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Wanda Terral

From - Teacher Training - 0 views

  • This page contains resources for you to reproduce our workshop or parts of our workshop, back at your school.
    This page gives ALL the materials they used in their teacher training. Broken down into three days and many activities. Includes all handouts, powerpoints, etc. INCREDIBLE!!!
Mitch Weisburgh

Slide Design for Developers - 2 views

    good article on slide design
Mitch Weisburgh

Presentation Keynote Themes - 0 views

    Backgrounds for presentations
Mitch Weisburgh

Selection of great reusable prezis | Prezi Learn Center - 1 views

    These are templates for Prezi, which is an online presentation site.
Mitch Weisburgh

Create a printable summary of your video with Vidinotes! - 1 views

    Upload your video from youtube or in Flash format, select up to 30 frames for screen shots, annotate the frames, export to PDF format for a summary of the video.
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