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James Smith

My Brother Passed the Fireman Recruitment Process - 1 views

My brother is so happy because he passed the fire service recruitment process. He said he would never have made it were it not for Fire-Service-Recruitment UK. They helped him pass all the recruitm...

Fire-Service-Recruitment UK

started by James Smith on 11 Oct 11 no follow-up yet

Living Loved - Quotes & Humor - 0 views

  • Generally, what I find is that the ordinary people who come to church are basically running their lives on their own, utilizing 'the arm of the flesh' - their natural abilities - to negotiate their way," he says. "They believe there is a God and they need to check in with him. But they don't have any sense that he is an active agent in their lives. As a result, they don't become disciples of Jesus.
  • We must never forget that God's speaking to us, however we experience it in our initial encounter, is intended to develop into a intelligent, freely cooperative relationship between mature people who love each other with the richness of genuine agape love. We must therefore make it our primary goal not just to hear the voice of God but to be mature people in a loving relationship with him.
  • Only broken people are truly honest. By nature you and I are full of erroneous judgments... It is only after God has shaken our natural foundation to pieces... only when all our illusions are raised and we have lost the remainder of our inborn self-confidence... only when we see we have misjudgment concerning ourselves... then do we begin to be honorable. Revelation has its price.
  • ...35 more annotations...
  • many Christians fear the responsibility of being free. It's often easier to let others make the decisions or to rely exclusively on the letter of the law.
  • when we reduced Scripture to formula and a love story to theology, and finally morality to rules. It is a very different thing to break a rule than it is to cheat on a Lover.
  • What if the guy who sold everything he had to buy the incomparable pearl, was God and you were the incomparable pearl? What if? The context certainly allows for that interpretation, and that is in effect what Jesus did when he gave up everything he had so that we could become his - now and forever!
  • The local church many have come to cherish - the services, offices, programs, buildings, ceremonies - is neither biblical or unbiblical. It is abiblical - that is, such an organization is not addressed in the Bible
  • We humans are notorious for taking something Scripture describes as a reality, giving a term to it and thinking we've replicated the reality. Paul talked about the church that gathered in various homes, but he never called it 'house church'. Houses were just where they ended up in their life together. Jesus was the focus, not the location.
  • I have concluded at this point that the most dangerous enemy of Jesus-brand community is viewing community as an ideal to be achieved rather than as a gift to be received.
  • We value God's power over human effort, transformation over conformity, mutuality over hierarchy, authenticity over entertainment, modeling over celebrity, following Jesus rather than implementing models, and the presence of the Living Christ above all else!
  • When religion replaces the actual experience of the living Jesus, when we lose the authority of personal knowing and rely on the authority of books, institutions, and leaders, when we let religion interpose between us and the primary experience of Jesus as the Christ, we lose the very reality that religion itself describes as ultimate.
  • "Unless a definite step is demanded, the call vanishes into thin air, and if people imagine that they can follow Jesus without taking this step, they are deluding themselves like fanatics... Although Peter cannot achieve his own conversion, he can leave his nets." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • "Brothers and sisters, break free from whatever ruts you have settled into! Whoever does not want to be set free - well, suit yourself, but don't say you are living in Christ's spirit. You can continue in the old ways and be a part of Christianity, but not of God's kingdom. You can live in Christianity but not in Christ; the gulf between the two is great."
  • Much Christian leadership is exercised by people who do not know how to develop healthy, intimate relationships and have opted for power and control instead. Many Christian empire builders have been people unable to give and receive love.
  • Even in its ruined condition a human being is regarded by God as something immensely worth saving. Sin does not make you worthless, but only lost.
  • You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.
  • hairdo
  • Jesus knew the worst and He loved me. What a relief to know the worst about yourself and at the same moment to be embraced by God. It's so liberating to reach the end of yourself.
  • put our intimate friendship with him above everything else we might want from God
  • real enemy of the cross-life? comes from the established religion of the day
  • The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself.
  • What we need very badly these days is a company of Christians who are prepared to trust God as completely now as they know they must do at the last day. For each of us the time is surely coming when we shall have nothing but God.
  • Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic."
  • That you may experience the powerlessness and poverty of a child and sing and dance in the love of God the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
  • Ruthless trust comes down to this: faith in the person of Jesus and hope in his promise in spite of all disconcerting appearances.
  • The people you'll remember are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the biggest awards. They are the ones who care
  • Anyone God uses significantly is always deeply wounded... We are, each and every one of us, insignificant people who God has called and graced to use in a significant way
  • "Since Jesus went through everything you're going through and more, learn to think and act like him. Think of your sufferings as a weaning away from the old sinful habit of always expecting to get your own way. Then you'll be able to live out your days free to pursue what God wants instead of being tyrannized by what you want." - I Peter 4:1-2
  • My true brothers are those who rejoice for me in their hearts when they find good in me, and grieve for me when they find sin. They are my true brothers, because whether they see good in me or evil, they love me still.
  • Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is!
  • The Word of God is like a lion. You don't have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.
  • Well, I may not know much about God, but I have to say, we built a pretty nice cage for him
  • Expectations are resentment waiting to happen.
  • Religion vs Relational LifeReligion conforms people to a system; relational life frees them to trust God.Religion divides people by preference and perspective; relational life celebrates the incredible diversity in God's family.Religion bores people with routine; relational life is as fresh as a new conversation with an endearing friend.Religion rewards image and pretense; relational life demands honesty and reality.Religion provides substitutes for the active presence of Jesus in people's lives; relational life focuses on that presence alone.Religion sacrifices people for the good of the institution; relational life teaches people how to live together as Father's family.Religion uses what God says and does for its own agenda; relational life allows God to set the agenda and for us to simply follow him.Religion leaves us able to boast about how much we're doing or how hard we're working; relational life finds joy only in celebrating God's work among us.Religion finds love inefficient and cumbersome; relational life embraces love as the heart of God's working.
  • "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible."
  • "So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said, 'No.'" - Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs on attempts to get Atari interested in his and Steve Wozniak's personal computer."We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." - Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.Remember these next time someone tries to steal your dream.
  • Next time you set out to accomplish great feats, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing."Feel His loving arms around you. Know that His strong hands are there helping you turn your feeble attempts into true masterpieces. Remember, God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called. And He'll always be there to love and guide you on to great things.
  • Scientists point out that administratium is known to be toxic at any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reaction where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are being made to determine how administratium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage, but results to date are not promising.

