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Joe La Fleur


Ebey Soman

YouTube - Georgia's Response to Russian Recognition of Disputed Region - 0 views

    Georgia's Ambassador Irakli Alisania briefs the press on the latest developments in Georgia. The delegates from the P5 (permanent members) also voice their c...
Judith Bell

Preparing to Meet A Birth Mother - 0 views

    Meeting a potential birth mother can be the beginning stages of one of the most exciting events in one's life. But in the excitement, it's important to remember your priorities in seeking to add a new member to your family, while also remembering to honor the priorities of the birth mother you are meeting as well.

The Church Worldwide | Operation World - 0 views

  • The unprecedented harvest of new believers continues across Africa, Asia and Latin America, in contrast to the relative stagnation or decline in the rest of the world.
  • Christians living and fellowshipping in every country on earth. World mission, globalization and high migration rates have dispersed the Church into every corner of the world, both to previously unevangelized areas and back to traditionally Christian regions where the Church is in sharp decline.
  • hundreds of millions heard the good news for the first time in the past century. It is also an indication that the missionary efforts of the past 200 years have borne incredible fruit, though at times it was slow in coming. Years and generations of prayer and faithful service to the unevangelized world by both missionaries and indigenous Christians have not been in vain.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • both persecution and Church growth are prominent include China, India, Sudan, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Iran and Myanmar, to name but a few
  • local congregations. Each should be an organic entity, a community where all members participate in body life. Each believer has gifts to contribute to the up-building of the whole, yet rarely do congregations function in this way
Jeff F

Holiness Unto The Lord - 0 views

    Are you desiring a deeper walk with Jesus Christ? If so, you will be interested in! Holiness Unto The Lord offers a library of free literature that God has provided for the purpose of promoting a deeper understanding of Biblical text and holiness writers to encourage all followers of Jesus Christ. It was created to support each individual believer in personal consecration of their lives unto the Lord. So we encourage you to join the organization and become a member to avail yourself to the information.
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