Martin Burrett
Y5/6 Teacher on Mersea Island, Colchester - Sharing ICT & other School resources on twitter & my websites http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com. Twitter @ICTmagic
member since 2011-07-04
Dimitris Tzouris
I help life-long learners and educators use technology effectively and meaningfully. I've got a life, but I live on-line too. Just like you.
member since 2009-08-21
mbarek Akaddar
High school EFL teacher ICT Teacher Trainer Webhead Collaborative project facilitator http://twitter.com/mbarek
member since 2009-06-04
Maggie Verster
I am an educational technologist and support teachers in ICT integration in South Africa. I also facilitate teacher professional development training, write m and e-learning material and oversee a few online PD teachers communities. Passionate about learning and sharing.
member since 2009-03-04
Tero Toivanen
I am a special education teacher and Master of Arts in Education. I work with children with autistic spectrum disorders.
member since 2009-01-25
member since 2008-06-11
Don Lourcey
Lover of Jesus Christ, my wife, daughter, and family. Innovation Director for North Carolina Virtual Public School, 360-Degree Leader, empowered by emerging technologies, passionate for 21st century leaders to impact 21st century learners.
member since 2009-08-06
Samantha Morra
Samantha Morra is a teacher, presenter, consultant, educational technology specialist, Google Certified Teacher, STEM enthusiast and passionate about teaching and learning.
member since 2008-11-13
member since 2008-04-01
member since 2008-10-15
J Black
I teach classes such as Web 2.0, Flash Animation and Web Design on the high school level in Colorado. I'm an educational blogger and am passionate about getting others to realize the immense power of Web 2.0 - professionally, personally and socially.
member since 2009-01-18
Cathy Oxley
I am Director of Information Services at Brisbane Grammar School, an all-boys school of 1400 students from Yr 6 - Yr 12. I am passionate about Web 2.0 and its ability to engage students in rich, relevant and meaningful learning. My blog: cathryno.globalteacher.org.au
member since 2009-01-10
Tammy Jin
If you are looking for sexy lingerie that surpasses all other women's lingerie, Visit us now for your erotic and Sexy Underwear
member since 2012-07-06
Judy Robison
I am Director of Technology at a small Catholic High School, in Frederick, MD My focus is technology integration
member since 2008-04-25
member since 2008-07-21
member since 2009-06-30
Lisa Thumann
I'm the Senior Specialist in Technology Education for the Center for Mathematics, Science and Computer Education at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
member since 2008-04-02
Jim Farmer
Husband, father of 3 amazing girls, teacher, technology coordinator, soccer coach... can I go to the beach now!?
member since 2008-04-04
Group Members
8343 members total, 130 receiving alerts immediately, 4111 receiving alerts daily, and 1786 receiving alerts weekly.