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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Shelby Tomlinson

Shelby Tomlinson

TrailerSpy - Abandon by Meg Cabot Book Trailer - 1 views

    Abandon trailer.
Shelby Tomlinson

TrailerSpy - Airheads by Meg Cabot Book Trailer - 1 views

    Airhead book Trailer
Shelby Tomlinson

Meg Cabot | Book Videos, Interviews & Podcasts from B&N Studio - 0 views

    This is an interview with Meg Cabot on the radio.
Shelby Tomlinson

Meg Cabot - 0 views

    • Shelby Tomlinson
      This was her a while back. She has shorter hair now, and two cats: Henrietta and Gem.
    • Shelby Tomlinson
      At the bottom of the page, you can see almost all the books she has written: over 50!!!!!!
    • Shelby Tomlinson
      61 total novels and 9 short stories
    • Shelby Tomlinson
      Meg's middle name is Patricia
  • Meg Cabot(Meggin Patricia Cabot)  (1967 - )akaPatricia Cabot, Jenny Carroll
  • Meggin Cabot was born on 1st February 1967, in Bloomington, Indiana. The intervening years of Meggin's childhood were spent in pursuit of air conditioning, of which there was little at the time in Southern Indiana. A primary source proved to be the Monroe County Public Library, where Meggin whiled away many hours, reading the complete works of Jane Austen, Judy Blume and Barbara Cartland. It was around this time that Meggin's desire to be a writer bloomed, a goal that was not forgotten, even when she fell in with a theatre crowd in high school and went on to star in productions such as The Good Doctor and Li'l Abner.After earning a Fine Arts degree at Indiana University, Meggin moved to New York City in 1989, intent in pursuing a career in freelance illustration. Assignments by MTV and Planned Parenthood soon followed. In September, 1994, however, spurred by the sudden death of her father, Meggin dusted off one of the many manuscripts she had penned in her spare time and began to look for representation. Where Roses Grow Wild, her first historical romance was published by St. Martin's Press under the name Patricia Cabot. Two other romances followed, and then prompted by her mother moving in with one of her former a
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • professors, she wrote both The Princess Diaries and The Meditator, books which happen to be about, among other things, teenage girls dealing with unsettling family issues.Meg Cabot currently resides in New York with her husband and their one-eyed cat named Henrietta. 
Shelby Tomlinson

Google Image Result for - 1 views

    This picture of Henrietta should show up. The other one never showed up... :(
Shelby Tomlinson

