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IN Too

Chosen by God, Obedient by Choice « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Each and every believer has been chosen by God to do SPECIFIC work in His Kingdom, here on earth… God's blueprint for your life is there but you will only find it if you willing to seek it out. And, you will only seek it out if you really want to serve Him.
IN Too

Be ALL you SHOULD Be | Part 2: AN IRON PILLAR « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Man has always measured success by material (financial) security and social standing and. So, the means to acquire these attributes have always been highly prized. God, however, measures success by spiritual security (salvation) and spiritual standing (righteousness), which are obtained not by human wisdom/knowledge but by faith and obedience.
IN Too

A Call for "The Little Engines" That Can't « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    God calls on those who are humble enough to recognize their complete insufficiency and hopelessness without His sustaining power… God wants to use you, BECAUSE you know you are not good enough!
IN Too

I Must Work While It Is Day « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    We can't understand how God decides the day of our death. We don't know when our own finish line will come. But we should all live in such a way that when we come to the finish line of our life there will be no unfinished business, no works our Father assigned to us that we've left undone.
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