If there has been a death, tell your friend that you are sorry about their loss.
Be sure to show genuine sympathy, concern and sensitivity.
Look for ways you can help in real, tangible ways. House cleaning? Yardwork? etc.
Coping: Ask God to give you the grace to be all you can be for your loved one or friend. Pray for love and patience. Your loved ones will need you now more than they have ever needed you.
The best thing you can do for your loved one who is suffering is to be there for them and to help them prepare for that day. A question to ask is "Are you ready to meet your Creator?" If he or she answers no, then you have a great opportunity to tell your friend that the Creators greatest desire is for us to have a personal relationship with Him.
Re-Wired to Please God - 0 views
Magic of Siddha Mala - 0 views
Siddha Mala is one of the strongest products of Rudraksha Power. There are several types of Siddha Mala available here. Like we have Gayatri Siddha Mala, Karya Siddhi Mala, Siddha Mala (Love-Affection), Grah Shanti Siddha Mala, Ketu Siddha Mala. There are various advantages of this type of Siddha Mala.Gayatri Siddha Mala helps you to avoid financial problems, and have a peaceful life, Stability in life, Fearlessness about future. Wealth and health improvement, Leadership quality and many more. Like that Karya Siddha Mala helps you in career success. Both finances and health are in command of the wearer. Smooth completion of work is the quality of this mala. There are several more products like that. For more details click on the title…………..
Christians - Do visit the church on sunday - 0 views
One of the 'Ten Commandments' is "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy…." In the old days, the Jewish people set aside a day in which they did not work, a day to worship. That used to be on Saturday. Today we worship on Sunday. That was it. Nothing about the real 'why' behind the Sabbath or 'how' to do Sabbath
Witnessing to People Who are Hurting * EffectiveEvangelism.com at ChristianAnswers.Net - 0 views
we need to show a deep empathy for the person who has been through suffering as we gently take them through the Law. This may take a little practice, but it is something in which each of us must become proficient, if we want to see the lost come the Christ. This is how to best handle the sensitive issue of witnessing to someone who is hurting. Tell him that you are sorry about his loss. Again, make sure that you show genuine sensitivity, then do what a surgeon would do with a severed jugular vein. Turn immediately to the serious issue at hand - the person's salvation. Unless he was a Christian, stay clear of any talk about whether or not the loved one who died went to Heaven or Hell, by saying that God is good and that He will do that which is right on Judgment Day.
Say something like, "When we are confronted with the issue of death, it can often make us think about the issues of God, and about our own eternal salvation. Do you ever think about God? Do you consider yourself to be a good person?" Then gently take him through the Law. If there is any offence, apologize and change the subject. But more than likely you will find that by talking about his personal salvation, it will be like a complete subject change, and therefore there wont be offensive. If he is bitter at God and that is hindering him from opening his heart, gently let them know that many people have suffered terrible losses in this life, and they have let that suffering bring them to the Cross, and consequently to everlasting life. An analogy that may be helpful is to say that if someone offers to lift you out of quicksand, don't let the fact that you don't like the color of their skin or you can't understand why they are wearing certain clothes, etc., stop you from giving your hand to your rescuer. God offers to lift us out of the quicksand of death itself. Tell him: "Let Him pull you out, and once you are saved, ask your questions. If you don't get an answer in this life, you are guaranteed to get one in the next."
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Daily Word of God: Daily Word for Thurs 6/11/2009 "Do We Really Need Boundaries?" - 0 views
Daily Word of God Devotionals are Powerful, Motivating, Practical and Inspiring. Written to Turbo-charge your day and stimulate your spiritual appetite and do "Whatever it Takes" to focus on Christ. Remember, "A cheerful heart is good medicine..." (Prov 17:22a) For Reservations at Our Fathers House, Please Enter John 3:16
Daily Word of God: Daily Word for Sat 5/9/2009 "The Blind Man part 5" - 0 views
Daily Word of God Devotionals are Powerful, Motivating, Practical and Inspiring. Written to Turbo-charge your day and stimulate your spiritual appetite and do "Whatever it Takes" to focus on Christ. Remember, "A cheerful heart is good medicine..." (Prov 17:22a) For Reservations at Our Fathers House, Please Enter John 3:16
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