Meg Cabot - Henrietta My One-Eyed Cat - 0 views

    • Shelby Tomlinson
      This tells the story of Henrietta.
  • Henrietta My One-Eyed Cat
    • Shelby Tomlinson
      The cat is also a Ninja cat!! And I am NOT KIDDING!!!
  • “Why can't you ever bring home a normal pet?” my husband wanted to know. Henrietta quickly proved to be a problem cat. Maybe it's genetic. Maybe it's her one eye. Maybe it's the tortoiseshell thing. But from the beginning, Henrietta was just…weird. She likes to collect things. Her primary loves are paper clips and bottle caps—anything sparkly. She used to keep these things in a little pile beneath bed. Not that we were allowed near it. If we so much as looked like we might be about to go under the bed for a suitcase or whatever, Henrietta would puff out to ten times her normal size, hiss, and stalk around the bedclothes, growling menacingly, to try to keep us away. This was charming when she was little. But as she grew larger, if anyone happened to come to my apartment and see her do her “Bed Dance”, they'd often ask, “Um…what's wrong with your cat?” The last straw was when my wedding ring disappeared. I tore the apartment apart looking for it, then realized there was only one place it could have gone.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • the rest of her litter, abandoned in an alley in Brooklyn. The reason I went for an alley cat, instead of a cat from the ASPCA or Bide-a-Wee or whatever, is that my husband insisted he wanted a calico cat. And calico cats, for some reason, were in short supply in the Tri-State area at that time. So I put out an alert to all of my friends: If you hear of a calico kitten, let me know. Sure enough, a friend knew of a neighbor who had found a litter of kittens (Gigi), one of which was a calico. OK, first thing: Henrietta is not a calico. She is a tortoiseshell. Here is what the vet said in an unenthusiastic voice when I first brought Henrietta in: “Oh. A tortoiseshell.”
  • Why? Because tortoiseshell cats, though revered in some cultures (ancient Celtics believed tortoiseshell cats brought good luck; Japanese fishermen used them as ship cats to ward off ghosts) can be, in actuality, “difficult.” I didn't know all of this the day I heard about Henrietta. All I knew was thatall of the kittens from the litter Gigi found were really sick, with infections in their eyes. Henrietta was the least badly affected of her brothers and sisters…she still had one good eye left. And yet when I got to Gigi's, Henrietta was the only kitten she hadn't managed to give away. People had chosen completely BLIND cats over Henrietta. Perhaps they knew what my vet knew.
  • Recently, my friend Beth (the owner of Fat Henry, on whom Mia's cat Fat Louie is based) revealed to me that when she and I walked into Gigi's house (I took Beth with me because my husband was stuck at work) Beth took one look at Henrietta and thought, “That cat is going to be dead by the end of the week. If she's not dead now.” Henrietta didn't move or even utter a sound the whole subway ride home. When my husband came home and finally saw her, he had to poke her to make sure she wasn't dead. She did look kind of dead. I didn't know what to do about my new dead kitten. I thought maybe she was hungry. There'd been three huge dogs at Gigi's house, so maybe Henrietta had never gotten a proper meal.
  • So I opened a container of Sheba and put it on a plate and set it front of her. The slab of Sheba was almost as big as Henrietta was. At first she showed no interest. She just lay there, kind of dead. Then she must have gotten a sniff of salmon pate. Since she sat up. And then ate the whole thing in about two minutes. I've still never seen anything that small put away something that big. And then, to our very great surprise, this tiny, almost comatose kitten stretched, turned around, saw my new sheer curtains, and immediately began to climb them. Purring loudly.
  • So the other night, I watched the movie Seabiscuit, which, in case you don't know, is the true story of this champion race horse. And I couldn't help thinking, as I watched, how much Seabiscuit, a problem horse whose owners at times despaired of him, reminded me of my cat, Henrietta, a problem cat whose owners sometimes despair of her. Don't get me wrong. I love Henrietta with all the fiber of my being. If there were a fire in my building, Henrietta would be the first thing I'd grab. My husband and I disagree about many things—the therapeutic benefits of the show Charmed, for instance. But fortunately we both agree on Henrietta: She is the best thing in our lives—a little angel who fell down from heaven to be with us. The only problem is that we're the only people on the planet who've met Henrietta who feel that way about her. Henrietta didn't have a very good start in life. I got her from a woman, Gigi, who'd found her, along with
  • But when I moved the bed to get it back, I was confronted by the strangest sight I have ever seen. If you can imagine a Ninja in cat form, that is what I saw in front of me. Henrietta, who had previously only made threatening noises and puffed her fur out a lot during the “Bed Dance,” was now walking menacingly towards me ON HER HIND LEGS, her front claws raised to gouge my eyes out. I thought she'd get over it. I really did. I mean, she's a CAT. How long would she remember the day I ransacked her treasure chest?
  • For THREE MONTHS after that, every time she saw me, Henrietta turned into Ninja cat again, puffing out, growling, and walking on her hind legs. One day while cornered in the kitchen, I called my vet, and asked them what you're supposed to do when your cat is really a Ninja in disguise and is TRYING TO KILL YOU. “This is the tortoiseshell?” my vet asked, with a sigh. “Yeah. They do that.”
  • The vet suggested an animal therapist be sent to study Henrietta and suggest treatment. For $170/hr. I didn't have $170/hr to give to an animal therapist. I was living in a studio apartment, for crying out loud! So I launched my own line of therapy: I didn't touch Henrietta's stuff anymore. I bought her a nice, comfy bed for my closet, since that seems to be her preferred sleep spot (on top of my suede boots). I spent hours experimenting with treats with which I tried to lure her into petting distance to prove I wasn't all bad. And I kept plenty of containers of catnip all around the apartment to hurl at her in emergencies. It's seemed to work—at least in so far as she isn't trying to kill me anymore. In fact, she finally seems to have forgotten all about my betrayal, and will now allow me to touch—and even carry–her. She usually purrs when I do so. She likes to curl up under the duvet when I'm writing, sleeping on my feet.
  • She loves my husband, too, and will, when he points at her, roll over and squirm in delight. Yes. Like a dog. That is not Henrietta's only doglike trait. When Henrietta hears activity in the hallway outside our apartment, she runs to the door, growling. If anyone—no matter how long she's known them, or how many times they've fed her–who is not myself or my husband enters our apartment, she goes Ninja cat on them.
  • This was a particular problem when a landlord wanted to show the studio apartment we were moving out of. Henrietta would not allow the realtor or the prospective tenants move freely through the apartment. I would be out shopping and get a frantic phone call on my cell from the realtor—“Your cat has us all trapped in the kitchen and won't let us out”—and I would have to run home, grab Ninja Henrietta off her hind legs, stuff in her pet carrier, and take her back to Bloomingdales with me (Henrietta seems to like Bloomingdales). The truth is, as much as I love her just the way she is, Henrietta really is a Problem Cat, much like Seabiscuit was a problem horse. Henrietta, however, will not be winning any races. I've discussed her condition with many vets. Would getting another cat help? What about a dog? The consensus, sadly, is that tortoiseshells often get worse, not better, when another animal is introduced into the household. The best I can do is enjoy Henrietta the way she is, relishing in the fact that I own such an unusual pet.
  • Still, when we start going down to Key West, Henrietta will be facing her first plane ride—in the cabin with me, of course…I would never put her under the plane—and I can't help thinking about what might happen if she should escape from her carrier during the flight. What if she start swandering down the aisle on her hind legs, waving her front claws Ninja style? Can you imagine the horrified looks I'll receive from the other passengers? And what if there's an air marshal on board? He might conceivably shoot her. I mean, really, in her own way, Henrietta is a dangerous weapon…. I just hope they'll let her through security. More later, Meg
Shelby Tomlinson | Photos | Indianapolis, Indiana - 1 views

