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Roland O'Daniel

compfight + a flickr™ search tool - 0 views

    Flickr search tool
    interesting photo search tool.
Michael Johnson

A Matrix Model for Designing and Assessing Network-Enhanced Courses - 0 views

    Abstract: A matrix model using three qualifiers (tiers of tool usage; ephemerality of content; social domains of interaction) clarifies the design and evaluation of courses involving networked components. The model is tool-appropriate, simple enough for instructors to use in their work, and backed up by successful pedagogical practice.
Clif Mims

The Best Companion Tools for YouTube and other Web Videos - 0 views

    set of YouTube tools that are incredibly useful and yet very simple.
Mitch Weisburgh

GLO Maker - 0 views

    "GLO Maker is an authoring tool for creating rich, interactive learning resources. It builds on the extensive experience of the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) in Reusable Learning Objects. "
Mitch Weisburgh

ipadio - phonecast live to the World, any phone, anywhere - 0 views

    tool that allows you to create audio podcasts from your phone
Mitch Weisburgh

3outube - Download YouTube Video, Simply Fast - 1 views

    Tool that allows you to download youtube videos
Mitch Weisburgh

Turn photos into art for free - 1 views

    tool to turn photos into sketches and drawings
Mitch Weisburgh

Online Spreadsheets - EditGrid - 2 views

    Collaborative online spreadsheet tool, similar to Google spreadsheet.
Clif Mims

Aviary Education - 2 views

    "A safe, private environment to use Aviary tools with your students."
Mitch Weisburgh

Microsoft Learning: Rapidly Create Online Courses - 0 views

    free content development tool that creates SCORM compliant content
Mitch Weisburgh

Edistorm - 1 views

    brainstorming tool, by sticky note.
Mitch Weisburgh

Krut Computer Recorder - 0 views

    Krut is a screencast tool that is written in Java and well suited for making video tutorials (instructional videos) on most platforms. Krut records movie files, including sound, of selected parts of your screen. The files use the quicktime mov format. The program has an intuitive and compact user interface.
Clif Mims

Microsoft Popfly - 0 views

    Microsoft® Popfly™ is the fun, easy way to build and share mashups, gadgets, games, Web pages, and applications. Popfly consists of a set of online visual tools for building Web pages and mashups, and a social network of creators where you can host, share, rate, comment and even remix creations from other Popfly users.
Clif Mims

Aviary - Creation on the fly - 0 views

    Aviary is a suite of rich internet applications geared for artists of all genres. From image editing to typography to music to 3D to video, we have a tool for everything.
Clif Mims ~ Any film in any language. - 0 views

    dotSUB is a browser based tool enabling subtitling of videos on the web into and from any language.
Clif Mims

Tumblr - 0 views

    Tumblr is an easy tool for publish your own blog. Effortlessly share text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos from your computer or phone.
Clif Mims

Picnik - edit photos the easy way, online in your browser - 0 views

    Picnik makes your photos fabulous with easy to use yet powerful editing tools. Tweak to your heart's content, then get creative with oodles of effects, fonts, shapes, and frames.
Mitch Weisburgh

Jamglue - Remixing for the Masses - 0 views

    online audio mixing tool
Mitch Weisburgh

Thinkature - Real-time collaboration for the web - 0 views

    minmapping and flowcharting tool, allowing for collaboration
Mitch Weisburgh

Manymoon | Home | Mitch Weisburgh - 0 views

    project management and collaboration tool, free online
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