Living Loved - The Narrow Road - 0 views

  • We are simply called to follow him, in the simplest of choices as best we recognize his invitations. As we do, his life will unfold in us with ever-increasing reality.
  • You only have to have a heart that wants to follow him and he will teach you how he speaks to you and invites you into life.
  • Listening to him is not living by feelings, but by recognizing those impulses he brings to your mind and following them. Initially they will encourage you to rest in his love and to be more gracious to people near you. In time, he will show you more of his wisdom to guide your life.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • You will only learn by practice. Yes, you will do some things you thought God was leading you to do, only to find out by the fruit of it that it was more your thought than his. That's part of the process. How else will you learn? But you'll also get some things right and the joy of that will help tune our heart to his. In the process, you'll be drawn closer to him and come to recognize your more selfish aspirations, and the misplaced trust you have in your own wisdom or abilities.
  • You can usually tell if someone's listening to Jesus by how open and relaxed they are. If they are closed and defensive when someone questions them, be careful.
  • One thing I know about people who listen to God, they don't act destructively and they aren't arrogant about what they think they hear. Learning to listen to God is a humbling process. You're never one hundred percent sure of what he's asking. You just have an impulse in your heart you can't explain. It grows over time, but he is never forceful or manipulative, and that is also true of people learning to listen to him. They can be firm, but not defensive and are always willing to sacrifice for others, instead of asking others to sacrifice for them.
  • God does love you, but that love only transforms you to the degree that you can trust his love enough to follow him on to the narrow road. His love doesn't mean that everything will work out the way we want, nor that we won't be the victims of other people's hurtful and destructive choices.
  • But he wants to be with us in those moments to help us navigate our experience in a broken world and be transformed through it. He invites us to participate with him, which is why love and obedience go hand in hand in the Scriptures. As you grow to trust his love you will want to obey him, and it's in following him that you get to live in the fruit of his love.
  • Jesus repeatedly made clear that our actions matter. Scripture often invokes the reality of sowing and reaping to express this truth. How we live either leads us more into his life, or draws us away from it, whether we'll contribute to his redemption in the world, or be part of its destruction. That's what Jesus meant when he affirmed those who followed, Well done! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness! (Matt. 25: 21)
  • If we follow a bit, the road will get clearer. If we follow our own way instead, we'll lose sight of him.
  • That doesn't mean you have to be perfect for God to work in you, or that you can't reverse the trend any day you want to. He is always ready to lead you one simple step at a time and never asks for what you cannot give. Following in small things today will open more doors tomorrow. If we're indulgent and dishonest in little things, we will be indulgent and dishonest in larger things. If we can learn to follow him in simple ways of loving others and being true to our word even when it hurts, his work in us will grow in ways we'd never conceive.
  • This is not about earning his life by our obedience, but participating with him as he transforms us. Everything I get to experience of God today began with simple choices years ago. They set off a chain of unforeseen consequences that opened doors to where I live now. The simple nudge to go to public schools with our children and volunteer to help began a series of opportunities that eventually led to twenty years of consulting public schools on religious liberty conflicts. Listening to Jesus say, "I have more to teach you if you walk away," when my former co-pastor wanted to force me out of the fellowship we helped build together, opened a trailhead into personal transformation I adore and opportunities for growing and sharing I would not have found without him.
  • At the outset, all these choices looked more difficult than other options I had in mind. I'm glad he won me into following him and the choice to do so now is far easier. I don't even trust my own desires anymore because following him, even though painful at times, has always yielded better fruit.
  • Learning to merge off of the broad way and onto the narrow road is a process that he wants to work in you, not a requirement he's made for you. It's simply a matter of learning to lean into him a bit more each day and leaning away from what draws you down the broader road. You can't do this alone. And this does not mean you have to carefully listen to Jesus at every moment and try to figure out what he wants so you won't miss out. Doing that will leave you frustrated and exhausted. We find his way much more simply than that. In fact, the anxiety of having to hear him will make it more difficult to do so. Instead go through your day with a growing awareness that he is with you. Whenever you have it, follow that inner sense that seems to encourage you one direction or checks you from going another. When you come up against choices of significance, ask him what he has in mind. Let him show you in his time. You don't have to hear something every day or in every circumstance. Relax in him as he connects your heart with his.