    This is her one eyed cat Henrietta.
Shelby Tomlinson

Meg Cabot - Henrietta, Miracle Pet - 2 views

    • Shelby Tomlinson
      This is part of Meg Cabot's diary. It is about the time Henrietta the one eyed cat tried to save her life.
  • Henrietta, Miracle Pet
  • I didn't hear the beeping. I will admit, in fact, that I slept through the whole thing, since, having been a complete insomniac since the age of 12, I had in Hearo ear plugs AND had taken a Sominex right after David Letterman in order to fall asleep.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Pet,” who wake up their owners when their baby is choking, or when they sense an electrical fire smoldering beneath the wall-to-wall carpet. And, okay, it turned out our lives were never in any danger.
  • But she THOUGHT she was saving our lives. And it's the thought that counts, right? Here is what happened: In the dead of night last night, our burglar alarm went off (yes, we have a burglar alarm. It came with the
  • house. I have never had a burglar alarm before, but I must say, it is quite handy, especially when I read in the paper about escaped convicts hiding in the Everglades, etc, since you so know Key West is their next stop).
  • But the fact that her primary owner was in an over-the-counter-sleep-aid-induced stupor and deaf to all sound did not dissuade Henrietta. She stalked across the bed from where she usually sleeps—on my feet—to my husband's ear, and went, “MEOW,” very loudly, waking him instantly.
  • So please, wherever you are right now, take a moment to raise the glass of whatever you're drinking—coffee, Tab, absinthe—and toast Henrietta, the little one-eyed cat who last night, saved her owners' lives.
  • So he heard the beeping. Throwing on his robe (well, OK, he doesn't wear a robe, but whatever, it sounds more dramatic), he hurried downstairs to face the intruders who were trying to steal my plasma TV.
  • Except that there were no intruders. Because what had happened was that the alarm had run a routine diagnostic, realized one of the doors wasn't locked, and was beeping to let us know. Not the EAR DRUM PIERCING BEEPING that it does when it thinks someone has actually broken in (while simultaneously
  • summoning the police, which has happened more often than I would like to admit, including one time when we opened the front door to get the paper, forgetting the alarm was on, triggered it, turned it off, and were back inside, innocently eating breakfast, when two KWPD officers stormed in with their guns
  • drawn and yelled, “FREEZE!” And if you think I am exaggerating about this, you would be so, so wrong), but the gentle warning beep it uses to remind us when a door has been left unlocked. And okay, this doesn't necessarily constitute a life-threatening situation (where was Henrietta, for
  • instance, when the cops were trying to blow us away over our eggs and bacon?). But it was still a very big accomplishment for a cat whom I am often convinced might actually be retarded.
  • I am shaking as I write this. Because it happened. It finally happened. Henrietta—yes, one-eyed Henrietta—saved our lives last night. Yes. Henrietta has proved at last that she is just as good as those animals on the TV show “Miracle
  • Or tried to, anyway. That's all. More later. Much love, Meg
Shelby Tomlinson

Meg cabot family image by JesseHowalt on Photobucket - 1 views

    The Avalon High series by Meg Cabot was made into a Disney channel movie.
Shelby Tomlinson

What are some of Meg Cabot's pen name's? | ChaCha Answers - 0 views

    • Shelby Tomlinson
      Her favorite color is red. This is not included in her biography.
  • What are some of Meg Cabot's pen name's?
  • Meg Cabot also writes under the names Meggin Cabot, Patricia Cabot, and Jenny Carroll. She has published more than 50 books under these names.
Shelby Tomlinson

