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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Terry Elliott

Terry Elliott

Tubalr - A simple tool for enjoying music videos! - 0 views

    A video splash playlist of summer makings and doings and reflectings and sharings.
Terry Elliott

The MOOC Moment and the End of Reform - The New Inquiry - 0 views

  • But I want to suggest that the argument in favor of MOOC’s can’t handle all that much complexity either;
    • Terry Elliott
      No idea what complexity means here--scale? conceptually?
  • The first thing I want to do, then, is slow us down a bit, and go through the last year with a bit more care than we’re usually able to do, to do a “close reading” of the year of the MOOC, as it were.
    • Terry Elliott
      a close reading--MOOC as text--Thomas Friedman article shallow.
  • But it’s also an argument that only works at the depth (or non-depth) of a David Brooks column, maybe a 6 minute reading time, because its claims only work if you don’t interrogate their foundational premises too much.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • What he’s not saying, of course—what he’s working very hard to un-say—is that Harvard is actually struggling to get where the University of Phoenix already was in 1989. You have to read him against the grain to draw that out, but it’s there: he’s essentially observing the way that Harvard is emulating the University of Phoenix. But, of course, that can’t be, can it? After all, by definition, Harvard, Stanford, MIT are cutting-edge, while the University of Phoenix—a for-profit, low prestige university that markets to non-traditional students and employs a no-name teaching staff—well, they can’t be the cutting edge, by definition.
  • If I have one overarching takeaway point in this talk, it’s this: there’s almost nothing new about the kind of online education that the word MOOC now describes. It’s been given a great deal of hype and publicity, but that aura of “innovation” poorly describes a technology—or set of technological practices, to be more precise—that is not that distinct from the longer story of online education, and which is designed to reinforce and re-establish the status quo, to make tenable a structure that is falling apart.
Terry Elliott

the earth sandwich :: ze frank - 0 views

    Sample ze frank project
Terry Elliott

ze's page :: - 0 views

    Ze Frank and his projects, participatory culture and interactive toys are a way to go. A fun way to go.
Terry Elliott

Omeka | Home - 0 views

    Liking the look of this as a part if not all of clmooc activity
Terry Elliott

ScienceTweets portal | Shed light on the exciting life of proteins! - 0 views

    I really like the look of this site using Omeka..
Terry Elliott

Sites Using Omeka - Codex - Omeka - 0 views

    A maker space: Omeka
Terry Elliott

Building The Daily Create | Tim Owens - 0 views

  • I’m not a programmer, I’m more of a “hack away at something and make it work” type of guy.
    • Terry Elliott
      I am much the same.
  • The homepage is a WordPress loop
    • Terry Elliott
      what is a wordpress loop?
  • static content blocks
    • Terry Elliott
      How do I do these?
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • schedule these assignments to automatically post
    • Terry Elliott
      I have done these before.
  • Twitter Tools fires off a tweet to the TDC Twitter account.
    • Terry Elliott
      Twitter tools is a plug-in?  would need a dedicated Twitter account.
  • Flickr
    • Terry Elliott
      Need a clmooc flickr account if we want to do photographic creates.
  • a plugin called Awesome Flickr Gallery
    • Terry Elliott
      Need this plug-in.
  • You can create multiple galleries, restrict them to a specific tag, and control how they display.
    • Terry Elliott
      fine grained controls, cool.
  • Each assignment gets its own gallery which gets put into the post as a shortcode.
    • Terry Elliott
      I assume the plug-in generates the gallery and the short code.  this looks like a manual operation here.
  • Alan figured out how to link back to the original Flickr photo
    • Terry Elliott
      Would want this kind of function as well.
  • decided to use SoundCloud
    • Terry Elliott
      Need a Sound Cloud account
  • simple widget for groups that we’re using on The Daily Create
    • Terry Elliott
      Need the widget.
  • SoundCloud is very restrictive with free accounts and very expensive for paid features. Free users only get 120 minutes of audio total and can only create 1 group. This means I have to find folks to create these groups for each assignment
    • Terry Elliott
      Serious sticking point here.  Need to look at alternatives.
  • YouTube was an obvious choice since so many people already use it and I just needed to find the best way to visualize a tag. The answer to that was TubePress with allows you to build shortcodes with TONS of options.
    • Terry Elliott
      TubePress plug-in will do it as long as YouTube doesn't start costing money.
  • it takes awhile to feed in
    • Terry Elliott
      Drawback with vimeo or youtube not a deal breaker.
  • allowing folks to submit suggestions for new assignments
  • Gravity Forms
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, this works great.
  • allows us to create a form whose submission automatically creates a new post in draft. The user assigns it a category. All we have to do is decide when it should be published, add the widget/shortcode for visualizing it, and give it a tag. The more submissions we get the more posts will be scheduled in advance and there’s very little turnaround work for us.
    • Terry Elliott
      This sounds complicated but it is probably just a matter of screwing up a bunch of times and then fixing it.
    Here is how ds106 does the daily create.
Terry Elliott

