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Cara Whitehead

SpellingCity for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch on the iTunes App Store - 7 views

    VocabularySpellingCity is a fun way to learn spelling and vocabulary words by playing engaging learning games using any word list. The most popular activities are Spelling TestMe, HangMouse, and our vocabulary games, available to Premium Members. The most popular word lists are Sound Alikes, Compound Words, Hunger Games and SAT Words. This is a free app!
Warren K Gurrero

Top 20 Hall of Fame iPhone & iPad Games in The Market - 0 views

    Listing the top 20 most popular iPhone & iPad games in the market, this list of free & paid games are most acclaimed games at iTunes.
Clif Mims

Apple - iTunes - App Store Volume Purchase Program - 3 views

    "The Volume Purchase Program makes it easy for educational institutions to purchase iOS apps in volume and distribute those apps to users. The Volume Purchase Program also allows app developers to offer special pricing for purchases of 20 apps or more."
Clif Mims

Nicecast: Broadcast any audio on Mac OS X - 0 views

    Nicecast is the easiest way to broadcast music from OS X. Broadcast to the world, or just across your house. Nicecast can help you create your own internet radio station or allow you to listen to your iTunes Music Library from anywhere in the world!
Clif Mims

AudioBoo - 9 views

    "Record and playback digital recordings up to 5 minutes long which can then be posted on" to your personal Audioboo profile page. You can record your "boos" by phone, with the iPhone app or through your web browser. AudioBoo is iTunes ready making it the easiest way to begin podcasting.
Clif Mims

LectureTools - iPad app fostering engagement in lectures - 42 views

    "LectureTools is a student response system that also allows students to take notes linked with the slides and videos presented in class, answer instructor generated questions and pose questions to the instructor. All notes, questions and activities are instantly synchronized with the LectureTools web application."
Barbara Lindsey

Textbook Piracy Grows Online, Prompting a Counterattack From Publishers - - 0 views

  • College students are increasingly downloading illegal copies of textbooks online, employing the same file-trading technologies used to download music and movies. Feeling threatened, book publishers are stepping up efforts to stop the online piracy.
  • Textbook Torrents, promises more than 5,000 textbooks for download in PDF format, complete with the original textbook layout and full-color illustrations. Users must simply set up a free account and download a free software program that uses a popular peer-to-peer system called BitTorrent. Other textbook-download sites are even easier to use, offering digital books at the click of a mouse.
  • culture of infringement
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • So far the publishing group has not sought to take legal action against individual student downloaders, as the Recording Industry Association of America has done in its campaign to stamp out the illegal trading of music at colleges. The book-publishing group has not sought to shut down entire Web sites that offer downloads either, said Mr. McCoyd. Instead, officials are doing research on the extent of the problem and asking Web-site owners to remove individual files. "We've just tried to keep sweeping away these infringements as they continue to come online," he said.
  • Individual academic publishers have also taken steps to stop book pirates.
  • "We have been fairly vigorous in monitoring these sites and in requesting that they take down our copyrighted content,"
  • One place their titles keep popping up is Scribd, a document-sharing Web site that opened this year. The site's policies do not allow users to post copyrighted content without permission, but some people break the rules.
  • He said that if the problem worsens, publishers may have to take other steps to prevent piracy, such as releasing a new version of most textbooks every semester. The versions could include slight modifications that could be changed easily—such as altering the numbers in math problems. "They may compelled to," he said, "in order to stay one step ahead of the pirates."
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Wrong response. Instead of trying to force students into a model that doesn't work any longer, why not give them what they want and need? Look at MIT OpenCourseWare, Berkeley course content on iTunes, Flat World Knowledge, the California Open Source Project, Connexions. Heck! Look at OpenSource software such as Linux, Firefox, OpenOffice. THIS is the new model and companies will need to figure out a way to monetize this in a way that works for everyone.
David Wetzel

Integrating Technology into Project Based Learning - 0 views

    "Integration of technology is an integral part of project based learning, because technology is an integral part of life outside the classroom as revealed in this part of the definition - "types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the classroom.""
David Wetzel

How to Make Science or Math Flash Cards for an iPod like a Pro - 0 views

    "Ever wondered how to make science or math flash cards for students to use with their mobile devices? This typically comes about because finding science and math flash cards specific to a particular concept, topic area, or unit is difficult. Often when appropriate flash cards are found, they are too expensive or need modification. Technological advances have uncomplicated the process of making tailor made free flash cards for students."
Michael Porterfield

CMU class teaches education students using iPod technology | Central Michigan Life - 2 views

  • “For them, this is like having a pencil,” said Jan Huffman, an instructor for Teacher Education and Professor Development, who co-teaches the class.
  • The integration is part of a package from It began offering the iPhone/iPod service this year.
  • Roberts said the miniature computers are used outside the class as well, where students download podcasts of scheduled speakers and instructional videos from iTunes U.
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  • Between 35 and 40 percent of the students of EDU 107 had an iPod touch or iPhone when the class began, Roberts said.
  • The registration process to sync the devices with the class consists of at least four steps. And while many students, including Brinson, already owned the needed technology, those who attended the two sections where the Apple devices are mandatory needed to either buy them or rent them from the Central Michigan University Bookstore for $30.
Michael Porterfield

Product - MindMeister - 4 views

  • Mobile access MindMeister mobile, our iPhone application, provides access to your online mind maps where ever you are. You can create new maps, edit them and sync them with the your MindMeister account. Through our unique user interface you have both the comfort of an iPhone application and the familiar interface of MindMeister.
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