Meg Cabot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    • Shelby Tomlinson
      Haven't read Allie Finkle books at all
    • Shelby Tomlinson
      From the 1-800 series down, I haven't read any of these.
    • Shelby Tomlinson
      The first book she ever wrote and published was Where Roses Grow Wild.
  • Occupation Writer
    • Shelby Tomlinson
      She has no kids, and the first book she wrote was The Princess Diaries.
  • ...95 more annotations...
  • She has written and published over fifty books, and is best known for The Princess Diaries, later made by Walt Disney Pictures into two feature films of the same name.
  • Meg's books have been the recipients of numerous awards, including the New York Public Library Books for the Teen Age, the American Library Association Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers, the Tennessee Volunteer State TASL Book Award, the Book Sense Pick, the Evergreen Young Adult Book Award, the IRA/CBC Young Adult Choice - as well as many others (see awards section for specific book wins).
  • She has had numerous #1 New York Times bestsellers.Cabot has more than fifteen million copies of her books—children's, young adult, and adult—in print worldwide.
  • Meg Cabot at a book signing
  • Born Meggin Patricia Cabot February 1, 1967 (1967-02-01) (age 44) Bloomington, Indiana, United States
  • Pen name Meggin Cabot Patricia Cabot Jenny Carroll
  • Meg Cabot (born Meggin Patricia Cabot on February 1, 1967 in Bloomington, Indiana, United States[1][2]) is an American author of romantic and paranormal fiction for teens and adults and used to write under several pen names, but now writes exclusively under her real name, Meg Cabot.
  • Nationality American
  • Period 1998–present
  • Genres Chick-lit, Mystery, Romance, Science fiction
  • Notable work(s) The Princess Diaries Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls The Mediator
  • Personal life
  • After Meg graduated from Indiana University, Cabot moved to New York City, with the original aim of pursuing a career as an illustrator.[1][2] in 1991.
  • she soon quit this job and started working as an assistant manager of the freshman dormitory at New York University.[1][2]
  • Meg Cabot married financial writer and poet Benjamin D. Egnatz on April 1, 1993. Their wedding date,[3] April Fool’s Day, was a deliberate play on her husband's belief that only fools get married in the first place. The wedding was actually an elopement in Italy. Her novel Every Boy's Got One is loosely based on her own elopement. She has two cats, Henrietta (a one eyed cat) and Gem, about whom she often blogs.
  • After living in Indiana, California, New York, and France, she now currently resides in Key West, Florida. She splits her time between an apartment in New York City and a barn in Bloomington, Indiana.[5]
  • Children's novels
  • Allie Finkle series
  • Allie Finkle’s Rules for Girls: Moving Day (March 2008)
  • Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls: The New Girl (August 2008)
  • Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls: Best Friends and Drama Queens (March 2009)
  • Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls: Stage Fright (September 2009)
  • Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls: Glitter Girls and the Great Fake Out (March 2010) Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls: Blast From the Past (September 2010)
  • The Allie Finkle series chronicles the challenges Allie Finkle faces when she moves away and becomes the new girl in school, as well as dealing with snobs and other difficulties associated with growing up. Allie confronts these issues by making rules to live by, which helps her find out who she really is.
  • Young adult novels
  • The Princess Diaries series
  • The Princess Diaries series is the most notable series written by Meg Cabot, and has been published in more than 40 countries.
  • The first book in the series was published in October 2000; the series spent 38 weeks on the New York Times Children's Series Best Sellers List and was sold to publishers in 37 foreign countries.
  • Volume VIII: Princess on the Brink / The Princess Diaries: After Eight (January 2007) Volume IX: Princess Mia / The Princess Diaries: To The Nines (January 2008) Volume X: Forever Princess / The Princess Diaries: Ten Out Of Ten (January 6, 2009)
  • Note that in the UK and Australia the books are published under titles based on the volume number (e.g.: Mia Goes Fourth).
  • The Princess Diaries, Volume I / The Princess Diaries (October 2000)
  • Volume II: Princess in the Spotlight / The Princess Diaries: Take Two (June 2001)
  • Volume III: Princess in Love / The Princess Diaries: Third Time Lucky (March 2002) Volume IV: Princess in Waiting / The Princess Diaries: Mia Goes Fourth (April 2003) Volume IV and 1/2: Project Princess (August 2003)
  • Volume V: Princess in Pink / The Princess Diaries: Give Me Five (March 2004) Volume VI: Princess in Training / The Princess Diaries: Sixsational (March 2005) Volume VI and 1/2: The Princess Present (October 2004)