  • Learning to live out of your spirit, rather than your intellect or emotions alone, will take some time. Ask him to show you the next step ahead and relax in a growing trust that he will. The Spirit makes his direction clear in a variety of ways--it might be that stray thought in your mind, affirmed by something that you read or hear, perhaps even a lyric of a song in the background that resonates with your heart. Don't look for a "voice" per se, but a growing awareness of his thoughts in your mind. Of course, familiarity with his words in Scripture and conversations with others on a similar journey will also bring clarity to what he's showing you.
  • As I go about my life, I become aware of options that are better than my own, especially in helping someone near me, or drawing me into a quieter space with him. At first, I don't always like where these nudges would lead me, which is why Jesus saw this journey as a narrower road and why most people miss it. Our flesh so easily dismisses what it doesn't want to consider. And, no, you don't have to always get it right. No one does.
  • As you make a few choices down the narrow road, you will find yourself becoming more relaxed and able to live in the moment instead of trying to manipulate your circumstances. The questions you'll find yourself asking might be these: What does he want to show me about himself today? What might love lead me to do in this situation? How does loving others, even at the expense of my self-interest perpetuate the kingdom? How does my forgiveness or service to someone else today, make the world a better place?
  • But even when you miss him and find yourself on a path of your own making, he is there, too, still nudging you toward a better road. Don't be hard on yourself, just keep coming back to him over and over. You are loved, even in your brokenness. Today is the day God cares about. As they say, the best time to plant an oak tree was twenty years ago, but the second best time to plant it is today.
  • As you learn to live more on the narrow road, you'll have a better idea just how destructive the broad way was, to yourself and others. Rather than be embarrassed by it, embrace that new reality. One of the most redemptive things we do on the narrow road is to go back to people we've wronged, seek their forgiveness and offer restitution where we can. Such moments bring great healing and clarity to all involved. Yes, it may not be easy, but that's exactly the point of the narrow road--most fruitful things aren't fun at the outset, but yield great joy later on.
  • Perhaps the most effective form of discipleship is not teaching a curriculum, but simply being alongside others when they are at a fork in the road and being a cheerleader for the road less traveled. We don't have to manipulate or pressure them, but simply through a question or observation give them an opportunity to make a choice that matters. And if they make it, lend them our support and encouragement. That's how people find their way onto a journey that will be full of his life.
  • The only reason why his way may seem difficult is because we're so busy following the crowd that we miss his invitation to a narrower road. But once we learn to believe him, it becomes far easier than most think possible. And though you'll find yourself on a road most others can't understand, it will change the way you think, live, and how you treat others. You'll find yourself on a transformative journey that you will never regret.
  • The reason this journey seems so difficult is because it is far easier than we dare to believe! I know it isn't easy for people to find their way into a loving relationship with the Father. Everything we've learned and believed before runs counter to the dynamics of recognizing and resting in his love. However, it isn't difficult because God makes it complicated, or because it takes a certain skill set or sensitivity, but because we look in the wrong places for how his life takes root in us. But Jesus knows that too, and is still up to the challenge of engaging us in a fruitful relationship with his Father.
  • Only the religious would twist them either to take pride in thinking they practice the right doctrine or ritual, and delight in the fact that those who don't will get what they deserve. Jesus didn't want to provoke exclusivity or fear with his words, but rather to equip hungry hearts to know how to know him. Following the broad way of self-interest will devour us, but there is a narrower path that will lead us to life.
  • At first, everything in us wants to resist his nudge. No, it can't be that way. I could get hurt. I could make a mistake. What if it goes wrong? But if he's the one inviting us, we are safer doing what he asks than anything we do to save ourselves. We are not asked to indulge our preferences or live in resistance to them. We are simply called to follow him, in the simplest of choices as best we recognize his invitations. As we do, his life will unfold in us with ever-increasing reality.
  • Making space for him and his thoughts and following them is the only way off the broader road. We find the narrow road when we find rest in his love for us and then recognize his leading as he offers us a different way to see what's going on around us. We often don't even see a new trailhead until he nudges us towards it.

