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Clif Mims

Learning in Hand - iPod touch in Education - 2 views

    "An educator's resource for using some of the coolest technologies with students."
Clif Mims

iPads in Education - 4 views

    Resource wiki from Wes Fryer's workshop.
Philip Cummings - Web2.0_Tools - Member Server - 0 views

    Note: This is a collection of Web 2.0 tools and resources that are time savers, will help keep you organized, can help you collaborate with others, or are just down right fun and amazing! The list will be maintained and kept current with the latest, greatest, and best. If you find one not on the list, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

iPods, iPhones in Education - home - 3 views

    Wiki with many resources
    How could we possibly use these in Education? Hopefully, with a bit of help from some iPod savvy educational enthusiasts we will find out. So please feel free to add to the discussion.
Clif Mims

Educational Podcasting - 0 views

    Gary S. Stager: Support for Progressive Educators
Clif Mims

iPod Touch Classroom Wiki - 4 views

    "A collaborative space for educators using the iPod Touch in the classroom."
Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

WebSlides - Turning bookmarks and feeds into interactive slideshows… - 0 views

    "A new way of organizing, sharing, and presenting web content... How is it useful? * Provide a quick briefing, a simple tutorial or guided tour on any subject. * Re-mix and re-package your blog posts to encourage browsing and embedding..."
Clif Mims

iPads4Education - 7 views

    "This Ning has been created to share best practices and ideas for integrating iPads into instruction."
Ann Darling

Beyond Google - page 1 - 0 views

    rmbryne other searcing activities

Why Your Web Apps Need to Use AngularJS? - 0 views

    Developers love AngularJS. They just really really love it. Don't believe us? Look at the GitHub activity. AngularJS probably has the highest number of contributions than any other competing JavaScript framework. Check out Google searches or even StackOverflow mentions - AngularJS is all over.
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