  • Volume VII: Party Princess / The Princess Diaries: Seventh Heaven (March 2006) Volume VII and 1/2: Sweet Sixteen Princess (May 2006) Volume VII and 3/4: Valentine Princess (December 2006)
  • In 2001 and 2004 respectively, the series was brought to the big screen by Walt Disney Pictures as The Princess Diaries and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement starring Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews.
  • Illustrated by Chelsey McLaren:
  • Princess Lessons (March 2003) Perfect Princess (March 2004) Holiday Princess (November 2005) On January 6, 2009, a companion book to Vol
  • e name Princess of Genovia, Mia Thermopolis by Avon Books, the adult division of HarperCollins, the Princess Diaries series publisher. All author proceeds from the novel, which was printed on 100% recycled paper, go to Greenpeace.
  • entitled "Ransom My Heart" was published under th
  • ume X: Forever Princess
  • The Mediator series
  • Shadowland (October 2000)
  • Ninth Key (February 2001) Reunion (July 2001) Darkest Hour (December 2001) Haunted (February 2003) Twilight (January 2005)
  • The Mediator Series is about a 16-year-old girl named Susannah "Suze" Simon. Suze is a mediator, whose role is to help ghosts finish their business on earth so they can pass on to the afterlife. To this end, she can see, touch, communicate with, hit, punch, and 'kick ghost butt' when she has to. The series begins just after Suze's widowed mother marries Andy Ackerman, when she has moved to Carmel, California, to live in an old house complete with three stepbrothers. To make matters worse, her bedroom is haunted by an attractive male ghost named Jesse de Silva, who died 150 years earlier. Suze remembers that back in New York a fortune teller had told her that she was a mediator (which proved correct) and that she would only fall in love once but it would last for an eternity. Her one love for eternity just might be Jesse. But does he love her back?
  • The first four books were originally released under the pseudonym Jenny Carroll (this was when Cabot was working with different publishing houses). Haunted was the first title to have Meg Cabot's name on it. The first four books were later reprinted under Cabot's real name in 2005 with new cover art when Twilight was released in hardcover. The UK titles for the series were as follows: Shadowland- Love you to Death, Ninth Key- High Stakes, Reunion- Mean Spirits, Darkest Hour- Young Blood, Haunted- Grave Doubts, and Twilight- Heaven Sent.[7] The Mediator series rights have been sold to producer Julia Pistor, and will be made into a movie in the near future. In 2010, HarperTeen announced it will be reprinting the series in omnibus editions, to be published in 2011.
  • Airhead (May 2008) Being Nikki (May 2009) Runaway (March 2010) This three-book series is about Emerson Watts, and overachieving high school student. When she wakes up, after an accident, she discovers that her brain has been transplanted into the body of teen supermodel, Nikki Howard. Now, she is no longer judged by her grades, but by her looks and she has to fight the worldwide corporation, Stark Industries, if she wants to find out what really happened to her old life and to protect her friends and family.
  • This series revolves around Jessica Mastriani, an ordinary 16-year-old girl given extraordinary psychic powers after being struck by lightning. Her powers allow her to know the exact location of missing children; after seeing a picture of a person, they appear in her dreams. The first four books take place over less than a year, and chronicle her attempts to help missing children while trying to avoid the scrutiny of the federal government. The fifth book, published four years after the fourth book, picks up the story line after Jess has turned 19. Over the course of the books, Jess is romantically involved with Rob Wilkins, a boy from the wrong side of the tracks.
  • The first four books were written under Cabot's pseudonym, Jenny Carroll. After poor sales, the series was discontinued. Sales improved when the books were re-released in 2004 under Cabot's real name. Cabot was unhappy with the discontinuation; she stated that she wanted to take the series up to eight books. Her current publishing house agreed to publish one more installment. Missing You was released in December 2006 and ended the series. The 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU series was the basis for the television show Missing, which aired on the Lifetime cable network for three seasons from 2003 to 2006.[6] The series has been reprinted in the US in an omnibus edition, and retitled Vanished.
  • All-American Girl series All American Girl (September 2002) Ready or Not: An All-American Girl Novel (July 2005)
  • The series revolves around Samantha Madison, a Washington, D.C. native, who, while skipping her after-school art class, saves the life of the president, and becomes a national hero. The two books are about her rise to fame and her love life with the president's son, David, who appears to want to take th