Flipgrid. Relax and discuss. - 0 views

    Five essential questions adapted from Dave Cormier via Stephen Downes. Worht considering in a different format.
Terry Elliott

Tree Sitting - The New Inquiry - 0 views

    A real spark of an article about the danger of MOOCs and how 'disruption' can be more like Naomi Klein's Shock doctrine--disruption for private profit.
Terry Elliott

ds106 is Made of the Stuff the Web is Made of « WCET Frontiers - 0 views

    A peak under da hood of ds106.
Terry Elliott

The Pedagogy of MOOCs | Paul Stacey - 1 views

  • Based on MOOCs equally massive dropout rates having teaching and learning success on a massive scale will require pedagogical innovation. It’s this innovation, more than massive enrollments or free that I think make MOOC’s important.
    • Terry Elliott
      Is it an innovation that we want if most of us drop out?
Terry Elliott

Team Ravelry 04/01 by Fiber Hooligan | Blog Talk Radio - 0 views

    A podcast about an online community that has scaled up successfully. These folks reveal their secrets.
Terry Elliott

Connected Learning Principles | Connected Learning - 3 views

  • connected learning
    • Terry Elliott
      Connectivism a la Siemens/Downes/et al?
  • What would it mean to think of education as a responsibility of a distributed network of people and institutions, including schools, libraries, museums and online communities? What would it mean to think of education as a process of guiding youths’ active participation in public life that includes civic engagement, and intellectual, social, recreational, and career-relevant pursuits? How can we take advantage of the new kinds of intergenerational configurations that have formed in which youth and adults come together to work, mobilize, share, learn, and achieve together? What would it mean to enlist in this effort a diverse set of stakeholders that are broader than what we traditionally think of as educational and civic institutions?
    • Terry Elliott
      Are these the essential questions of connectivism? Are there others?
  • Full Participation -- learning environments, communities, and civic life thrive when all members actively engage and contribute.
    • Terry Elliott
     lurking to be discouraged? Personally, I see lurking as a positive step, sometimes the first step to full participation. Yet I also think that to end with lurking is and should be allowed. The choice to become more a part of a community should not be entered lightly. We should be showing learner when to lurk and when to jump in the shallow end and when to dive off the high board.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Interest-powered
    • Terry Elliott
      This is what I see referred to as the folksonomic power of a community. Think of it as an artisian well as opposed to a hand or electric powered well. All of them get the water up, but we would all prefer the water that is the most self-sustaining with the least energy. We want to harness this artesian well in any community of learning because it is deep, cool, clean and drinkable right away. It can be pooled up and used to power everything else in the community.
  • Peer-supported
    • Terry Elliott
      Once you have the power of the people (the folk that are folksonomy), you can multiply these personal interests by creating commuties that connect them with as little friction as is possible.
  • peer learning need not be peer-isolated
    • Terry Elliott
      In social capital theory their are two kinds of relations: bonding (in this case representing peer-isolated support) and bridging (adult participation). In our CLMOOC we need to think in terms of facilitators as the peer-isolated, bonding in our shared interest and of our educational innovators as bonding with each other as well. Where would bridging social capital fit in this scheme?
  • Academically oriented
    • Terry Elliott
      Where does informal learning (which some adult learning experts say accounts for upwards of 90% of the learning we actually do in the world) fit into this academic orientation? Personally, I think we need to have manifold orientations, each appropriate to and sustainable for the task at hand. For example, what place do discussions outside of the educational institution have? What place to students who we remain connected with after they pass through our academic space? When you begin to think about what happens outside the academic space for the 23 hours of the day, how does this insistence upon 'academic orientation' really make sense?
  • n addition, connected learning calls on today’s interactive and networked media in an effort to make these forms of learning more effective, better integrated, and broadly accessible.
