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Pastor Jeff Lilley

Armor of God - Ephesians 6:12 - Bible Study Armor of God - 0 views

    Spiritual Warfare is very real. However, we are not helpless or without defense. To be equipped we have been given specific spiritual tools to fight the enemy. Our understanding of these tools is vital in our day to day struggles against the enemy. That is why we need to Arm ourselves and put on the Armor of God every day.
Pastor Jeff Lilley

Bible Study - Book of Daniel - Daniel 11:2 - Bible Study Book of Daniel - 0 views

    A verse by verse bible study to better understand the Apocalypse views of Revelation and find out who Daniel was and why God favored him. We like to provide a Unique, Interesting and Fun way to study the Bible. Our goal is to provide everyone with a detailed, step by step, verse by verse Bible study.
Pastor Jeff Lilley

Bible Study - Book of Daniel - Daniel 10:20-21 - Bible Study Book of Daniel - 0 views

    A verse by verse Bible study to better understand the Apocalypse views of Revelation and find out who Daniel was and why God favored him. We like to provide a Unique, Interesting and Fun way to study the Bible. Our goal is to provide everyone with a detailed, step by step, verse by verse Bible study.
José Bortolato


    Quem foi que disse que as portas estão fechadas? Um inimigo? Alguma autoridade? Pois ouça o que Cristo diz: "Estas coisas diz o Santo, o Verdadeiro, aquele que tem a chave de Davi, que abre e ninguém fecha; e que fecha e ninguém abre..." (Apocalipse 3:7) Esta autoridade é a autoridade real,
    Ezra, Jerusalem, God, Temple, return to, Artaxerxes, king of Persia, letter, presents.
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