  • eir relationship to the next level in the second book. There is also a short story called Another All American Girl in the anthology Our White House:Looking In, Looking Out, about Samantha's experience in the White House. [edit] Avalon High series
  • Avalon High, December 2005 Avalon High: Coronation (three-book manga series) The Merlin Prophecy (July 3, 2007) Homecoming (June 24, 2008) Hunter's Moon (September 1, 2009)
  • There is a sequel to the first Avalon High novel. However, instead of a regular novel, it is part of a new partnership HarperCollins brokered with Tokyopop (a leading United States manga company). It has been released as a three-book manga series, called Avalon High: Coronation. The first manga, titled The Merlin Prophecy, was released on July 3, 2007 and was drawn by manga artist Jinky Coronado, who does the Banzai Girl manga. She also illustrated the other two manga. The Avalon High film was shown on Disney Channel on November 12, 2010. Britt Robertson played Ellie, while Gregg Sulkin played Will.
  • The Airhead trilogy
  • 1-800-WHERE-R-U series When Lightning Strikes (February 2001) Code Name Cassandra (August 2001) Safe House (March 2002) Sanctuary (September 2002) Missing You (December 26, 2006)
  • The Abandon Trilogy Abandon (26 April 2011) TBA (TBA) TBA (TBA)
  • Blurb for the first book in the trilogy, Abandon: 'She knows what it's like to die. Now Death wants her back.
  • Seventeen-year-old Pierce knows what happens to us when we die. That's how she met John Hayden, the mysterious stranger who's made returning to normal life—or at least life as Pierce knew it before the accident—next to impossible. Though she thought she escaped him—starting a new school in a whole new place—it turns out she was wrong. He finds her. What does John want from her? Pierce thinks she knows... just like she knows he's no guardian angel, and his dark world isn't exactly heaven. But she can't stay away from him, either, especially since he's always there when she least expects it, but exactly when she needs him most. But if she lets herself fall any further, she might find herself back in the place she fears the most. And when Pierce discovers the shocking truth, that’s exactly where John sweeps her: The Underworld.'
  • Other young adult fiction
  • Nicola and the Viscount (August 2002) Victoria and the Rogue (March 2003) Teen Idol (July 2004) How to Be Popular (July 2006) Pants on Fire/Tommy Sullivan is a Freak (May 2007) Jinx (July 2007)
  • Adult Novels
  • Insatiable series
  • The first book in Meg's latest series for adult readers, Insatiable, was released on June 8, 2010, and became an instant New York Times bestseller. This series is a modern retelling of Bram Stoker's Dracula, but with a twist. The main character, Meena Harper, has a special gift: she can foretell people's death . . . just not her own. Even worse, she's being forced by the television show for which she works to write vampires into the plot due to their popularity. Meena, however, hates vampires (she doesn't believe in them, and doesn't like how they always go after—and kill girls). This complicates things when she finds out from Alaric Wulf, a demon-hunter with a secret unit of the Vatican called the Palatine Guard, that vampires are attacking girls all over her native New York City, and that her new boyfriend might be one of them . . . Lucien Antonescu, Dracula's son, the Prince of Darkness. A sequel to Insatiable called Overbite[8] will be out in the US in July 2011. In the UK the title is referred to as "Craving."
  • Heather Wells series Size 12 is Not Fat, December 27, 2005 Size 14 is Not Fat Either, November 28, 2006 Big Boned, December 26, 2007
  • The Heather Wells series is an adult mystery series that features former pop star Heather Wells. Heather was once a teen star, but was fired by her recording company when she asked to sing songs she had written instead of the ones they composed for her. The book opens just after Heather has gotten a job as a residence house coordinator at New York College and quickly discovers that young girls in the dorm are being murdered. The second book was originally titled Phat Chick, but this was changed by the publishers to It's Not Over Until The Size 12 Chick Sings, and finally, Size 14 is Not Fat Either, which continued Heather's amateur sleuthing adventures. The third book in the series is published under the title "Size Doesn't Matter" in Australia and Great Britain. (In other countries, such as the U.S. and Canada, it was entitled "Big Boned".) In 'Size Doesn't Matter', Heather solves another mystery, and is involved in a love triangle with Tad, her boyfriend, and Cooper, whom she secretly loves, but rejected her. In March, 2008 the series was contracted for two additional books, which should be released in 2011 or 2012.
  • Queen of Babble series