Luật sư uy tín tư vấn kết hôn có yếu tố nước ngoài | Chân Dung Cuộc Sống - 0 views

    Công ty luật The Light đã được thành lập bởi một đội ngũ luật sư uy tín có nhiều năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực tư vấn pháp lý, tư vấn đầu tư, thương mại, sở hữu trí tuệ, giải quyết tranh chấp đất đai, bất động sản, tài chính, ngân hàng, tư vấn hôn nhân đặc biệt kết hôn có yếu tố nước ngoài.
Chiki Smith

The Handbook of Cheating Changed The Way I Want My Marriage to Work - 1 views

My hubby and I were married for 2 years but we have been with each other for seven years before we got married. So, it was devastating when I discovered he is cheating on me with his co-worker. I r...

relationships advice

started by Chiki Smith on 15 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Adam Skinner

Christmas - 0 views

shared by Adam Skinner on 16 Apr 08 - Cached
  • Christ's TRUE followers or disciples called themselves "Followers of The Way" or "Those True to The Covenant" (Nazrim ha-Brit), NOT christians.
  • This is directly opposed to the true teaching of Christ who says that YOU must NOT go to church (Matthew 6:5-6 where synagogue means all churches)
    • Adam Skinner
      Mat 6:5-6 is talking about prayer, not congregation. He's also talking about the reason that these hypocrites are praying, not where they're praying. By the logic propsed on this site, Christ also says YOU must NOT go to street corners as well. Manifest absurdity.
  • doctrine of the Nicolaitanes
    • Adam Skinner
      JFB has this to say on the subject: "Compare Rev_2:14, Rev_2:15, which shows the true sense of Nicolaitanes; they are not a sect, but professing Christians who, like Balaam of old. tried to introduce into the Church a false freedom, that is, licentiousness; "
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • imagine or theorize on what Christ would like or not like
    • Adam Skinner
      As the author of this document clearly has a proclivity for. This whole theology is riddled with claims lacking any scriptural basis.
  • Also, if you take the word CONIFER, which is the name given to the family of trees to which the Christmas (Fir) tree belongs, and split the word in two, you get: CON-IFER CON - Satan is known as the biggest con-artist ever. He invented it. IFER - The last half of Lucifer's name. HE'S LAUGHING AT ALL OF US RIGHT NOW!
    • Adam Skinner
      This kind of nonsequitor is actually very common in the church at large, and I'm not surprised to find it here. As though the english word for a tree was somehow a mockery for Satan's masterminding the remembrance of the very birth of Jesus Christ. Not to mention that the connection itself is flimsy at best. The author would have done better to simply keep quiet than make such claims.

Power of life by spiritual way - 0 views

    A successful man needs three types of power physical, mental and spiritual. There are lots of ways to get mental and physical power but what about Spiritual power? How one could get spiritual power? There are lot of ways mentioned in our Vedas like Dhyan,kendar,sadhna but in today's hectic life nobody have enough time to do such practises so the option left is of wearing gemstones,malas and rudrakshas. There are lot of products like Ardhanareshwar Mala, Brahmaghayan Mala,Saturn Siddha Mala etc. But the questions arise that what kind of benefits one can get from wearing which mala. For ex. Ardhanareshwar Mala is most useful for wanting harmony and unity as well as invokes great friendship with others. It is highly recommended for husband and wife wanting a harmonized relationship. For more details click on the title……………….

