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David Szpunar

Open source anti-theft solution for Mac, PCs & Phones - Prey - 0 views

    "Prey lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen. It's lightweight, open source software, and free for anyone to use. And it just works."
David Szpunar

ClearCloud DNS - Web Filter - 0 views

    DNS-based web filter similar to OpenDNS in many ways.
David Szpunar

Forgot administrator password? The Sticky Keys trick - needs no 3rd party tools - 4sysops - 0 views

    "I'll show you another procedure to reset the Windows password by replacing the Sticky Keys application. This program allows you to use the function keys SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, or the Windows key by typing one key after the other instead of pressing them simultaneously with the second key. The main advantage of this password reset method is that you don't need third-party software; another plus is that it is easy to carry out because no Registry hack is required, as when you offline enable the built-in administrator."
David Szpunar

Connectify for Windows - Turn your Laptop or Smartphone into a Secure Wi-Fi Hotspot - 0 views

    "With Connectify you can share expensive airport Wi-Fi with co-workers, create a wireless hotspot in your ethernet-only hotel or dorm room, even extend the range of your home router."
David Szpunar

Carbon Black - 0 views

    "Do you really know what is running on your Windows® systems?...Even with strict IT polices in place, the demands of the real world often lead people to take shortcuts that can put an enterprise at risk. When it comes to digital assets, most organizations don't know what they don't know. You can remedy that situation by running Carbon Black."
David Szpunar

WiGLE - Wireless Geographic Logging Engine - Plotting WiFi on Maps - 0 views

    Wireless network location plotting site.
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