  • Queen of Babble (May 2006) Queen of Babble in the Big City (June 2007) Queen of Babble Gets Hitched (June 2008/April 2009 - Paperback) Queen of Babble debuted at #27 on the New York Times Bestseller List. The main character of this romantic comedy, Lizzie Nichols, is a recent college grad who isn't sure what she wants out of life. All she knows is that she can't keep a secret, even her own. This causes her many romantic, friendship, and work-related problems, especially after moving to New York City after graduating from college. There, she can't seem to keep her mouth shut long enough not to screw up her dreams . . . but nothing is going to keep her from trying to find the career she's wanted. And maybe a boyfriend, too.
  • Romance novels
  • These novels were written under Cabot's pseudonym Patricia Cabot: Where Roses Grow Wild (March 1998) Portrait of My Heart (January 1999) An Improper Proposal (November 1999) A Little Scandal (June 2000) Lady of Skye (January 2001)
  • Educating Caroline (November 2001) Kiss the Bride (May 2002) Written under Cabot's characters Ransom My Heart (January 2009) - Written by Amelia "Mia" Thermopolis, Princess of Genovia with help from Meg Cabot
  • Boy series
  • The Boy Next Door, October 2002 (as Meggin Cabot) Boy Meets Girl, January 2004 (as Meggin Cabot) Every Boy's Got One, January 2005 These books are loosely connected romantic comedies told in emails, IMs, and brief journal entries. The Boy Next Door was a Kelly Rippa Book Club Pick on LIVE! with Regis and Kelly.
  • Other works She Went All the Way, December 2002 (as Meggin Cabot)
  • Short stories
  • Screenplays
  • Early versions of the screenplay for Disney's Ice Princess, released in 2005, were written by Meg Cabot
  • Film Adaptations
  • In 2001, the film version of the Princess Diaries was released. The film starred Anne Hathaway as Amelia "Mia" Thermopolis and Julie Andrews as Clarisse Renaldi. The Disney Channel original movie version of Avalon High premiered late fall 2010.[9] the film starred Gregg Sulkin as A. William Wagner and Britt Robertson as Allie Pennington (Ellie Harrison) An Untitled Queen Of Babble movie is currently In Development.[10] The book has been optioned by Jeffrey Sharp of Sharp Independent, with Kristen Bell slated to star.[11]
  • Awards
  • Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award for Best British Isles Historical Romance, 1999, for An Improper Proposal Top Ten Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers selection, Best Book selection, American Library Association, and New York Public Library Teen Book for the New Millennium citation, all 2001, all for The Princess Diaries Edgar Allan Poe Award nomination, best young adult category, Mystery Writers of America, 2003, for Safe House The Princess Diaries was voted "one of the nation's 100 best-loved novels" by the British public as part of "The Big Read," British Broadcasting Corporation, 2003. Queen of Teen nomination (2008) for her work "Airhead" nominated for Teen Choice Book of the Year, 2009
  • Works by Meg Cabot (publication order)
  • ess Present (2004) • Princess in Training (2005) • Party Princess (2006) • Sweet Sixteen Princess (2006) • Valentine Princess (2006) Princess on the Brink (2007)
  • Princess Mia (2008) • Forever Princess (2009)
  • The Mediator novel series Shadowland (2000) • Ninth Key (2001) • Reunion (2001) • Darkest Hour (2001) • Haunted (2003) • Twilight (2004)
  • 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU novel series When Lightning Strikes (2001) • Code Name Cassandra (2001) • Safe House (2002) • Sanctuary (2002) • Missing You (2006)
  • All-American Girl novel series All American Girl (2002) • Ready or Not: An All-American Girl Novel (2005)
  • Avalon High novel series Avalon High (2005) • The Merlin Prophecy (2007 manga) • Homecoming (2008 manga) • Hunter's Moon (2009 manga)
  • Heather Wells novel series Size 12 is Not Fat (2006) • Size 14 is Not Fat Either (2006) • Big Boned (2007)
  • Queen of Babble novel series Queen of Babble (2006) • Queen of Babble in the Big City (2007) • Queen of Babble Gets Hitched (2008)
  • 002) • The Boy Next Door (2002) • She Went All the Way (2002) • Victoria and the Rogue (2003) • Teen Idol (2004) •
  • Other novels Where Roses Grow Wild (1998) • Portrait of My Heart (1999) • An Improper Proposal (1999) • A Little Scandal (2000) • Lady of Skye (2000) • Educating Caroline (2001) • Kiss the Bride (2002) • Nicola and the Viscount (
  • Boy Meets Girl (2004) • Every Boy's Got One (2005) • How to Be Popular (2006) • Pants On Fire (2007) • Jinx (2007) Airhead (2008) Being Nikki (2009) Runaway (2010)
  • • "Allie Finklestine's Rules for Boys" (2006) • "Reunion" (2006) • "Cry, Linda, Cry: Judy Blume’s Blubber and The Cruelest Thing in the World" (Spring 2007) • "Ask Annie" (2007) • "The Exterminator's Daughter" (2007) • "Every Girl's Dream" (?)
  • Short stories: "The Christmas Captive" (2000) • "Girl’s Guide to New York through the Movies" (2003) • "Kate the Great" (2003) • "Party Planner" (2004) • "Connie "Hunter" Williams, Psychic Teacher" (2005)
Shelby Tomlinson

