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Jeff Grosse

Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done - 0 views

    Lifehacker is a great site to find the best of the best in productivity ideas and applications. One word of warning, you can get hooked on reading Lifehacker articles and forget about being productive. Taken in moderation, Lifehacker is an invaluable resource. One thing in particular to use Lifehacker for is finding "the best" whatever. They regularly conduct polls of the best app for this, that, or the other thing and their users vote on it.
Jeff Grosse

Lifehacker - Jump to a New Career with a Killer Resume and Plan - Career - 1 views

    Lifehacker tips on making a great resume and business plan.
Jeff Grosse

Lifehacker - Create a Log to Keep Track of Your Job Search - 0 views

    As it turns out, MS Office has an online template for tracking your job search. It works in Excel 2007. Check it out and tweak it to meet your needs.
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