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Jeff Grosse - The Free and Open Productivity Suite - 1 views

    While not a cloud app, Open Office gives you basically all the features of Microsoft Office except the price. Open Office is a free product to download and has equivalent programs to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. If you're used to having MS Word before you left your last employer and don't want to shell out the dough for your own copy of MS Office, give Open Office a try. It even allows you to save your files in MS Office formats so you're sure everyone else you give the file to can read it. Open Office also allows you to output your files as PDF documents.
Jeff Grosse

YouTube - Google Docs in Plain English - 0 views

    Free alternative to Microsoft Office. Check out what Google Docs can do for you. Google Docs can let you create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations on the web, so you can view and edit them from anywhere. You can also control the security of it all along the way. Collaborate on the same file with others and never send a file attachment again.
Jeff Grosse

Google Docs Tour - 0 views

    Find out what Google Docs can do for you. It's online, integrated productivity by allowing you to break free of saving files on flash drives and separate computers. Save one file, one place on Google Docs and and collaborate with others on the same file. Never send an attachment again.
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