Meg Cabot Biography - life, children, parents, name, story, death, school, mother, young - 1 views

    • Shelby Tomlinson
      There is lots of info on Meg Cabot. I don't have enough time to read ALL of it!!
  • February 1, 1967 • Bloomington, Indiana Author
  • Meg Cabot was born on February 1, 1967, in Bloomington, Indiana. She was an avid reader from a very early age, at first gobbling up comic books and science fiction at the local library.
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • At one point, Cabot, who began publishing in 1998, was pumping out a novel almost every month; by early 2006 she had published forty-four works of fiction.
  • At one point, Cabot, who began publishing in 1998, was pumping out a novel almost every month; by early 2006 she had published forty-four works of fiction.
  • In 2000, however, Cabot hit the jackpot when she penned The Princess Diaries, a young adult novel that quickly caught on with readers primarily because the wryly humorous author was able to accurately capture "teen-speak." In 2001, The Princess Diaries was adapted for the big screen by Disney and its popularity catapulted Cabot from writer to celebrity.
  • In 2004, the movie The Princess Diaries 2 was released, which further followed the escapades of Mia, the Princess of Genovia. A few months prior, Cabot signed a seven-figure deal with her publisher, HarperCollins, to continue writing the Princess series and to build on her other young adult series. As Cabot told, "I hope to write about [Mia] as long as people want to keep reading about her."
  • s of fiction
  • While cooling off in the library, Cabot soon discovered classic literature, such as To Kill a Mockingbird, by southern writer Harper Lee (1926–), and Jane Eyre, written by English novelist Charlotte Brontë (1816–1855). Jane Eyre, the story of the romance between a man and his daughter's nanny, in particular, had a lasting effect on young Cabot. As she explained in a 2004 interview with Christina Nunez, "It introduced me to the world of romance, which I have never left."
  • In addition to reading, Cabot was also obsessed with princesses.
  • "I was a traditional Disney-princess worshipper," she told Trudy Wyss of Borders. "You know, I had the Snow White birthday cake when I was six, drew Cinderella endlessly on my notepads." Cabot read about princesses (her favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast ) and fantasized about being a real-life princess, often telling her mom and dad that her "real" parents, the king and queen, would arrive one day in Indiana to find her.
  • "It's one thing to be
  • "I am living proof that it is possible to profit from being a high school freak."
  • princess of a kingdom; it is quite another to be princess of an entire planet!"
  • While in high school Cabot began to write her own stories because, as she claimed in an Onion Street online interview, there was absolutely nothing else to do.
  • In addition, Cabot wrote for the high school newspaper and kept detailed journals. She also was active in after-school activities, including choir, theater, and the art club.
  • Although she enjoyed writing Cabot never planned on becoming a professional author. Instead, she dreamed of being an actress or a veterinarian.
  • Unfortunately, she flunked algebra and did rather poorly on the math portion of her SATs.
  • Following graduation from high school, Cabot decided to study art at the University of Indiana, where she could attend tuition-free since her father was a professor.
  • In 1991, with a bachelor of fine arts degree in hand, the budding artist moved to New York City to pursue a career as an illustrator. Instead, she landed a job as a freshman dormitory assistant manager at New York University. It was not exactly her dream job, but there were periods when work was slow, which gave her plenty of free time to return to her early love: writing.
  • Seven years and thousands of rejection letters later (Cabot claims she has a mail bag full of rejections), her first novel was finally published. It was an historical romance called Where Roses Grow Wild (1998), and it was written under the pen name, or alias, of Patricia Cabot. Several more romances followed in 1999 and 2000. At the same time, Cabot was busy trying her hand at a novel, called The Princess Diaries, that was aimed at younger readers. Even though she was a published author, Cabot's young adult novel was rejected seventeen times before it was finally purchased by HarperCollins and released in 2000.
  • The inspiration for Princess came from an event that happened in Cabot's own life. After her father died her mother began dating her daughter's former art teacher. Cabot was so horrified that she began keeping a diary. She expanded the diary entries into a story about a ninth-grader named Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, also known as Mia, whose mother is dating her algebra teacher. Cabot also visited her old high school diaries to add a true teen voice to her character, a gangly, shy freshman being raised by her single mom in a Greenwich Village loft in New York City.
  • n addition to facing the trials and tribulations of teenage life, Mia's world is turned upside-down when she discovers that her father is actually the prince of a tiny European country called Genovia and that she is next in l
  • Critics gave mixed reviews to the The Princess Diaries, claiming that at times it was over the top and cartoonish.
  • "The reason girls are drawn to the book is an element of naughtiness—ooh, I'm reading something that's not supposed to be read."
  • A few reviewers, however, were troubled by some of the questionable situations that appear in the book. For example, Mia's parents were never married, and her mother has a boyfriend who sleeps over. In her All About Romance interview, Cabot speaks to the objection by saying The Princess Diaries is timely. "It really does reflect modern-day popular culture, as well as modern-day teen problems and concerns. Many librarians (and parents, as well as teachers) have pointed to those scenes in particular as examples of timely issues, considering how many kids now have single parents or have friends with single parents."
  • Regardless of the critics, readers were drawn to the book in huge groups.
  • In just a few short years The Princess Diaries had become a mini-dynasty with Meg Cabot as its queen
  • The Princess Diaries movies may not have been quite as successful if eighteen-year-old newcomer Anne Hathaway had not been chosen to play Mia Thermopolis, the nerdy American who is transformed into European royalty. In fact, even critics who panned the film consistently praised the fresh-faced, fledgling actress. As David DiCerto of the Catholic News Service wrote, "The mediocre material is elevated somewhat by the buoyant and beautiful Hathaway, whose sunny smile could light up a small kingdom of two."
  • nne Hathaway was born on November 12, 1982, in Brooklyn, New York, the middle child and only daughter of Gerald Hathaway, an attorney, and Kate McCauley, a singer and actress.
Shelby Tomlinson

meg cabot - Bing Images - 1 views

    This is a picture of Meg Cabot. I don't know what year though.
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