Surviving The Final Bubble - A blueprint to surviving and thriving during the coming Bi... - 0 views
tech writer on 26 Mar 16"Surviving the Final Bubble": A blueprint to surviving and thriving during the coming Big Bank Derivatives collapse. In the wealth protection section you will discover: The three assets you do not have to report to the U.S. Government. In 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt forbid the Hoarding of gold within the continental United States and criminalized the possession of monetary gold and confiscated thousands of tones from the citizens. This has happened in mainly due to the Great Depression and can happen again during an economic collapse to whatever assets the government wants to take away from you. But they can't take what they don't know you have. We will show you the safest investments you can make to protect your financial stability. We will show you exactly why silver may become the best place to store your wealth and where to get it to avoid scammers. Historically, during an economic crisis the price of silver skyrockets, not to mention the fact that silver coins are easy to barter with and to store. We will tell you the absolute best asset to buy during the crisis. This is not preparation, this means acting on the moment and seizing an opportunity that may end all your financial worries...