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Ebey Soman

YouTube - Battle of Religions - 0 views

    In Orissa under the Freedom of Religion Act of 1967 whoever wishes to convert has to first apply to the Collector (local Magistrate). But in the Indian constitution, it grants all citizens the freedom of Religion... So where is that Freedom when the poor people of Orissa needs it?
Ebey Soman

YouTube - "In the Name of God We Kill..." - 0 views

    Malati Digaro, a Christian convert sobs as she looks at what remains of her home. "This is all that is left of my house. It took us four years to build ...
IN Too

Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    The purpose of this page is to provide Bible study material and commentary to encourage and challenge Christians in their journey with Jesus. Please pray that God will use this blog-ministry to Glorify Himself, to strengthen the brethren and to convert the unsaved.
J. B.

The Perils of Hipster Christianity and Why Young Evangelicals Reject Churches That Try ... - 0 views

  • Maybe sex sermons and indie- rock worship music do help in getting people in the door, and maybe even in winning new converts. But what sort of Christianity are they being converted to?
  • "The born-again, marketing church has calculated that unless it makes deep, serious cultural adaptations, it will go out of business, especially with the younger generations. What it has not considered carefully enough is that it may well be putting itself out of business with God. "And the further irony," he adds, "is that the younger generations who are less impressed by whiz-bang technology, who often see through what is slick and glitzy, and who have been on the receiving end of enough marketing to nauseate them, are as likely to walk away from these oh-so-relevant churches as to walk into them."
Adam Skinner

PWM - Homo Nexus - 0 views

  • Could they be “changed” so that they are no longer created in the image of God?
    • Adam Skinner
      All of his further statements in this paragraph are hinged on the veracity of this speculation.
  • Homo nexus will never exist! Mankind will never evolve into a higher lifeform! For macro-evolution only takes place in the minds of those who have rejected God!
    • Adam Skinner
      This is a mischaracterization. Macroevolution, or "evolution as a theory of origins", is a different concept than one species changing into another over time.
  • Cross-breading was attempted in the Bible
    • Adam Skinner
      Referenced here is the (plausible) theory that the Nephilim were angelic crossbreeds. I'm not sure if they were ontologically different from humanity at that point insofar as their relationship to God and his expectations from them are concerned.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • ionlike men of Moab
    • Adam Skinner
      misinterpreation to support the argument. "lionlike men" just means mighty warriors. cf: et al
  • every hand six fingers
    • Adam Skinner
      Six fingered men are post-human? This does not support the argument.
  • Being converted into a transhuman no longer bearing God's image is the real hazard of re-engineering the human race!
    • Adam Skinner
      "no longer bearing God's image"? So we bear the image of God in our genetic code? Is that it? Is that interpretation even within the pale of orthodoxy? If we lose this image when we "add superhuman capabilities" due to genetic changes, why is it that these images are not lost when genetic mutations naturally occur (eg "genetic disorders")? They both stray from the path of the "image" of the genetic code, supposedly perfect and complete in Adam. I don't buy this argument.
  • But to give up the physical image is eternally damning, with no chance of salvation!
    • Adam Skinner
      This assertion is a fabrication, and unsubstantiated by scripture.
  • Noah and his family were spared. Why? They were perfect in their generations (Gen 6:9). They were fully human.
    • Adam Skinner
      misinterpreation. If Noah was spared because he was "fully human", why weren't the other fully human people on earth spared? Is that really the rationale that scripture gives? I don't think so. "blameless in his generation", "a righteous man" seems a more correct interpretation.
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