    • Terry Elliott
      Does anybody else thinks this sounds manipulative? Or is 'positively manipulative' like most of what we do in the classroom? It seems like the authors are asking us to consider how we can 'harness' (let us not forget that horses are harnessed) the power of open networks (or even proprietary ones) to heighten what we do in our educational institutions. This is good when horses are pulling for a common good, but not so good when the horses need to be out browsing, playing and resting.
  • Shared purpose -- Connected learning environments are populated with adults and peers who share interests and are contributing to a common purpose.
    • Terry Elliott
      Implicit in this is the idea that we have free-range learners who get to choose from or create their own learning environments. This is already highly constrained because of federal privacy laws and almost makes it certain that to satisfy this that students will do it on their own or at least be part of very tightly veted cross-generational communities. Also, implicit is this is a powerful need to show learners how to be safe in any community they choose to be a part of. I do not think that this is a deep societal value yet.
  • Cross-generational learning and connection thrives when centered on common interests and goals.
    • Terry Elliott
      What are our common interests and goals in the CLMOOC? And what kind of place is best suited to achieving those goals?
  • Production-centered
    • Terry Elliott
      This is such an American value. We need to have something to show for what we are doing. I approve, but I also think that the 'thing-centered-ness' of this value should be extended to processes as well. Nouns are good, but let's get verbish as well. For example, I think that workflow is a product and a process. I think PLN's are products and processes. Collaboration is an act that goes well beyond its products.
  • Learning is most resilient when it is linked and reinforced across settings of home, school, peer culture and community.
    • Terry Elliott
      I heartily agree with the value of open networks although I usually have to navigate through mostly proprietary and walled gardens that only appear open (Twitter/FB/Blackboard/Prezi/Diigo). I am uneasy about this and can only say rather vaguely that I prefer to work within networks where I can sense my own center of gravity.
  • The urgent need to reimagine education grows clearer by the day.
    • Terry Elliott
      This is a truism, but the problem is that reimagining has an inherent bootrstrap problem--how can you reimagine something truly new that helps learners engage, that don't alienate, that satisfies business, and that doesn't widen the opportunity /equity gaps already built in to the old way? Imagining often amounts to remixing (what the snarky might call Titanic deck chair management). Imagining oftne amounts to mashing up. Imagining almost always is about putting old wine in new bottles. The truly imaginative (think William Blake, think Nicola Tesla, , think Edward Deming, think Ivan Illich) typically step utterly outside the old imaginative sphere and concoct new ones that are not backwardly compatible and usually creatively destructive. These are not 'adjacent possible' thinkers. They are usually outside the discipline, outside the paradigm, outside that cliched box. These are not reimaginers; they are imaginers. They are drawing new doors on walls and then grasping the knob that has magically become 3-D, walking through and leaving it open for others. What does that leave us as facilitators to this reimagination of education? We are obliged to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto our new learners what is our new learners. How tough is that? Double tough. And I think it is risky business. How do you show someone how to use a wiki to conduct the business of a classroom and at the same time show that same someone how to conduct the business of their own learning using that tool? This purposeful code-shifting has the potential to generate double binds in its users and that is not good. Mama never said this teaching thing would be easy.
  • Additionally, technology and the networked era threatens to stretch the already-wide equity gap in education unless there is decisive intervention and a strong public agenda.
    • Terry Elliott
      I think this is how we can solve the paradox of the double bind--public education. We have public learning institutions in order to give everyone a shot at shared purpose, shared making, and shared networking. In a word educational institutions are opportunity shops, a place where we all can gather to connect.
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