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Ebey Soman

YouTube - India: The land of the Hindus? - 0 views

    According to the BJP, VHP, RSS and other radical groups, India is the land of the Hindu people. So they see it as their task to reconvert all other faiths ba...

Several ways to reach the unreached of the world - 0 views

  • increasing number of national sending agencies and associations. This is especially true among newer Churches who send workers from the first or second generation of believers. Central and East Asia as well as Eastern Europe are encouraging examples of this in the past decade. Growing numbers of countries are forming sending structures to facilitate sending workers from their nations to the world. Most countries with sizeable evangelical populations have mission associations that connect and resource mission structures within the country.
  • The North is learning to work as equals with or even serve under the leadership of those from the Global South.
  • Affinity partnering networks have formed across agencies for shared vision and focus. This focus might apply to a people, a region or a religious bloc. Such networks provide partnership, shared resources, research initiatives and, in some cases, umbrella groups serving pioneer workers from all agencies reaching the target peoples.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Experts in business, industry, education or other fields serve
  • some serve through agencies, others go on their own or with loose connections to networks
  • when open doors and natural peer networks already exist for lawyers, engineers, architects and entrepreneurs
  • Believers living in diaspora are increasingly a strong mission force.
  • There are strengths and weaknesses involved in each method, and finding new ways forward is never tidy. Pray that devoted followers of Christ might, with passion, urgency, wisdom and discernment, seize available opportunities to more effectively reach the world’s least reached.
  • In the past 20 years, more Muslims than ever before have come to Christ, more workers serve in Muslim heartlands, more agencies focus on these regions and more sustained intercession is given for these peoples precious to God.
  • Political crises in Buddhist strongholds such as Tibet, Thailand and Cambodia similarly caused increased interest in the Buddhist world, long a tough mission challenge with little progress. Mongolia, Cambodia and Vietnam, all strongly influenced by Buddhism, now see unprecedented Christian growth. A trickle of first fruits is also occurring among Tibetan peoples. May the rest of the Buddhist world soon experience the same.
  • The upheaval in the Hindu world has likewise drawn greater attention to this large swathe of the human population. Civil war and continued turmoil in Nepal, unrest, religious violence and persecution in certain parts of India and the continued plight of the Dalits/Untouchables have all attracted prayer, mobilization and ministry on a great scale. This, in turn, has yielded incredible growth in the Church in Nepal and India. Pray, however, for an awakening of focus and a harvest force to work among higher caste and middle class Hindus.
Ebey Soman

Helicopter - 0 views

    Dhruv advanced light helicopter (ALH) manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)of India and used mainly by the Indian Air Force.

GFA - Gospel for Asia - 0 views

    - mission highly effective and minizing cultural borders by native missionaries - share the love of Jesus Christ with those who have never before heard His name. - 10/40-window - India, Afghanistan, Pakistan - radio, bibles, help

The Church Worldwide | Operation World - 0 views

  • The unprecedented harvest of new believers continues across Africa, Asia and Latin America, in contrast to the relative stagnation or decline in the rest of the world.
  • Christians living and fellowshipping in every country on earth. World mission, globalization and high migration rates have dispersed the Church into every corner of the world, both to previously unevangelized areas and back to traditionally Christian regions where the Church is in sharp decline.
  • hundreds of millions heard the good news for the first time in the past century. It is also an indication that the missionary efforts of the past 200 years have borne incredible fruit, though at times it was slow in coming. Years and generations of prayer and faithful service to the unevangelized world by both missionaries and indigenous Christians have not been in vain.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • both persecution and Church growth are prominent include China, India, Sudan, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Iran and Myanmar, to name but a few
  • local congregations. Each should be an organic entity, a community where all members participate in body life. Each believer has gifts to contribute to the up-building of the whole, yet rarely do congregations function in this way
Ebey Soman

YouTube - Genocide aganist Christians in Orissa - 0 views

    As Orissa continues to simmer with sporadic incidents of violence, many Christian run schools and colleges across the country will be remain closed on Friday...
Ebey Soman

Sukhoi 30 Jet - 0 views

    A fighter jet of the Indian Air Force.
Ebey Soman

YouTube - Battle of Religions - 0 views

    In Orissa under the Freedom of Religion Act of 1967 whoever wishes to convert has to first apply to the Collector (local Magistrate). But in the Indian constitution, it grants all citizens the freedom of Religion... So where is that Freedom when the poor people of Orissa needs it?
Ebey Soman

YouTube - Social Strife is cause of Violence in Orissa? - 0 views

    Are the reasons for Violence in Orissa rooted in the fact that Christian communities are supporting its believers financially and economically (with jobs, ed...
Ebey Soman

YouTube - "In the Name of God We Kill..." - 0 views

    Malati Digaro, a Christian convert sobs as she looks at what remains of her home. "This is all that is left of my house. It took us four years to build ...
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