Martin Dougiamas presented the keynote at the Canadian Moodlemoot in Edmonton.
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in title, tags, annotations or urlBest Australia PR Visa Consultants in India! - 0 views
Do you know that for the current year-according to a conservative ballpark figure-Australia is providing 190,000 Permanent Residence (PR) Visas under the popular Family & Skilled Worker categories? But the Australia PR process could be pretty tricky and long drawn out, if you do not know it inside out, or are one of the common visa aspirants.
EIA Energy Kids - What Is Energy? - 6 views
Energy Kids is a website produced by the US Energy Information Administration for the purpose of educating students about energy and its many forms. Energy Kids provides a wealth of easily accessible information about energy which students can use to play games, solve riddles, and take quizzes about energy. Some of the games students will find include Energy Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and riddles. Energy Kids also provides students of all ages with ideas and outlines for science fair projects around the energy theme. The science fair projects are available as free PDF downloads.
Martin Dougiamas Keynote at Moodlemoot Canada | Some Random Thoughts - 13 views
Martin updated us with the current stats on Moodle 54,000 verified sites worldwide. 41 Million users 97 language packs (17 fully complete, the rest are in various states) 54 Moodle Partners who fund the project and its going very well ensuring the project will continue into the future. (such as Remote-Learner who I work for) USA still has the highest raw number of installations and Spain has half of that with much less population. Brazil is now 3rd in the world and has overtaken the UK now in total installs. 3 of the top 10 are English speaking per head of population, Portugal has the largest number of Moodle installations.
”a lot of people find that giving students the ability to teach is a valuable learning process” – Martin Dougiamas.
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