance With Industry Leaders Supporting Sta... - 0 views

    IBM) today announced it is creating an alliance program for independent hardware and software vendors to support industry standards for new enterprise data centers, which are dramatically more energy efficient, virtualized, and resilient. The new alliance with top IT companies around the world will enable clients to evolve to new enterprise data centers while offering the widest possible choice of open technologies. The importance of interoperability and open standards for new enterprise data centers -- including those for energy management, virtualization, networking, security, and service management, among others -- is a focal point of this program.

Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda' | Tech News on ZDNet - 0 views

    Companies building websites should beware of proprietary rich-media technologies like Adobe's Flash and Microsoft's Silverlight, the founder of Mozilla Europe has warned. Speaking at the Internet World conference in London on Tuesday, Tristan Nitot claimed such applications threaten the open nature of the internet because the companies behind them could "have an agenda".

Component Content Management in Practice - Meeting the Demands of the Most Complex Cont... - 0 views

  • Executive Summary As the market for content management technology continues to grow, so too do the ways in which organizations seek to use content management. What began as a market focused on web content management has grown to include document management, digital asset management, and records management. What has emerged along with this growth is a desire by vendors to provide a broad, enterprise-class platform of content management technology that can handle all kinds of content.
    Gilbane white paper on Content Management Systems. Covers evolution of CMS from paper to digital to web.
    Notice that most of the concepts discussed in the Gilbane white paper are implemented in the open source Daisy wiki/content management system, which is a new wave document assembly/management system specifically designed for producing large technical documents.

We need an onotology for the tags - 20 views

started by Paul Merrell on 12 May 08 no follow-up yet

The Blog: Welcome to - Work. Together. Anywhere. - 0 views

  • With people will not have to sacrifice the quality of their documents or the quality of the user experience in order to work together more efficiently online. The documents look great. They are truly ‘what you see is what you get’ no matter who you are or what computer you are using, including the text, the graphics, and the pages. Finally, the user experience or design of the applications is beautiful, easy to use and getting better all the time. takes the meaning of rich internet application to the next level by using the Adobe technology platform of Flash, PDF and AIR to create distinctive and compelling software. You can access while online from almost any browser thanks to the Flash Player or from your desktop via on AIR. And soon you will be able to access your work via the AIR version of even while off-line.
    Adobe's Erik Larson introduces His blog comments echo his post in response to an article at ComputerWorld: In the CW article, Guy Creese of the Burton Group holds the line, defending, as expected, the Microsoft alighnment of MSOffice, Exchange and SharePoint.

Yahoo BrowserPlus™: Web 3.0 - 0 views

  • BrowserPlus™ is a technology for web browsers that allows developers to create rich web applications with desktop capabilities.
    Another JavaSript library concept, but this time secure. Not as robust as jQuery, but Yahoo is off to a great start. wikiWORD could use this for dynamic page generation.

Do new Web tools spell doom for the browser? | InfoWorld | Analysis | 2008-05-12 | By N... - 0 views

  • As these technologies mature, a new kind of browser is likely to emerge, one that combines the current Web experience with new capabilities based on emerging tools. The key to that evolution will be to integrate today's cutting-edge features with tomorrow's Web standards -- a process that Adobe and Google are both actively pursuing.
  • Adobe is similarly involved in the standardization process -- in particular, extending ECMAScript, the standard on which JavaScript is based,
  • Despite differences in approach between AIR and Gears, Adobe and Google actually share a common vision. Both companies aim to extend the current Web browsing experience with new features that allow developers to deliver RIAs more easily. And, because Web developers, too, have diverse goals and methods, the traditional browser is unlikely to disappear as an application-delivery platform, even as desktop-based Web apps proliferate.
    Tomorrow's Web Despite differences in approach between AIR and Gears, Adobe and Google actually share a common vision. Both companies aim to extend the current Web browsing experience with new features that allow developers to deliver RIAs more easily. And, because Web developers, too, have diverse goals and methods, the traditional browser is unlikely to disappear as an application-delivery platform, even as desktop-based Web apps proliferate.
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