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drew polly

Online Digital Storytelling Curriculum from Independent Student Media ? Moving at the S... - 0 views

    Online Digital Storytelling Curriculum from Independent Student Media
drew polly

Langwitches » Digital Storytelling Part IV- Windows Movie Maker - 0 views

    Windows Movie Maker tips on doing Digital Storytelling
drew polly

7 Things you should know about digital storytelling - 0 views

    PDF with tips for digital storytelling.
drew polly

Teach Digital: Curriculum by Wes Fryer - 0 views

    Great introduction to digital storytelling
drew polly

Digital Storytelling in PPT - 0 views

    Digital Storytelling in PowerPoint.
Dean Mantz

Storytelling Alice - Download - 0 views

  • Storytelling Alice was created as part of the research for my PhD dissertation. It has not been heavily tested in the classroom (as Alice 2 has) and no support is available. It is available for download in part because of the overwhelming number of requests that I have received and in part because it provides a glimpse of some of the ideas influencing the design of Alice 3.
Dean Mantz

Patrick Woessner's Presentations - Digital Storytelling - 12 views

    @pcwoessner Digital Storytelling resoures and concepts.
Roland O'Daniel

100 Digital Storytelling Tools for Your Digital Selves + Natives (Part 1) | Ozge Karaog... - 15 views

    Nice set of digital storytelling tools.
drew polly

Digital Story Telling - 0 views

    Digital storytelling resource- articles, examples
drew polly

Life 'round here wiki - Life Round Here - 1 views

    Life Round Here- digital storytelling examples
drew polly

StoryCorps - 2 views

    The conversation of a lifetime. Digital storytelling and oral history website.
drew polly

Celebrate Oklahoma! Connecting and Empowering Oklahoma Learners with Digital Content an... - 1 views

    Digital storytelling about the history of Oklahoma.
drew polly

digitalstories - 0 views

    Website providing an overview and insight into digital storytelling.
drew polly

Stories for Change - 0 views

    Community-based digital storytelling.
Dean Mantz

Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling - 10 views

    Education uses of Digital Storytelling from the University of Houston
Dean Mantz

Digital Stories :: Introduction - 12 views

  • This multimedia archive on digital storytelling shares the results of a multi-campus study of student learning and digital storytelling in humanities classrooms. Digital stories are multimedia projects combining text, images, audio and video files into short film clips.
Ben Rimes

My Fake Wall - - 13 views

    Create fake Facebook walls for fictional, historical, or any person you'd like. Useful for digital storytelling projects looking for a 21st century social media redux, or perhaps recounting complicated story arcs and/or historical events using status updates, wall comments, and other faux Facebook features.
Dean Mantz

Santee School District | Instructional Technology - 8 views

    Digital Storytelling examples using Pixie, iMovie, Frames, iPhoto and more.
Dean Mantz

ZooBurst - 10 views

    Create your own 3D pop-up books for digital storytelling projects.
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