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IN Too

Prayer: Public vs. Private « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    If our public praying brings attention to ourselves (our superiority) rather than to God (His mercy and grace), then we have a problem…

The Atheist's Dilemma - 0 views

  • I'd argued with my peers, but I'd never investigated the works of the masters: Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Pascal, and Lewis. When I finally did, the only reasonable course of action was to believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But my head and my heart suddenly switched places. Though I began to know the evidence for the Scriptures, my head full of answers, I began to feel distant from the story that had brought me to tears a month prior. When reading through the Passion narrative on retreat on Cape Cod in the spring, I remained utterly unmoved. I went out to pray.
  • If I wanted to continue forward in this investigation, I couldn't let it be just an intellectual journey. Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31-32). I could know the truth only if I pursued obedience first. I'd been waiting for my head and my heart to be in agreement. By the end of the church retreat, they weren't completely in sync. Many days they still aren't. But I realized that the unity could come later. If my heart had agreed at one point, and my head agreed now, then my heart would follow. I couldn't let a malfunctioning heart delay the logical course of action, the obedience required by true faith. I committed my life to Christ by being baptized on Easter Sunday, 2009. This walk has proved to be quite a journey. I've struggled with depression. I would yell, scream, cry at this God whom I had begun to love but didn't always like. But never once did I have to sacrifice my intellect for my faith, and he blessed me most keenly through my doubt. God revealed himself through Scripture, prayer, friendships, and the Christian tradition whenever I pursued him faithfully. I cannot say for certain where the journey ends, but I have committed to follow the way of Christ wherever it may lead. When confronted with the overwhelming body of evidence I encountered, when facing down the living God, it was the only rational course of action. I came to Harvard seeking Veritas. Instead, he found me.
    for sceptical people
John Lewis

China Shaken A Video Presentation - 0 views

shared by John Lewis on 26 May 08 - Cached
    Hey folks, Lets really pray for these people in such great need!
IN Too

Kneeling Down Will Lift Us Up « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    God will expose the pride in our lives to us… we can humble ourselves and be lifted up by Him. Or, we can choose to cling to our selfish pride and self-destruct our own lives!
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