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Jeff Rothe

vector wip. - 0 views

  • In Progress:Jungle Hunt Marquee  Completed and uploaded to the AAL.  My first vector trace.  Layer logistics and compilation messy.  I really need to go back and fix it some time. Bubble Bobble Marquee  Completed and uploaded to the AAL.Taito Generic Sideart   Completed and uploaded to the AAL.Donkey Kong Jr CPO.  Completed and upped to the AAL.Track& Field Marquee.   Completed and upped to the AAL.Juno First Side Art Stencil  Completed and uploaded to the AAL.Mad Planets Bezel.  Incomplete.  All my arcade stuff on hold.  Incomplete file available for any compitent tracers wanting to complete it!Donkey Kong 3 CPO.  Incomplete.  All my arcade stuff on hold.  Incomplete file available for any compitent tracers wanting to complete it!
Jeff Rothe

Does Wico still sell their spinners? They rock! - 0 views

    Mad Planets
Jeff Rothe

craigslist is full of idiots - 0 views

  • There are a lot of bottom dwellers on there for sure.I was selling a gutted Mad Planets cabinet on there for $20.  A guy was interested but then backed out at the last minute.  He said it was "too expensive".  I jokingly said that I would slash the price to $10.  He said he would be right over.Upon seeing him I told him to keep the $10.Some people should get their priorities straight and shouldn't be buying arcade games.
Jeff Rothe

Which mini cab to build? - Mini Mad Planets - 0 views

  • I was really pleased with how mini-Gottlieb MAME cab turned out.  I have always liked the overall shape and clean lines of the Q*Bert and Mad Planets cabs, that's why I went with that design.  It is 4ft tall overall and I gave it a Q*Bert style paint job.  And I *finally* have the sideart being printed out, so after I get that applied it will be done.
Jeff Rothe

San Jose auction results - 0 views

    Mad Planets 350
Jeff Rothe

'Mad Planets' Bezel ... # file recovered # - 0 views

    Mad Planets
Jeff Rothe

'Donkey Kong 3' CPO and BEZEL vectorisation. # DK3 CPO file recovered # - 0 views

Jeff Rothe

Rally-X Cocktail same as Pac-Man? - 0 views

    The machine I bought may have died, but others were brought back from the brink. I recently got an empty Mad Planets upright for free, and I'm turning that one into a MAME cabinet too. The guy who gave it to me was trying to get rid of it for about a month with no takers. Who knows, it may have ended up in the dump if I didn't get it.
Jeff Rothe

Star Wars Atari poster value? - 0 views

    It depends on the condition. If it was NOS, I would say it would definitely go for $250. I was looking into getting a NOS Krull poster on ebay, and then the price went nuts. The guy had a bunch of NOS posters for sale. Here is a short list of what some went for... Journey ($306.11). Joust ($359.00) MACH 3 ($83.00) Pengo ($169.50) Mad Planets ($177.50) TRON ($406.11) Cliff Hanger ($39.50) Caveman ($41.00) Tempest ($233.50) Krull ($170.50) Dig Dug ($233.50)
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