Magic of Siddha Mala - 0 views

    Siddha Mala is one of the strongest products of Rudraksha Power. There are several types of Siddha Mala available here. Like we have Gayatri Siddha Mala, Karya Siddhi Mala, Siddha Mala (Love-Affection), Grah Shanti Siddha Mala, Ketu Siddha Mala. There are various advantages of this type of Siddha Mala.Gayatri Siddha Mala helps you to avoid financial problems, and have a peaceful life, Stability in life, Fearlessness about future. Wealth and health improvement, Leadership quality and many more. Like that Karya Siddha Mala helps you in career success. Both finances and health are in command of the wearer. Smooth completion of work is the quality of this mala. There are several more products like that. For more details click on the title…………..

Rudrakshas Provide spiritual as well as material energies - 0 views

    Rudraksha gives you several benefits and 18 Face Rudraksha is one of the rarest and powerful rudraksha. It provides spiritual as well as material energies related to protection, strength, success and removal of fear and worries. Like this 19 Face Rudraksha gives you an armor protecting wearer from blows, adversities, wrong thoughts, deeds, and the disease of the human ego. There are several rarest rudraksha like 19 Face Rudraksha, 20 Face Rudraksha, 21 Face Rudraksha and Trijuti Rudraksha. For more details click on the title…………

Collector Size Beads make you happy and revival. Here is the story - 0 views

    Collector size beads like one Face Bestows happiness and revival from the miseries arising from loss of wealth. Prosperity or richness, luck, fortunes grow whenever it is venerated in House or put in the body in the form of necklace. The second product Two Face gives source of fertility in all living beings and the blessings of marital felicity. Fulfillment of material desires between husband and wife along with unity and love between each other. There are several products like that which will make you happy and powerful. For more products follow the like or click on the title………………

Products (General size Rudrakshas) of Rudraksha Power - 0 views

    On my previous bookmarks you can find various type of solution by spiritual way but now I am going to give you details of products those are made by Rudraksha. And these products will help you in your life. The first category of the product is General size Rudrakshas. In this category we have several types of beads like One Face, Two Face, Three Face, Four Face, Five Face, Six Face, Seven Face, Eight Face, Nine Face, Ten Face and many more. One Face bestows happiness and revival from the miseries arising from loss of wealth. Prosperity or richness, luck, fortunes grow wherever it is venerated in House or put on it the body in the form of necklace. Like that Two Face gives source of fertility in all living beings and the blessings of marital felicity. Like that various good things are available. For finding all about that follow the title and you can find many things which will help you in your life. Just a click away……….

Good Luck!! Good Luck!! But How?? Have a look on it - 0 views

    Good Luck wising is a fashion now-a-days. But having good luck is not obvious in a person's life. If a man wanted to make his chances by spiritual way then here is the perfect solution. Here are so many products which will help you in every walk of life. The first one is Love Talisman. This pendant promotes unity and harmony. Pearl increases both inner and outer beauty, facial luster and charm. Pearl brings good luck, inspires love and eliminates melancholy, increases enthusiasm and vitality. There are several more like that as Agni Talisman, Brahma Talisman, Devamani Talisman, Ganesh Talisman, Kamadeva Talisman, Hanuman Talisman and Surya Talisman. These are all for your good luck. Like Surya Talisman. The wearer gets the quality of the sun- to rule and to move continuously with brilliant radiance and strength. It gives happiness, popularity and material gains; it removes worry, suspicion, guilty, fear and all kinds of physical and mental illness. For more details follow the title

Super Powerful Bracelets will make you best out of the rest - 0 views

    Becoming powerful is one of the desires of a man. But how is it possible. Here we are giving you some ideas. We can make it possible with the help of Super Power Bracelets. We have several types of Bracelets like Siddha Bracelet with Crystals, Siddha bracelet with Silver caps, Siddha Bracelet with Navratnas and Siddha Bracelet in thread. Siddha Bracelet with Crystals will help you in removing karmic and planetary negativity and attracts auspiciousness and abundance. While Siddha Bracelet with Silver caps removes karmic and planetary negative and attracts auspiciousness and abound. There is several more things like that. For more details click on the title………..
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